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synced 2024-12-02 11:05:10 +03:00
Add test for List initial selection
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401 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
module List
) where
import Prelude hiding (reverse, splitAt)
import Data.Foldable (find)
import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.List
import Data.Maybe (isNothing)
import Data.Monoid (Endo(..))
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup((<>)))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import Lens.Micro
import Test.QuickCheck
import Brick.Util (clamp)
import Brick.Widgets.List
instance (Arbitrary n, Arbitrary a) => Arbitrary (List n a) where
arbitrary = list <$> arbitrary <*> (V.fromList <$> arbitrary) <*> pure 1
-- List move operations that never modify the underlying list
data ListMoveOp a
= MoveUp
| MoveDown
| MoveBy Int
| MoveTo Int
| MoveToElement a
| FindElement a
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (ListMoveOp a) where
arbitrary = oneof
[ pure MoveUp
, pure MoveDown
, MoveBy <$> arbitrary
, MoveTo <$> arbitrary
, MoveToElement <$> arbitrary
, FindElement <$> arbitrary
-- List operations. We don't have "page"-based movement operations
-- because these depend on render context (i.e. effect in EventM)
data ListOp a
= Insert Int a
| Remove Int
| Replace Int [a]
| Clear
| Reverse
| ListMoveOp (ListMoveOp a)
deriving (Show)
instance Arbitrary a => Arbitrary (ListOp a) where
arbitrary = frequency
[ (1, Insert <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (1, Remove <$> arbitrary)
, (1, Replace <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)
, (1, pure Clear)
, (1, pure Reverse)
, (6, arbitrary)
-- Turn a ListOp into a List endomorphism
op :: Eq a => ListOp a -> List n a -> List n a
op (Insert i a) = listInsert i a
op (Remove i) = listRemove i
op (Replace i xs) =
-- avoid setting index to Nothing
listReplace (V.fromList xs) (Just i)
op Clear = listClear
op Reverse = listReverse
op (ListMoveOp mo) = moveOp mo
-- Turn a ListMoveOp into a List endomorphism
moveOp :: (Eq a) => ListMoveOp a -> List n a -> List n a
moveOp MoveUp = listMoveUp
moveOp MoveDown = listMoveDown
moveOp (MoveBy n) = listMoveBy n
moveOp (MoveTo n) = listMoveTo n
moveOp (MoveToElement a) = listMoveToElement a
moveOp (FindElement a) = listFindBy (== a)
:: (Foldable t)
=> (op a -> List n a -> List n a) -> t (op a) -> List n a -> List n a
applyListOps f = appEndo . foldMap (Endo . f)
-- | Initial selection is always 0 (or Nothing for empty list)
prop_initialSelection :: [a] -> Bool
prop_initialSelection xs =
list () (V.fromList xs) 1 ^. listSelectedL ==
if null xs then Nothing else Just 0
-- list operations keep the selected index in bounds
:: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_listOpsMaintainSelectedValid ops l =
let l' = applyListOps op ops l
case l' ^. listSelectedL of
-- either there is no selection and list is empty
Nothing -> null l'
-- or the selected index is valid
Just i -> i >= 0 && i < length l'
-- reversing a list keeps the selected element the same
:: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_reverseMaintainsSelectedElement ops l =
-- apply some random list ops to (probably) set a selected element
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = listReverse l'
fmap snd (listSelectedElement l') == fmap snd (listSelectedElement l'')
-- reversing maintains size of list
prop_reverseMaintainsSizeOfList :: List n a -> Bool
prop_reverseMaintainsSizeOfList l =
length l == length (listReverse l)
-- an inserted element may always be found at the given index
-- (when target index is clamped to 0 <= n <= len)
prop_insert :: (Eq a) => Int -> a -> List n a -> Bool
prop_insert i a l =
l' = listInsert i a l
i' = clamp 0 (length l) i
listSelectedElement (listMoveTo i' l') == Just (i', a)
-- inserting anywhere always increases size of list by 1
prop_insertSize :: (Eq a) => Int -> a -> List n a -> Bool
prop_insertSize i a l =
l' = listInsert i a l
length l' == length l + 1
-- inserting an element and moving to it always succeeds and
-- the selected element is the one we inserted.
-- The index is not necessarily the index we inserted at, because
-- the element could be present in the original list. So we don't
-- check that.
prop_insertMoveTo :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Int -> a -> Bool
prop_insertMoveTo ops l i a =
l' = listInsert i a (applyListOps op ops l)
sel = listSelectedElement (listMoveToElement a l')
fmap snd sel == Just a
-- inserting an element and repeatedly seeking it always
-- reaches the element we inserted, at the index where we
-- inserted it.
prop_insertFindBy :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Int -> a -> Bool
prop_insertFindBy ops l i a =
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = set listSelectedL Nothing . listInsert i a $ l'
seeks = converging ((==) `on` (^. listSelectedL)) (listFindBy (== a)) l''
i' = clamp 0 (length l') i -- we can't have inserted past len
(find ((== Just i') . (^. listSelectedL)) seeks >>= listSelectedElement)
== Just (i', a)
-- Find will never decrease the selected index. Note that we don't
-- need to handle the 'Nothing' case because ∀a. Nothing < Just a.
prop_findByNonDecreasing :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> a -> Bool
prop_findByNonDecreasing ops l a =
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = listFindBy (== a) l'
l' ^. listSelectedL <= l'' ^. listSelectedL
-- inserting then deleting always yields a list with the original elems
prop_insertRemove :: (Eq a) => Int -> a -> List n a -> Bool
prop_insertRemove i a l =
i' = clamp 0 (length l) i
l' = listInsert i' a l -- pre-clamped
l'' = listRemove i' l'
l'' ^. listElementsL == l ^. listElementsL
-- deleting in-bounds always reduces size of list by 1
-- deleting out-of-bounds never changes list size
prop_remove :: Int -> List n a -> Bool
prop_remove i l =
len = length l
i' = clamp 0 (len - 1) i
| len > 0 && i == i' = (== len - 1) -- i is in bounds
| otherwise = (== len) -- i is out of bounds
test (length (listRemove i l))
-- deleting an element and re-inserting it at same position
-- gives the original list elements
prop_removeInsert :: (Eq a) => Int -> List n a -> Bool
prop_removeInsert i l =
sel = listSelectedElement (listMoveTo i l)
l' = maybe id (\(i', a) -> listInsert i' a . listRemove i') sel l
l' ^. listElementsL == l ^. listElementsL
-- Apply @f@ until @test a (f a) == True@, then return @a@.
converge :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> a
converge test f = last . converging test f
-- Apply @f@ until @test a (f a) == True@, returning the start,
-- intermediate and final values as a list.
converging :: (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a) -> a -> [a]
converging test f a
| test a (f a) = [a]
| otherwise = a : converging test f (f a)
-- listMoveUp always reaches 0 (or list is empty)
prop_moveUp :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_moveUp ops l =
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = converge ((==) `on` (^. listSelectedL)) listMoveUp l'
len = length l''
maybe (len == 0) (== 0) (l'' ^. listSelectedL)
-- listMoveDown always reaches end of list (or list is empty)
prop_moveDown :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_moveDown ops l =
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = converge ((==) `on` (^. listSelectedL)) listMoveDown l'
len = length l''
maybe (len == 0) (== len - 1) (l'' ^. listSelectedL)
-- move ops never change the list
prop_moveOpsNeverChangeList :: (Eq a) => [ListMoveOp a] -> List n a -> Bool
prop_moveOpsNeverChangeList ops l =
l' = applyListOps moveOp ops l
l' ^. listElementsL == l ^. listElementsL
-- If the list is empty, empty selection is used.
-- Otherwise, if the specified selected index is not in list bounds,
-- zero is used instead.
:: (Eq a)
=> [ListOp a] -> List n a -> [a] -> Int -> Bool
prop_replaceSetIndex ops l xs i =
v = V.fromList xs
l' = applyListOps op ops l
l'' = listReplace v (Just i) l'
i' = clamp 0 (length v - 1) i
inBounds = i == i'
l'' ^. listSelectedL == case (null v, inBounds) of
(True, _) -> Nothing
(False, True) -> Just i
(False, False) -> Just 0
-- Replacing with no index always clears the index
prop_replaceNoIndex :: (Eq a) => [ListOp a] -> List n a -> [a] -> Bool
prop_replaceNoIndex ops l xs =
v = V.fromList xs
l' = applyListOps op ops l
isNothing (listReplace v Nothing l' ^. listSelectedL)
-- | Move the list selected index. If the index is `Just x`, adjust by the
-- specified amount; if it is `Nothing` (i.e. there is no selection) and the
-- direction is positive, set to `Just 0` (first element), otherwise set to
-- `Just (length - 1)` (last element). Subject to validation.
prop_moveByWhenNoSelection :: List n a -> Int -> Property
prop_moveByWhenNoSelection l amt =
l' = l & listSelectedL .~ Nothing
len = length l
expected = if amt > 0 then 0 else len - 1
len > 0 ==> listMoveBy amt l' ^. listSelectedL == Just expected
splitAtLength :: (Foldable t, Splittable t) => t a -> Int -> Bool
splitAtLength l i =
len = length l
(h, t) = splitAt i l
length h + length t == len
&& length h == clamp 0 len i
:: (Splittable t, Semigroup (t a), Eq (t a))
=> t a -> Int -> Bool
splitAtAppend l i = uncurry (<>) (splitAt i l) == l
prop_splitAtLength_Vector :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
prop_splitAtLength_Vector = splitAtLength . V.fromList
prop_splitAtAppend_Vector :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int -> Bool
prop_splitAtAppend_Vector = splitAtAppend . V.fromList
prop_splitAtLength_Seq :: [a] -> Int -> Bool
prop_splitAtLength_Seq = splitAtLength . Seq.fromList
prop_splitAtAppend_Seq :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Int -> Bool
prop_splitAtAppend_Seq = splitAtAppend . Seq.fromList
:: forall t a. (Reversible t, Applicative t, Eq (t a))
=> Proxy t -> a -> Bool
reverseSingleton _ a =
let l = pure a :: t a
in reverse l == l
:: (Reversible t, Semigroup (t a), Eq (t a))
=> t a -> t a -> Bool
reverseAppend l1 l2 =
reverse (l1 <> l2) == reverse l2 <> reverse l1
prop_reverseSingleton_Vector :: (Eq a) => a -> Bool
prop_reverseSingleton_Vector = reverseSingleton (Proxy :: Proxy V.Vector)
prop_reverseAppend_Vector :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
prop_reverseAppend_Vector l1 l2 =
reverseAppend (V.fromList l1) (V.fromList l2)
prop_reverseSingleton_Seq :: (Eq a) => a -> Bool
prop_reverseSingleton_Seq = reverseSingleton (Proxy :: Proxy Seq.Seq)
prop_reverseAppend_Seq :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [a] -> Bool
prop_reverseAppend_Seq l1 l2 =
reverseAppend (Seq.fromList l1) (Seq.fromList l2)
-- Laziness tests. Here we create a custom container type
-- that we use to ensure certain operations do not cause the
-- whole container to be evaulated.
newtype L a = L [a]
deriving (Functor, Foldable, Traversable)
instance Splittable L where
splitAt i (L xs) = over both L (Data.List.splitAt i xs)
-- moveBy positive amount does not evaluate 'length'
prop_moveByPosLazy :: Bool
prop_moveByPosLazy =
v = L (1:2:3:4:undefined) :: L Int
l = list () v 1
l' = listMoveBy 1 l
l' ^. listSelectedL == Just 1
-- listFindBy is lazy
prop_findByLazy :: Bool
prop_findByLazy =
v = L (1:2:3:4:undefined) :: L Int
l = list () v 1 & listSelectedL .~ Nothing
l' = listFindBy even l
l'' = listFindBy even l'
l' ^. listSelectedL == Just 1
&& l'' ^. listSelectedL == Just 3
return []
main :: IO Bool
main = $quickCheckAll