Table: improve API

This commit is contained in:
Jonathan Daugherty 2021-01-31 19:19:16 -08:00
parent 448cc6d126
commit c6a112e1a0
2 changed files with 46 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -9,12 +9,17 @@ import Brick
import Brick.Widgets.Table
ui :: Widget ()
ui = table [AlignLeft, AlignCenter, AlignRight]
[ [txt "Left", txt "Center", txt "Right"]
, [txt "X", txt "Some things", txt "A"]
, [txt "Y", txt "are", txt "B"]
, [txt "Z", txt "centered", txt "C"]
ui = renderTable myTable
myTable :: Table ()
myTable =
alignCenter 1 $
alignRight 2 $
table [ [txt "Left", txt "Center", txt "Right"]
, [txt "X", txt "Some things", txt "A"]
, [txt "Y", txt "are", txt "B"]
, [txt "Z", txt "centered", txt "C"]
main :: IO ()
main = simpleMain ui

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@ -1,11 +1,16 @@
module Brick.Widgets.Table
( ColumnAlignment(..)
( Table
, ColumnAlignment(..)
, table
, alignRight
, alignCenter
, renderTable
import Control.Monad (forM)
import Data.List (transpose, intersperse)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Graphics.Vty (imageHeight, imageWidth)
import Brick.Types
@ -19,10 +24,33 @@ data ColumnAlignment =
| AlignRight
deriving (Eq, Show, Read)
table :: [ColumnAlignment] -> [[Widget n]] -> Widget n
table _ [] = emptyWidget
table aligns rows =
data Table n =
Table { columnAlignments :: M.Map Int ColumnAlignment
, tableRows :: [[Widget n]]
table :: [[Widget n]] -> Table n
table rows =
Table { columnAlignments = mempty
, tableRows = rows
alignRight :: Int -> Table n -> Table n
alignRight col =
setAlignment col AlignRight
alignCenter :: Int -> Table n -> Table n
alignCenter col =
setAlignment col AlignCenter
setAlignment :: Int -> ColumnAlignment -> Table n -> Table n
setAlignment col a t =
t { columnAlignments = M.insert col a (columnAlignments t) }
renderTable :: Table n -> Widget n
renderTable t =
joinBorders $ border $ Widget Fixed Fixed $ do
let rows = tableRows t
cellResults <- forM rows $ mapM render
let rowHeights = rowHeight <$> cellResults
colWidths = colWidth <$> byColumn
@ -40,14 +68,15 @@ table aligns rows =
AlignRight -> render $
padLeft (Pad (width - imageWidth (image result))) $
toW result
mkColumn (align, width, colCells) = do
mkColumn (colIdx, width, colCells) = do
let align = M.findWithDefault AlignLeft colIdx (columnAlignments t)
paddedCells <- forM (zip rowHeights colCells) $ \(height, cell) ->
render $ maybeAlign align width $
padBottom (Pad (height - (imageHeight $ image cell)))
(toW cell)
render $ vBox $ intersperse (hLimit width hBorder) $
toW <$> paddedCells
columns <- mapM mkColumn $ zip3 aligns colWidths byColumn
columns <- mapM mkColumn $ zip3 [0..] colWidths byColumn
render $ hBox $
intersperse (vLimit (totalHeight + (length rows - 1)) vBorder) $
toW <$> columns