swappy(1) # NAME swappy - grab and edit on the fly snapshots of a Wayland compositor # SYNOPSIS *swappy* [options...] # DESCRIPTION swappy is a command-line utility to take and edit screenshots of Wayland desktops. Works great with grim, slurp and sway. But can easily work with other screen copy tools that can output a final image to *stdout*. swappy will save the annotated images to the config *save_dir*, see below. If absent, then if it will try to default to a *Desktop* folder following this pattern: *$XDG\_DESKTOP\_DIR*. If this variable is not set, it will revert to: *$XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/Desktop*. If *$XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME* is not set, it will revert to: *$HOME/Desktop*. # OPTIONS *-h, --help* Show help message and quit. *-v, --version* Show version and quit. *-f, --file* An image file to load for editing. If set to *-*, read the file from standard input instead. This is grim friendly. *-o, --output-file * Print the final surface to ** when exiting the application. If set to *-*, prints the final surface to *stdout*. Note that the *Save* button will save the image to the config *save_dir* parameter, as described in the DESCRIPTION section. # CONFIG FILE The config file is located at *$XDG\_CONFIG\_HOME/swappy/config* or at *$HOME/.config/swappy/config*. The file follows the GLib *conf* format. ``` [Section] key=value ``` The following lines can be used as swappy's default: ``` [Default] save_dir=$HOME/Desktop save_filename_format=swappy-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.png show_panel=false line_size=5 text_size=20 text_font=sans-serif paint_mode=brush early_exit=false fill_shape=false ``` - *save_dir* is where swappshots will be saved, can contain env variables, when it does not exist, swappy attempts to create it first, but does not abort if directory creation fails - *save_filename_format* is the filename template, if it contains a date format, this will be parsed into a timestamp. Format is detailed in strftime(3). If this date format is missing, filename will have no timestamp - *show_panel* is used to toggle the paint panel on or off upon startup - *line_size* is the default line size (must be between 1 and 50) - *text_size* is the default text size (must be between 10 and 50) - *text_font* is the font used to render text, its format is pango friendly - *paint_mode* is the mode activated at application start (must be one of: brush|text|rectangle|ellipse|arrow|blur, matching is case-insensitive) - *early_exit* is used to make the application exit after saving the picture or copying it to the clipboard - *fill_shape* is used to toggle shape filling (for the rectangle and ellipsis tools) on or off upon startup # KEY BINDINGS ## LAYOUT - *Ctrl+b*: Toggle Paint Panel ## PAINT MODE - *b*: Switch to Brush - *t*: Switch to Text - *r*: Switch to Rectangle - *o*: Switch to Ellipse - *a*: Switch to Arrow - *d*: Switch to Blur (d stands for droplet) - *R*: Use Red Color - *G*: Use Green Color - *B*: Use Blue Color - *C*: Use Custom Color - *Minus*: Reduce Stroke Size - *Plus*: Increase Stroke Size - *Equal*: Reset Stroke Size - *f*: Toggle Shape Filling - *k*: Clear Paints (cannot be undone) ## MODIFIERS - *Ctrl*: Center Shape (Rectangle & Ellipse) based on draw start ## HEADER BAR - *Ctrl+z*: Undo - *Ctrl+Shift+z* or *Ctrl+y*: Redo - *Ctrl+s*: Save to file (see man page) - *Ctrl+c*: Copy to clipboard - *Escape* or *q* or *Ctrl+w*: Quit swappy # AUTHORS Written and maintained by jtheoof . See https://github.com/jtheoof/swappy.