mirror of
synced 2024-12-01 17:32:52 +03:00
Finish most proof of concept internals updates for EventM changes
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | Note - this API is designed to support a narrow (but common!) set
-- of use cases. If you find that you need more customization than this
-- offers, then you will need to consider building your own layout and
@ -85,6 +86,7 @@ module Brick.Forms
import Control.Monad.State (gets, get, put, modify)
import Graphics.Vty hiding (showCursor)
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid
@ -103,6 +105,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Text.Read (readMaybe)
import Lens.Micro
import Lens.Micro.Mtl
-- | A form field. This represents an interactive input field in the
-- form. Its user input is validated and thus converted into a type of
@ -138,7 +141,7 @@ data FormField a b e n =
-- ^ A function to render this form field. Parameters are
-- whether the field is currently focused, followed by the
-- field state.
, formFieldHandleEvent :: BrickEvent n e -> b -> EventM n b
, formFieldHandleEvent :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n b ()
-- ^ An event handler for this field. This receives the
-- event and the field state and returns a new field
-- state.
@ -216,6 +219,8 @@ data Form s e n =
-- ^ Concatenation function for this form's field renderings.
suffixLenses ''Form
-- | Compose a new rendering augmentation function with the one in the
-- form field collection. For example, we might put a label on the left
-- side of a form field:
@ -328,9 +333,9 @@ checkboxCustomField :: (Ord n, Show n)
checkboxCustomField lb check rb stLens name label initialState =
let initVal = initialState ^. stLens
handleEvent (MouseDown n _ _ _) s | n == name = return $ not s
handleEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar ' ') [])) s = return $ not s
handleEvent _ s = return s
handleEvent (MouseDown n _ _ _) | n == name = modify not
handleEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar ' ') [])) = modify not
handleEvent _ = return ()
in FormFieldState { formFieldState = initVal
, formFields = [ FormField name Just True
@ -385,8 +390,8 @@ listField options stLens renderItem itemHeight name initialState =
Just e -> listMoveToElement e l
setList s l = s & stLens .~ (snd <$> listSelectedElement l)
handleEvent (VtyEvent e) s = handleListEvent e s
handleEvent _ s = return s
handleEvent (VtyEvent e) = handleListEvent e
handleEvent _ = return ()
in FormFieldState { formFieldState = initVal
, formFields = [ FormField name Just True
@ -447,12 +452,12 @@ radioCustomField lb check rb stLens options initialState =
[(val, _, _)] -> Just val
_ -> Nothing
handleEvent _ (MouseDown n _ _ _) s =
handleEvent _ (MouseDown n _ _ _) =
case lookupOptionValue n of
Nothing -> return s
Just v -> return v
handleEvent new (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar ' ') [])) _ = return new
handleEvent _ _ s = return s
Nothing -> return ()
Just v -> put v
handleEvent new (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar ' ') [])) = put new
handleEvent _ _ = return ()
optionFields = mkOptionField <$> options
mkOptionField (val, name, label) =
@ -755,44 +760,30 @@ renderFormFieldState fr (FormFieldState st _ _ fields helper concatFields) =
-- lens. The external validation flag is ignored during this step to
-- ensure that external validators have a chance to get the intermediate
-- validated value.
handleFormEvent :: (Eq n) => BrickEvent n e -> Form s e n -> EventM n (Form s e n)
handleFormEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '\t') [])) f =
return $ f { formFocus = focusNext $ formFocus f }
handleFormEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey KBackTab [])) f =
return $ f { formFocus = focusPrev $ formFocus f }
handleFormEvent e@(MouseDown n _ _ _) f =
handleFormFieldEvent n e $ f { formFocus = focusSetCurrent n (formFocus f) }
handleFormEvent e@(MouseUp n _ _) f =
handleFormFieldEvent n e $ f { formFocus = focusSetCurrent n (formFocus f) }
handleFormEvent e@(VtyEvent (EvKey KUp [])) f =
case focusGetCurrent (formFocus f) of
Nothing -> return f
Just n ->
case getFocusGrouping f n of
Nothing -> forwardToCurrent e f
Just grp -> return $ f { formFocus = focusSetCurrent (entryBefore grp n) (formFocus f) }
handleFormEvent e@(VtyEvent (EvKey KDown [])) f =
case focusGetCurrent (formFocus f) of
Nothing -> return f
Just n ->
case getFocusGrouping f n of
Nothing -> forwardToCurrent e f
Just grp -> return $ f { formFocus = focusSetCurrent (entryAfter grp n) (formFocus f) }
handleFormEvent e@(VtyEvent (EvKey KLeft [])) f =
case focusGetCurrent (formFocus f) of
Nothing -> return f
Just n ->
case getFocusGrouping f n of
Nothing -> forwardToCurrent e f
Just grp -> return $ f { formFocus = focusSetCurrent (entryBefore grp n) (formFocus f) }
handleFormEvent e@(VtyEvent (EvKey KRight [])) f =
case focusGetCurrent (formFocus f) of
Nothing -> return f
Just n ->
case getFocusGrouping f n of
Nothing -> forwardToCurrent e f
Just grp -> return $ f { formFocus = focusSetCurrent (entryAfter grp n) (formFocus f) }
handleFormEvent e f = forwardToCurrent e f
handleFormEvent :: (Eq n) => BrickEvent n e -> EventM n (Form s e n) ()
handleFormEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey (KChar '\t') [])) =
formFocusL %= focusNext
handleFormEvent (VtyEvent (EvKey KBackTab [])) =
formFocusL %= focusPrev
handleFormEvent e@(MouseDown n _ _ _) = do
formFocusL %= focusSetCurrent n
handleFormFieldEvent n e
handleFormEvent e@(MouseUp n _ _) = do
formFocusL %= focusSetCurrent n
handleFormFieldEvent n e
handleFormEvent e@(VtyEvent (EvKey KUp [])) =
withFocusAndGrouping e $ \n grp ->
formFocusL %= focusSetCurrent (entryBefore grp n)
handleFormEvent e@(VtyEvent (EvKey KDown [])) =
withFocusAndGrouping e $ \n grp ->
formFocusL %= focusSetCurrent (entryAfter grp n)
handleFormEvent e@(VtyEvent (EvKey KLeft [])) =
withFocusAndGrouping e $ \n grp ->
formFocusL %= focusSetCurrent (entryBefore grp n)
handleFormEvent e@(VtyEvent (EvKey KRight [])) =
withFocusAndGrouping e $ \n grp ->
formFocusL %= focusSetCurrent (entryAfter grp n)
handleFormEvent e = forwardToCurrent e
getFocusGrouping :: (Eq n) => Form s e n -> n -> Maybe [n]
getFocusGrouping f n = findGroup (formFieldStates f)
@ -816,16 +807,32 @@ entryBefore as a =
i' = if i == 0 then length as - 1 else i - 1
in as !! i'
forwardToCurrent :: (Eq n) => BrickEvent n e -> Form s e n -> EventM n (Form s e n)
forwardToCurrent e f =
case focusGetCurrent (formFocus f) of
Nothing -> return f
Just n -> handleFormFieldEvent n e f
withFocusAndGrouping :: (Eq n) => BrickEvent n e -> (n -> [n] -> EventM n (Form s e n) ()) -> EventM n (Form s e n) ()
withFocusAndGrouping e act = do
foc <- gets formFocus
case focusGetCurrent foc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just n -> do
f <- get
case getFocusGrouping f n of
Nothing -> forwardToCurrent e
Just grp -> act n grp
handleFormFieldEvent :: (Eq n) => n -> BrickEvent n e -> Form s e n -> EventM n (Form s e n)
handleFormFieldEvent n ev f = findFieldState [] (formFieldStates f)
findFieldState _ [] = return f
withFocus :: (n -> EventM n (Form s e n) ()) -> EventM n (Form s e n) ()
withFocus act = do
foc <- gets formFocus
case focusGetCurrent foc of
Nothing -> return ()
Just n -> act n
forwardToCurrent :: (Eq n) => BrickEvent n e -> EventM n (Form s e n) ()
forwardToCurrent e =
withFocus $ \n -> do
handleFormFieldEvent n e
handleFormFieldEvent :: (Eq n) => n -> BrickEvent n e -> EventM n (Form s e n) ()
handleFormFieldEvent n ev = do
let findFieldState _ [] = return ()
findFieldState prev (e:es) =
case e of
FormFieldState st stLens upd fields helper concatAll -> do
@ -833,7 +840,7 @@ handleFormFieldEvent n ev f = findFieldState [] (formFieldStates f)
findField (field:rest) =
case field of
FormField n' validate _ _ handleFunc | n == n' -> do
nextSt <- handleFunc ev st
nextSt <- runEventMWithState st (handleFunc ev)
-- If the new state validates, go ahead and update
-- the form state with it.
case validate nextSt of
@ -844,10 +851,12 @@ handleFormFieldEvent n ev f = findFieldState [] (formFieldStates f)
result <- findField fields
case result of
Nothing -> findFieldState (prev <> [e]) es
Just (newSt, maybeSt) ->
Just (newSt, maybeSt) -> do
let newFieldState = FormFieldState newSt stLens upd fields helper concatAll
in return $ f { formFieldStates = prev <> [newFieldState] <> es
, formState = case maybeSt of
Nothing -> formState f
Just s -> formState f & stLens .~ s
formFieldStatesL .= prev <> [newFieldState] <> es
case maybeSt of
Nothing -> return ()
Just s -> formStateL.stLens .= s
states <- gets formFieldStates
findFieldState [] states
@ -9,7 +9,6 @@ module Brick.Main
, simpleApp
-- * Event handler functions
, continue
, continueWithoutRedraw
, halt
, suspendAndResume
@ -168,7 +167,7 @@ simpleApp w =
-- value for simple applications using the 'Event' type that do not need
-- to get more sophisticated user input.
resizeOrQuit :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n s ()
resizeOrQuit (VtyEvent (EvResize _ _)) = continue
resizeOrQuit (VtyEvent (EvResize _ _)) = return ()
resizeOrQuit _ = halt
data InternalNext n a = InternalSuspendAndResume (RenderState n) (IO a)
@ -557,12 +556,6 @@ viewportScroll n =
, setLeft = \i -> addScrollRequest (n, SetLeft i)
-- | Continue running the event loop with the specified application
-- state.
continue :: EventM n s ()
continue =
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \es -> es { nextAction = Continue }
-- | Continue running the event loop with the specified application
-- state without redrawing the screen. This is faster than 'continue'
-- because it skips the redraw, but the drawback is that you need to
@ -34,6 +34,7 @@ module Brick.Types
, BrickEvent(..)
, handleEventLensed
, updateWithLens
, runEventMWithState
-- * Rendering infrastructure
, RenderM
@ -97,6 +98,7 @@ where
import Lens.Micro (_1, _2, to, (^.), (&), (.~), Lens')
import Lens.Micro.Type (Getting)
import Lens.Micro.Mtl ((.=), use)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadThrow, MonadCatch, MonadMask)
#if !MIN_VERSION_base(4,13,0)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
@ -131,6 +133,41 @@ handleEventLensed :: Lens' s a
handleEventLensed target handleEvent ev =
updateWithLens target (handleEvent ev)
runEventMWithState :: a
-- ^ The lens to use to extract and store the state
-- mutated by the action.
-> EventM n a ()
-- ^ The action to run.
-> EventM n s a
runEventMWithState s' act = do
ro <- EventM ask
s <- EventM $ lift get
let stInner = ES { applicationState = s'
, nextAction = Continue
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests s
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests s
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames s
((), stInnerFinal) <- liftIO $ runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM act) ro) stInner
(nextAct, finalSt) <- case nextAction stInnerFinal of
Continue ->
return (Continue, applicationState stInnerFinal)
ContinueWithoutRedraw ->
return (ContinueWithoutRedraw, applicationState stInnerFinal)
Halt ->
return (Halt, applicationState stInnerFinal)
SuspendAndResume act' -> do
s'' <- liftIO act'
return (Continue, s'')
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \st -> st { nextAction = nextAct
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests stInnerFinal
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests stInnerFinal
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames stInnerFinal
return finalSt
updateWithLens :: Lens' s a
-- ^ The lens to use to extract and store the state
-- mutated by the action.
@ -138,16 +175,9 @@ updateWithLens :: Lens' s a
-- ^ The action to run.
-> EventM n s ()
updateWithLens target act = do
ro <- EventM ask
s <- EventM $ lift get
let stInner = ES { applicationState = (applicationState s)^.target
, nextAction = Continue
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests s
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests s
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames s
((), stInnerFinal) <- liftIO $ runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM act) ro) stInner
EventM $ lift $ put $ s { applicationState = applicationState s & target .~ applicationState stInnerFinal }
val <- use target
val' <- runEventMWithState val act
target .= val'
-- | The monad in which event handlers run. Although it may be tempting
-- to dig into the reader value yourself, just use
Reference in New Issue
Block a user