mirror of
synced 2024-12-28 16:34:45 +03:00
API changes: get rid of InternalSuspendAndResume, make suspendAndResume immediate
This change refactors the internal book-keeping for the Vty context (Vty handle, event forwarding thread, and Vty builder) so that we could get rid of the InternalHalt / InternalSuspendAndResume mess. This change also made suspendAndResume immediate rather than deferring the suspension of Vty until after the event handler terminated. This may have important consequences for applications that assumed the function was not immediate. Now, it will *immediately* shut down the Vty context and execute the specified action. This leads to a more natural and sane behavior. This change also introduced a more generic "Brick.Main.suspendAndResume'" function that can execute any IO action and return its result, which is useful when you want to do some work that has nothing specifically to do with the EventM state type.
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module Brick.Main
, continueWithoutRedraw
, halt
, suspendAndResume
, suspendAndResume'
, makeVisible
, lookupViewport
, lookupExtent
@ -171,41 +172,35 @@ resizeOrQuit :: BrickEvent n e -> EventM n s ()
resizeOrQuit (VtyEvent (EvResize _ _)) = return ()
resizeOrQuit _ = halt
data InternalNext n a = InternalSuspendAndResume (RenderState n) (IO a)
| InternalHalt a
readBrickEvent :: BChan (BrickEvent n e) -> BChan e -> IO (BrickEvent n e)
readBrickEvent brickChan userChan = either id AppEvent <$> readBChan2 brickChan userChan
runWithVty :: (Ord n)
=> Vty
=> VtyContext
-> BChan (BrickEvent n e)
-> Maybe (BChan e)
-> App s e n
-> RenderState n
-> s
-> IO (InternalNext n s)
runWithVty vty brickChan mUserChan app initialRS initialSt = do
pid <- forkIO $ supplyVtyEvents vty brickChan
-> IO (s, VtyContext)
runWithVty vtyCtx brickChan mUserChan app initialRS initialSt = do
let readEvent = case mUserChan of
Nothing -> readBChan brickChan
Just uc -> readBrickEvent brickChan uc
runInner rs es draw st = do
runInner ctx rs es draw st = do
let nextRS = if draw
then resetRenderState rs
else rs
(nextSt, result, newRS, newExtents) <- runVty vty readEvent app st nextRS es draw
(nextSt, result, newRS, newExtents, newCtx) <- runVty ctx readEvent app st nextRS es draw
case result of
SuspendAndResume act -> do
killThread pid
return $ InternalSuspendAndResume newRS act
Halt -> do
killThread pid
return $ InternalHalt nextSt
Continue -> runInner newRS newExtents True nextSt
Halt ->
return (nextSt, newCtx)
Continue ->
runInner newCtx newRS newExtents True nextSt
ContinueWithoutRedraw ->
runInner newRS newExtents False nextSt
runInner initialRS mempty True initialSt
runInner newCtx newRS newExtents False nextSt
runInner vtyCtx initialRS mempty True initialSt
-- | The custom event loop entry point to use when the simpler ones
-- don't permit enough control. Returns the final application state
@ -265,20 +260,18 @@ customMainWithVty :: (Ord n)
-- ^ The initial application state.
-> IO (s, Vty)
customMainWithVty initialVty buildVty mUserChan app initialAppState = do
let run vty rs st brickChan = do
result <- runWithVty vty brickChan mUserChan app rs st
`E.catch` (\(e::E.SomeException) -> shutdown vty >> E.throw e)
case result of
InternalHalt s -> return (s, vty)
InternalSuspendAndResume newRS action -> do
shutdown vty
newAppState <- action
newVty <- buildVty
run newVty (newRS { renderCache = mempty }) newAppState brickChan
brickChan <- newBChan 20
vtyCtx <- newVtyContext buildVty (Just initialVty) (writeBChan brickChan . VtyEvent)
let emptyES = ES [] mempty mempty initialAppState Continue
let emptyES = ES { esScrollRequests = []
, cacheInvalidateRequests = mempty
, requestedVisibleNames = mempty
, applicationState = initialAppState
, nextAction = Continue
, vtyContext = vtyCtx
emptyRS = RS M.empty mempty S.empty mempty mempty mempty mempty
eventRO = EventRO M.empty initialVty mempty emptyRS
eventRO = EventRO M.empty mempty emptyRS
((), eState) <- runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM (appStartEvent app)) eventRO) emptyES
let initialRS = RS { viewportMap = M.empty
@ -289,27 +282,57 @@ customMainWithVty initialVty buildVty mUserChan app initialAppState = do
, requestedVisibleNames_ = requestedVisibleNames eState
, reportedExtents = mempty
brickChan <- newBChan 20
run initialVty initialRS (applicationState eState) brickChan
supplyVtyEvents :: Vty -> BChan (BrickEvent n e) -> IO ()
supplyVtyEvents vty chan =
forever $ do
e <- nextEvent vty
writeBChan chan $ VtyEvent e
(s, ctx) <- runWithVty vtyCtx brickChan mUserChan app initialRS (applicationState eState)
`E.catch` (\(e::E.SomeException) -> shutdownVtyContext vtyCtx >> E.throw e)
-- Shut down the context's event thread but do NOT shut down Vty
-- itself because we want the handle to be live when we return it to
-- the caller.
shutdownVtyContextThread ctx
return (s, vtyContextHandle ctx)
supplyVtyEvents :: Vty -> (Event -> IO ()) -> IO ()
supplyVtyEvents vty putEvent =
forever $ putEvent =<< nextEvent vty
newVtyContextFrom :: VtyContext -> IO VtyContext
newVtyContextFrom old =
newVtyContext (vtyContextBuilder old) Nothing (vtyContextPutEvent old)
newVtyContext :: IO Vty -> Maybe Vty -> (Event -> IO ()) -> IO VtyContext
newVtyContext builder handle putEvent = do
vty <- case handle of
Just h -> return h
Nothing -> builder
tId <- forkIO $ supplyVtyEvents vty putEvent
return VtyContext { vtyContextHandle = vty
, vtyContextBuilder = builder
, vtyContextThread = tId
, vtyContextPutEvent = putEvent
shutdownVtyContext :: VtyContext -> IO ()
shutdownVtyContext ctx = do
shutdown $ vtyContextHandle ctx
shutdownVtyContextThread ctx
shutdownVtyContextThread :: VtyContext -> IO ()
shutdownVtyContextThread ctx =
killThread $ vtyContextThread ctx
runVty :: (Ord n)
=> Vty
=> VtyContext
-> IO (BrickEvent n e)
-> App s e n
-> s
-> RenderState n
-> [Extent n]
-> Bool
-> IO (s, NextAction s, RenderState n, [Extent n])
runVty vty readEvent app appState rs prevExtents draw = do
-> IO (s, NextAction, RenderState n, [Extent n], VtyContext)
runVty vtyCtx readEvent app appState rs prevExtents draw = do
(firstRS, exts) <- if draw
then renderApp vty app appState rs
then renderApp vtyCtx app appState rs
else return (rs, prevExtents)
e <- readEvent
@ -320,7 +343,7 @@ runVty vty readEvent app appState rs prevExtents draw = do
-- want the event handler to have access to accurate viewport
-- information.
VtyEvent (EvResize _ _) -> do
(rs', exts') <- renderApp vty app appState $ firstRS & observedNamesL .~ S.empty
(rs', exts') <- renderApp vtyCtx app appState $ firstRS & observedNamesL .~ S.empty
return (e, rs', exts')
VtyEvent (EvMouseDown c r button mods) -> do
let matching = findClickedExtents_ (c, r) exts
@ -372,8 +395,8 @@ runVty vty readEvent app appState rs prevExtents draw = do
_ -> return (e, firstRS, exts)
_ -> return (e, firstRS, exts)
let emptyES = ES [] mempty mempty appState Continue
eventRO = EventRO (viewportMap nextRS) vty nextExts nextRS
let emptyES = ES [] mempty mempty appState Continue vtyCtx
eventRO = EventRO (viewportMap nextRS) nextExts nextRS
((), eState) <- runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM (appHandleEvent app e'))
eventRO) emptyES
@ -385,6 +408,7 @@ runVty vty readEvent app appState rs prevExtents draw = do
, requestedVisibleNames_ = requestedVisibleNames eState
, nextExts
, vtyContext eState
applyInvalidations :: (Ord n) => S.Set (CacheInvalidateRequest n) -> M.Map n v -> M.Map n v
@ -439,7 +463,11 @@ findClickedExtents_ pos = reverse . filter (clickedExtent pos)
-- | Get the Vty handle currently in use.
getVtyHandle :: EventM n s Vty
getVtyHandle = EventM $ asks eventVtyHandle
getVtyHandle = vtyContextHandle <$> getVtyContext
setVtyContext :: VtyContext -> EventM n s ()
setVtyContext ctx =
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \s -> s { vtyContext = ctx }
-- | Invalidate the rendering cache entry with the specified resource
-- name.
@ -460,9 +488,9 @@ resetRenderState s =
s & observedNamesL .~ S.empty
& clickableNamesL .~ mempty
renderApp :: (Ord n) => Vty -> App s e n -> s -> RenderState n -> IO (RenderState n, [Extent n])
renderApp vty app appState rs = do
sz <- displayBounds $ outputIface vty
renderApp :: (Ord n) => VtyContext -> App s e n -> s -> RenderState n -> IO (RenderState n, [Extent n])
renderApp vtyCtx app appState rs = do
sz <- displayBounds $ outputIface $ vtyContextHandle vtyCtx
let (newRS, pic, theCursor, exts) = renderFinal (appAttrMap app appState)
(appDraw app appState)
@ -477,7 +505,7 @@ renderApp vty app appState rs = do
update vty picWithCursor
update (vtyContextHandle vtyCtx) picWithCursor
return (newRS, exts)
@ -577,16 +605,34 @@ halt =
-- | Suspend the event loop, save the terminal state, and run the
-- specified action. When it returns an application state value, restore
-- the terminal state, empty the rendering cache, redraw the application
-- from the new state, and resume the event loop.
-- the terminal state, empty the rendering cache, update the application
-- state with the returned state, and continue execution of the event
-- handler that called this.
-- Note that any changes made to the terminal's input state are ignored
-- when Brick resumes execution and are not preserved in the final
-- terminal input state after the Brick application returns the terminal
-- to the user.
suspendAndResume :: IO s -> EventM n s ()
suspendAndResume act =
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \es -> es { nextAction = SuspendAndResume act }
suspendAndResume :: (Ord n) => IO s -> EventM n s ()
suspendAndResume act = suspendAndResume' act >>= put
-- | Suspend the event loop, save the terminal state, and run the
-- specified action. When it completes, restore the terminal state,
-- empty the rendering cache, return the result, and continue execution
-- of the event handler that called this.
-- Note that any changes made to the terminal's input state are ignored
-- when Brick resumes execution and are not preserved in the final
-- terminal input state after the Brick application returns the terminal
-- to the user.
suspendAndResume' :: (Ord n) => IO a -> EventM n s a
suspendAndResume' act = do
ctx <- getVtyContext
liftIO $ shutdownVtyContext ctx
result <- liftIO act
setVtyContext =<< (liftIO $ newVtyContextFrom ctx)
return result
-- | Request that the specified UI element be made visible on the
-- next rendering. This is provided to allow event handlers to make
@ -134,31 +134,23 @@ nestEventM :: a
nestEventM s' act = do
ro <- EventM ask
s <- EventM $ lift get
vtyCtx <- getVtyContext
let stInner = ES { applicationState = s'
, nextAction = Continue
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests s
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests s
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames s
, vtyContext = vtyCtx
(actResult, stInnerFinal) <- liftIO $ runStateT (runReaderT (runEventM act) ro) stInner
(nextAct, finalSt) <- case nextAction stInnerFinal of
Continue ->
return (Continue, applicationState stInnerFinal)
ContinueWithoutRedraw ->
return (ContinueWithoutRedraw, applicationState stInnerFinal)
Halt ->
return (Halt, applicationState stInnerFinal)
SuspendAndResume act' -> do
s'' <- liftIO act'
return (Continue, s'')
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \st -> st { nextAction = nextAct
EventM $ lift $ modify $ \st -> st { nextAction = nextAction stInnerFinal
, esScrollRequests = esScrollRequests stInnerFinal
, cacheInvalidateRequests = cacheInvalidateRequests stInnerFinal
, requestedVisibleNames = requestedVisibleNames stInnerFinal
, vtyContext = vtyContext stInnerFinal
return (finalSt, actResult)
return (applicationState stInnerFinal, actResult)
-- | Given a lens into a field of the current state, focus mutations on
-- the state field itself.
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Brick.Types.EventM
( EventM(..)
, getVtyContext
@ -23,3 +24,6 @@ newtype EventM n s a =
instance MonadState s (EventM n s) where
get = EventM $ lift $ gets applicationState
put s = EventM $ lift $ modify $ \es -> es { applicationState = s }
getVtyContext :: EventM n s VtyContext
getVtyContext = EventM $ lift $ gets vtyContext
@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ module Brick.Types.Internal
, Size(..)
, EventState(..)
, VtyContext(..)
, EventRO(..)
, NextAction(..)
, Result(..)
@ -82,6 +83,7 @@ module Brick.Types.Internal
import Control.Concurrent (ThreadId)
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Control.Monad.State.Strict
import Lens.Micro (_1, _2, Lens')
@ -232,9 +234,17 @@ data EventState n s =
, cacheInvalidateRequests :: !(S.Set (CacheInvalidateRequest n))
, requestedVisibleNames :: !(S.Set n)
, applicationState :: !s
, nextAction :: !(NextAction s)
, nextAction :: !NextAction
, vtyContext :: VtyContext
data VtyContext =
VtyContext { vtyContextBuilder :: IO Vty
, vtyContextHandle :: Vty
, vtyContextThread :: ThreadId
, vtyContextPutEvent :: Event -> IO ()
-- | An extent of a named area: its size, location, and origin.
data Extent n = Extent { extentName :: !n
, extentUpperLeft :: !Location
@ -243,12 +253,10 @@ data Extent n = Extent { extentName :: !n
deriving (Show, Read, Generic, NFData)
-- | The type of actions to take upon completion of an event handler.
data NextAction s =
data NextAction =
| ContinueWithoutRedraw
| SuspendAndResume (IO s)
| Halt
deriving Functor
-- | Scrolling direction.
data Direction = Up
@ -366,7 +374,6 @@ data BrickEvent n e = VtyEvent Event
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data EventRO n = EventRO { eventViewportMap :: M.Map n Viewport
, eventVtyHandle :: Vty
, latestExtents :: [Extent n]
, oldState :: RenderState n
Reference in New Issue
Block a user