# Based on https://github.com/cachix/devenv/blob/fa9a708e240c6174f9fc4c6eefbc6a89ce01c350/src/modules/services/cassandra.nix { pkgs, lib, name, config, ... }: let inherit (lib) types; yamlFormat = pkgs.formats.yaml { }; in { options = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption name; package = lib.mkPackageOption pkgs "cassandra" { }; dataDir = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; default = "./data/${name}"; description = "The cassandra data directory"; }; listenAddress = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; description = "Listen address"; default = ""; example = ""; }; nativeTransportPort = lib.mkOption { type = types.port; description = "port for the CQL native transport to listen for clients on"; default = 9042; }; seedAddresses = lib.mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ "" ]; description = "The addresses of hosts designated as contact points of the cluster"; }; clusterName = lib.mkOption { type = types.str; default = "Test Cluster"; description = "The name of the cluster"; }; allowClients = lib.mkOption { type = types.bool; default = true; description = '' Enables or disables the native transport server (CQL binary protocol) ''; }; extraConfig = lib.mkOption { type = yamlFormat.type; default = { }; example = { commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms = 3; }; description = '' Extra options to be merged into `cassandra.yaml` as nix attribute set. ''; }; jvmOpts = lib.mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ ]; description = "Options to pass to the JVM through the JVM_OPTS environment variable"; }; defaultExtraConfig = lib.mkOption { type = yamlFormat.type; internal = true; readOnly = true; default = { start_native_transport = config.allowClients; listen_address = config.listenAddress; native_transport_port = config.nativeTransportPort; commitlog_sync = "batch"; commitlog_sync_batch_window_in_ms = 2; cluster_name = config.clusterName; partitioner = "org.apache.cassandra.dht.Murmur3Partitioner"; endpoint_snitch = "SimpleSnitch"; data_file_directories = [ "${config.dataDir}/data" ]; commitlog_directory = "${config.dataDir}/commitlog"; saved_caches_directory = "${config.dataDir}/saved_caches"; hints_directory = "${config.dataDir}/hints"; seed_provider = [ { class_name = "org.apache.cassandra.locator.SimpleSeedProvider"; parameters = [{ seeds = lib.concatStringsSep "," config.seedAddresses; }]; } ]; }; }; outputs.settings = lib.mkOption { type = types.deferredModule; internal = true; readOnly = true; default = { processes = { "${name}" = let cassandraConfig = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation { name = "cassandra-config"; cassandraYaml = yamlFormat.generate "cassandra.yaml" ( lib.recursiveUpdate config.defaultExtraConfig config.extraConfig ); buildCommand = '' mkdir -p $out for d in ${config.package}/conf/*; do ln -s "$d" $out/; done rm -rf $out/cassandra.y*ml ln -s "$cassandraYaml" "$out/cassandra.yaml" rm -rf $out/cassandra-env.sh cat ${config.package}/conf/cassandra-env.sh > $out/cassandra-env.sh LOCAL_JVM_OPTS="${lib.concatStringsSep " " config.jvmOpts}" echo "JVM_OPTS=\"\$JVM_OPTS $LOCAL_JVM_OPTS\"" >> $out/cassandra-env.sh ''; }; startScript = pkgs.writeShellScriptBin "start-cassandra" '' set -euo pipefail DATA_DIR="$(readlink -m ${config.dataDir})" if [[ ! -d "$DATA_DIR" ]]; then mkdir -p "$DATA_DIR" fi CASSANDRA_CONF="${cassandraConfig}" export CASSANDRA_CONF CASSANDRA_LOG_DIR="$DATA_DIR/log/" mkdir -p "$CASSANDRA_LOG_DIR" export CASSANDRA_LOG_DIR CASSANDRA_HOME="${config.package}" export CASSANDRA_HOME CLASSPATH="${config.package}/lib" export CLASSPATH export LOCAL_JMX="yes" exec ${config.package}/bin/cassandra -f ''; in { command = startScript; readiness_probe = { exec.command = '' echo 'show version;' | CQLSH_HOST=${config.listenAddress} CQLSH_PORT=${toString config.nativeTransportPort} ${config.package}/bin/cqlsh ''; initial_delay_seconds = 2; period_seconds = 10; timeout_seconds = 4; success_threshold = 1; failure_threshold = 5; }; namespace = name; # https://github.com/F1bonacc1/process-compose#-auto-restart-if-not-healthy availability.restart = "on_failure"; }; }; }; }; }; }