Jonathan Daugherty 4fc7813918 Misc updates
2015-05-09 01:05:34 -07:00

45 lines
1.1 KiB

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Main where
import Data.Maybe
import Graphics.Vty
import System.Exit
import Brick
data St =
St { msg :: String
, focus :: FocusRing
drawUI :: St -> Widget
drawUI st =
let editor = txt (msg st) `withNamedCursor` (Name "edit", Location (length $ msg st, 0))
in vBox [ editor `withAttr` (cyan `on` blue)
, hBorder '-'
, "stuff and things"
handleEvent :: Event -> St -> Either ExitCode St
handleEvent e st =
case e of
EvKey KEsc [] -> Left ExitSuccess
EvKey (KChar '\t') [] -> Right $ st { focus = focusNext $ focus st }
EvKey (KChar c) [] -> Right $ st { msg = msg st ++ [c] }
_ -> Right st
pickCursor :: St -> [CursorLocation] -> Maybe CursorLocation
pickCursor st ls =
listToMaybe $ filter (\cl -> cursorLocationName cl == (focusGetCurrent $ focus st)) ls
initialState :: St
initialState =
St { msg = ""
, focus = focusRing [Name "edit"]
main :: IO ()
main = standardIOConfig
>>= mkVty
>>= runVty drawUI pickCursor handleEvent initialState