# List all the just commands default: @just --list # Run example ex: cd ./example && nix run . --override-input services-flake .. # Auto-format the project tree fmt: treefmt # Run native tests for all the services test-all: nix flake check test/ --override-input services-flake . -L # `nix flake check` doesn't support individual checks: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/8881 # Run native test for a specific service test service: nix build ./test#checks.$(nix eval --impure --expr "builtins.currentSystem").{{service}} --override-input services-flake . -L # Run doc server with hot-reload doc: cd ./doc && nix run # Run service whose configuration is defined in `_test.nix` run service: cd test && nix run .#{{service}} --override-input services-flake ../