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synced 2024-12-28 16:34:45 +03:00
This change is motivated by the API wart that results from the overloading of both "<>" and string literals that resulted in code like this: a :: AttrName a = "blah" <> "things" While this worked to create an AttrName with two segments, it is far too easy to read this as two strings concatenated. The overloading hides what is really going on with the segments of the attribute name. The way to write the above example after this change is: a :: AttrName a = attrName "blah" <> attrName "things"
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import qualified Control.Exception as E
#if !(MIN_VERSION_base(4,11,0))
import Data.Monoid
import qualified Graphics.Vty as V
import Control.Monad.State (get)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import qualified Brick.Main as M
import qualified Brick.Widgets.List as L
import Brick.AttrMap (AttrName, attrName)
import Brick.Types
( Widget
, BrickEvent(..)
import Brick.Widgets.Center
( center
, hCenter
import Brick.Widgets.Border
( borderWithLabel
import Brick.Widgets.Core
( vBox, (<=>), padTop
, hLimit, vLimit, txt
, withDefAttr, emptyWidget
, Padding(..)
import qualified Brick.Widgets.FileBrowser as FB
import qualified Brick.AttrMap as A
import Brick.Util (on, fg)
import qualified Brick.Types as T
data Name = FileBrowser1
deriving (Eq, Show, Ord)
drawUI :: FB.FileBrowser Name -> [Widget Name]
drawUI b = [center $ ui <=> help]
ui = hCenter $
vLimit 15 $
hLimit 50 $
borderWithLabel (txt "Choose a file") $
FB.renderFileBrowser True b
help = padTop (Pad 1) $
vBox [ case FB.fileBrowserException b of
Nothing -> emptyWidget
Just e -> hCenter $ withDefAttr errorAttr $
txt $ Text.pack $ E.displayException e
, hCenter $ txt "Up/Down: select"
, hCenter $ txt "/: search, Ctrl-C or Esc: cancel search"
, hCenter $ txt "Enter: change directory or select file"
, hCenter $ txt "Esc: quit"
appEvent :: BrickEvent Name e -> T.EventM Name (FB.FileBrowser Name) ()
appEvent (VtyEvent ev) = do
b <- get
case ev of
V.EvKey V.KEsc [] | not (FB.fileBrowserIsSearching b) ->
_ -> do
FB.handleFileBrowserEvent ev
-- If the browser has a selected file after handling the
-- event (because the user pressed Enter), shut down.
case ev of
V.EvKey V.KEnter [] -> do
b' <- get
case FB.fileBrowserSelection b' of
[] -> return ()
_ -> M.halt
_ -> return ()
appEvent _ = return ()
errorAttr :: AttrName
errorAttr = attrName "error"
theMap :: A.AttrMap
theMap = A.attrMap V.defAttr
[ (L.listSelectedFocusedAttr, V.black `on` V.yellow)
, (FB.fileBrowserCurrentDirectoryAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (FB.fileBrowserSelectionInfoAttr, V.white `on` V.blue)
, (FB.fileBrowserDirectoryAttr, fg V.blue)
, (FB.fileBrowserBlockDeviceAttr, fg V.magenta)
, (FB.fileBrowserCharacterDeviceAttr, fg V.green)
, (FB.fileBrowserNamedPipeAttr, fg V.yellow)
, (FB.fileBrowserSymbolicLinkAttr, fg V.cyan)
, (FB.fileBrowserUnixSocketAttr, fg V.red)
, (FB.fileBrowserSelectedAttr, V.white `on` V.magenta)
, (errorAttr, fg V.red)
theApp :: M.App (FB.FileBrowser Name) e Name
theApp =
M.App { M.appDraw = drawUI
, M.appChooseCursor = M.showFirstCursor
, M.appHandleEvent = appEvent
, M.appStartEvent = return ()
, M.appAttrMap = const theMap
main :: IO ()
main = do
b <- M.defaultMain theApp =<< FB.newFileBrowser FB.selectNonDirectories FileBrowser1 Nothing
putStrLn $ "Selected entry: " <> show (FB.fileBrowserSelection b)