# Ollama [Ollama](https://github.com/ollama/ollama) enables you to easily run large language models (LLMs) locally. It supports Llama 3, Mistral, Gemma and [many others](https://ollama.com/library).

❄️You can now perform LLM inference with Ollama in services-flake!https://t.co/rtHIYdnPfb pic.twitter.com/1hBqMyViEm

— NixOS Asia (@nixos_asia) June 12, 2024
## Getting Started ```nix # In `perSystem.process-compose.` { services.ollama."ollama1".enable = true; } ``` ## Acceleration By default Ollama uses the CPU for inference. To enable GPU acceleration: ### CUDA For NVIDIA GPUs. ```nix # In `perSystem.process-compose.` { services.ollama."ollama1" = { enable = true; acceleration = "cuda"; }; } ``` ### ROCm For Radeon GPUs. ```nix # In `perSystem.process-compose.` { services.ollama."ollama1" = { enable = true; acceleration = "rocm"; }; } ```