List: docstrings

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Jonathan Daugherty 2015-07-07 20:09:51 -07:00
parent 8399654b76
commit fe006d3d38

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@ -1,14 +1,23 @@
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- | This module provides a scrollable list type and functions for
-- manipulating and rendering it.
module Brick.Widgets.List
( List(listElements, listSelected, listName, listElementDraw)
-- * Consructing a list
, list
-- * Rendering a list
, renderList
-- * Lenses
, listElementsL
, listSelectedL
, listNameL
, list
, renderList
-- * Manipulating a list
, listMoveBy
, listMoveTo
, listMoveUp
@ -18,6 +27,7 @@ module Brick.Widgets.List
, listReplace
, listSelectedElement
-- * Attributes
, listAttr
, listSelectedAttr
@ -35,6 +45,8 @@ import Brick.Widgets.Core
import Brick.Util (clamp)
import Brick.AttrMap
-- | List state. Lists have an element type 'e' that is the data stored
-- by the list.
data List e =
List { listElements :: ![e]
, listElementDraw :: Bool -> e -> Widget
@ -52,17 +64,29 @@ instance HandleEvent (List e) where
EvKey KDown [] -> listMoveDown
_ -> id
-- | The top-level attribute used for the entire list.
listAttr :: AttrName
listAttr = "list"
-- | The attribute used only for the currently-selected list item.
-- Extends 'listAttr'.
listSelectedAttr :: AttrName
listSelectedAttr = listAttr <> "selected"
list :: Name -> (Bool -> e -> Widget) -> [e] -> List e
-- | Construct a list in terms of an element type 'e'.
list :: Name
-- ^ The list name (must be unique)
-> (Bool -> e -> Widget)
-- ^ The item rendering function (takes the item and whether it is
-- currently selected)
-> [e]
-- ^ The initial list contents
-> List e
list name draw es =
let selIndex = if null es then Nothing else Just 0
in List es draw selIndex name
-- | Turn a list state value into a widget.
renderList :: List e -> Widget
renderList l = withDefaultAttr listAttr $
viewport (l^.listNameL) Vertical $
@ -81,7 +105,13 @@ drawListElements l = drawnElements
else id
in makeVisible elemWidget
listInsert :: Int -> e -> List e -> List e
-- | Insert an item into a list at the specified position.
listInsert :: Int
-- ^ The position at which to insert (0 <= i <= size)
-> e
-- ^ The element to insert
-> List e
-> List e
listInsert pos e l =
let safePos = clamp 0 (length es) pos
es = l^.listElementsL
@ -94,7 +124,11 @@ listInsert pos e l =
in l & listSelectedL .~ Just newSel
& listElementsL .~ (front ++ (e : back))
listRemove :: Int -> List e -> List e
-- | Remove an element from a list at the specified position.
listRemove :: Int
-- ^ The position at which to remove an element (0 <= i < size)
-> List e
-> List e
listRemove pos l | null (l^.listElementsL) = l
| pos /= clamp 0 (length (l^.listElementsL) - 1) pos = l
| otherwise =
@ -113,8 +147,8 @@ listRemove pos l | null (l^.listElementsL) = l
in l & listSelectedL .~ (if null es' then Nothing else Just newSel)
& listElementsL .~ es'
-- Replaces entire list with a new set of elements, but preserves selected index
-- using a two-way merge algorithm.
-- | Replace the contents of a list with a new set of elements but
-- preserve the currently selected index.
listReplace :: Eq e => [e] -> List e -> List e
listReplace es' l | es' == l^.listElementsL = l
| otherwise =
@ -128,17 +162,25 @@ listReplace es' l | es' == l^.listElementsL = l
in l & listSelectedL .~ newSel
& listElementsL .~ es'
-- | Move the list selected index up by one. (Moves the cursor up,
-- subtracts one from the index.)
listMoveUp :: List e -> List e
listMoveUp = listMoveBy (-1)
-- | Move the list selected index down by one. (Moves the cursor down,
-- adds one to the index.)
listMoveDown :: List e -> List e
listMoveDown = listMoveBy 1
-- | Move the list selected index by the specified amount, subject to
-- validation.
listMoveBy :: Int -> List e -> List e
listMoveBy amt l =
let newSel = clamp 0 (length (l^.listElementsL) - 1) <$> (amt +) <$> (l^.listSelectedL)
in l & listSelectedL .~ newSel
-- | Set the selected index for a list to the specified index, subject
-- to validation.
listMoveTo :: Int -> List e -> List e
listMoveTo pos l =
let len = length (l^.listElementsL)
@ -147,6 +189,7 @@ listMoveTo pos l =
then Just newSel
else Nothing
-- | Return a list's selected element, if any.
listSelectedElement :: List e -> Maybe (Int, e)
listSelectedElement l = do
sel <- l^.listSelectedL