During rendering, make cropping a caller responsibility to permit last-minute cropping and better support for layers; update rogue demo; add centerAbout; export Context and its lenses; use better box layout for demo UI

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Daugherty 2015-06-07 18:37:36 -07:00
parent e05f92f3f3
commit 999d45a632
6 changed files with 57 additions and 32 deletions

View File

@ -41,16 +41,16 @@ drawUI :: St -> [Render]
drawUI st = [a]
(bsName, bs) = styles !! (st^.stBorderStyle)
box = borderWithLabel bs bsName $
(hLimit 25 (
vBox [ (vLimit 1 $ useAttr (cyan `on` blue) $ drawEditor (st^.stEditor), High)
, (hBorder bs, Low)
, (vLimit 10 $ drawList (st^.stList), High)
a = translate (st^.stTrans) $
vCenter $
(hCenter $ borderWithLabel bs bsName $
(hLimit 25 (
(vLimit 1 $ useAttr (cyan `on` blue) $ drawEditor (st^.stEditor))
hBorder bs
(vLimit 10 $ drawList (st^.stList))
(hCenter box)
(vLimit 1 $ vPad ' ')

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main where
import Graphics.Vty
import Graphics.Vty hiding (translate)
import Data.Array
import Data.Default (def)
@ -12,7 +12,11 @@ import Control.Monad
import System.Random
import System.Exit
import Brick
import Brick.Main
import Brick.Render
import Brick.Border
import Brick.Core
import Brick.Center
data Player = Player
{ playerCoord :: Coord
@ -113,17 +117,17 @@ movePlayer world dx dy = do
EmptySpace -> world { player = Player (x',y') }
_ -> world
updateDisplay :: World -> [Widget]
updateDisplay :: World -> [Render]
updateDisplay world = [ info, playerLayer, geoLayer ]
info = vBox [ hCentered $ txt "Move with the arrows keys. Press ESC to exit."
, hBorder '-'
info = vBox [ (hCenter $ txt "Move with the arrows keys. Press ESC to exit.", High)
, (hBorder ascii, High)
(px, py) = playerCoord $ player world
playerLoc = Location (px, py)
theLevel = level world
playerLayer = centeredAbout playerLoc $ translated playerLoc $ liftVty (char pieceA '@')
geoLayer = centeredAbout playerLoc $ liftVty $ levelGeoImage theLevel
playerLayer = centerAbout playerLoc $ translate playerLoc $ raw (char pieceA '@')
geoLayer = centerAbout playerLoc $ raw $ levelGeoImage theLevel
imageForGeo :: LevelPiece -> Image
imageForGeo EmptySpace = char (defAttr `withBackColor` green) ' '

View File

@ -4,10 +4,15 @@ module Brick.Center
, vCenter
, vCenterWith
, center
, centerAbout
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader
import Brick.Render
import Brick.Core
hCenter :: Render -> Render
hCenter = hCenterWith ' '
@ -31,3 +36,15 @@ vCenterWith c p =
center :: Render -> Render
center = vCenter . hCenter
centerAbout :: Location -> Render -> Render
centerAbout (Location (offW, offH)) p = do
-- Compute translation offset so that loc is in the middle of the
-- rendering area
c <- ask
let centerW = c^.w `div` 2
centerH = c^.h `div` 2
off = Location ( centerW - offW
, centerH - offH
translate off p

View File

@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ drawList :: List e -> Render
drawList l = theList
theList = viewport "list" Vertical $ body
body = (vBox pairs <<= vPad ' ') <<+ hPad ' '
body = (vBox pairs <=> vPad ' ') <+> hPad ' '
pairs = (, High) <$> (drawListElements l)
drawListElements :: List e -> [Render]

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Brick.Render
( Render
, Context, w, h
, Priority(..)
, (=>>), (<<=), (<=>)
, (+>>), (<<+), (<+>)

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Brick.Render.Internal
, Priority(..)
, renderFinal
, Render
, Context, w, h
, ViewportType(..)
@ -114,7 +115,7 @@ renderFinal :: [Render]
-> (RenderState, V.Picture, Maybe CursorLocation)
renderFinal layerRenders sz chooseCursor rs = (newRS, pic, theCursor)
(layerResults, newRS) = flip runState rs $ sequence $ (\p -> runReaderT p ctx) <$> layerRenders
(layerResults, newRS) = flip runState rs $ sequence $ (\p -> runReaderT p ctx) <$> (cropToContext <$> layerRenders)
ctx = Context V.defAttr (fst sz) (snd sz)
pic = V.picForLayers $ uncurry V.resize sz <$> (^.image) <$> layerResults
layerCursors = (^.cursors) <$> layerResults
@ -137,9 +138,7 @@ unrestricted = 1000
txt :: String -> Render
txt s = do
c <- ask
return $ if c^.w > 0 && c^.h > 0
then def & image .~ (V.crop (c^.w) (c^.h) $ V.string (c^.attr) s)
else def
return $ def & image .~ (V.string (c^.attr) s)
hPad :: Char -> Render
hPad ch = do
@ -179,8 +178,7 @@ hBox pairs = do
heightPerLow = maximum $ (^._2.image.(to V.imageHeight)) <$> renderedHis
renderLow (i, (prim, _)) =
let padding = (if i == 0 then padFirst else 0)
in (i,) <$> (withReaderT (\v -> v & w .~ widthPerLow + padding
& h .~ heightPerLow) prim)
in (i,) <$> (vLimit heightPerLow $ hLimit (widthPerLow + padding) $ cropToContext prim)
renderedLows <- mapM renderLow lows
@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ hBox pairs = do
offWidth = sum $ take i allWidths
in (addCursorOffset off result)^.cursors
return $ Result (V.horizCat allImages) (concat allTranslatedCursors) (concat allTranslatedVRs)
cropToContext $ return $ Result (V.horizCat allImages) (concat allTranslatedCursors) (concat allTranslatedVRs)
vBox :: [(Render, Priority)] -> Render
vBox pairs = do
@ -217,8 +215,7 @@ vBox pairs = do
widthPerLow = maximum $ (^._2.image.(to V.imageWidth)) <$> renderedHis
renderLow (i, (prim, _)) =
let padding = if i == 0 then padFirst else 0
in (i,) <$> (withReaderT (\v -> v & w .~ widthPerLow
& h .~ (heightPerLow + padding)) prim)
in (i,) <$> (vLimit (heightPerLow + padding) $ hLimit widthPerLow $ cropToContext prim)
renderedLows <- mapM renderLow lows
@ -235,15 +232,15 @@ vBox pairs = do
offHeight = sum $ take i allHeights
in (addCursorOffset off result)^.cursors
return $ Result (V.vertCat allImages) (concat allTranslatedCursors) (concat allTranslatedVRs)
cropToContext $ return $ Result (V.vertCat allImages) (concat allTranslatedCursors) (concat allTranslatedVRs)
-- xxx crop cursors and VRs
hLimit :: Int -> Render -> Render
hLimit w' = withReaderT (& w .~ w')
hLimit w' p = withReaderT (& w .~ w') $ cropToContext p
-- xxx crop cursors and VRs
vLimit :: Int -> Render -> Render
vLimit h' = withReaderT (& h .~ h')
vLimit h' p = withReaderT (& h .~ h') $ cropToContext p
useAttr :: V.Attr -> Render -> Render
useAttr a = withReaderT (& attr .~ a)
@ -252,16 +249,22 @@ raw :: V.Image -> Render
raw img = do
c <- ask
return $ if c^.w > 0 && c^.h > 0
then def & image .~ (V.crop (c^.w) (c^.h) img)
then def & image .~ img
else def
-- xxx find another name that doesn't clash with Vty's translate function
translate :: Location -> Render -> Render
translate (Location (tw,th)) p = do
result <- p
c <- ask
return $ addCursorOffset (Location (tw, th)) $
addVisibilityOffset (Location (tw, th)) $
result & image %~ (V.crop (c^.w) (c^.h) . V.translate tw th)
result & image %~ (V.translate tw th)
cropToContext :: Render -> Render
cropToContext p = do
result <- p
c <- ask
return $ result & image %~ (V.crop (c^.w) (c^.h))
cropLeftBy :: Int -> Render -> Render
cropLeftBy cols p = do
@ -347,7 +350,7 @@ viewport vpname typ p = do
-- Return the translated result with the visibility requests
-- discarded
return $ translated & visibilityRequests .~ mempty
cropToContext $ return $ translated & visibilityRequests .~ mempty
scrollToView :: ViewportType -> VisibilityRequest -> Viewport -> Viewport
scrollToView typ rq vp = vp & theStart .~ newStart