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2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.io.Source
import types.{MalList, _list, _list_Q,
MalVector, _vector, _vector_Q,
MalHashMap, _hash_map_Q, _hash_map,
Func, MalFunction}
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
import printer._pr_list
object core {
def mal_throw(a: List[Any]) = {
throw new types.MalException(printer._pr_str(a(0))).init(a(0))
// Scalar functions
def keyword(a: List[Any]) = {
"\u029e" + a(0).asInstanceOf[String]
def keyword_Q(a: List[Any]) = {
a(0) match {
case s: String => s.length != 0 && s(0) == '\u029e'
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
case _ => false
def string_Q(a: List[Any]) = {
a(0) match {
case s: String => s.length == 0 || s(0) != '\u029e'
case _ => false
def fn_Q(a: List[Any]) = {
a(0) match {
case s: Func => true
case s: MalFunction => !s.asInstanceOf[MalFunction].ismacro
case _ => false
def macro_Q(a: List[Any]) = {
a(0) match {
case s: MalFunction => s.asInstanceOf[MalFunction].ismacro
case _ => false
// number functions
def _bool_op(a: List[Any], op: (Long, Long) => Boolean) = {
def _num_op(a: List[Any], op: (Long, Long) => Long) = {
def number_Q(a: List[Any]) = {
a(0).isInstanceOf[Long] || a(0).isInstanceOf[Double]
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
// string functions
def read_string(a: List[Any]) = {
def slurp(a: List[Any]) = {
Source.fromFile(a(0).asInstanceOf[String]).getLines.mkString("\n") + "\n"
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
// Hash Map functions
def assoc(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0).asInstanceOf[MalHashMap] ++ _hash_map(a.drop(1):_*)
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
def dissoc(a: List[Any]): Any = {
var kSet = a.drop(1).toSet
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
.filterKeys{ !kSet.contains(_) }
def get(a: List[Any]): Any = {
val hm = a(0).asInstanceOf[MalHashMap]
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
val key = a(1).asInstanceOf[String]
if (hm != null && hm.value.contains(key)) hm(key) else null
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
def contains_Q(a: List[Any]): Any = {
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
// sequence functions
def concat(a: List[Any]): Any = {
_list((for (sq <- a) yield types._toIter(sq)).flatten:_*)
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
def nth(a: List[Any]): Any = {
val lst = a(0).asInstanceOf[MalList].value
val idx = a(1).asInstanceOf[Long]
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
if (idx < lst.length) {
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
} else {
throw new Exception("nth: index out of range")
def first(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0) match {
case null => null
case ml: MalList => {
val lst = ml.value
if (lst.length > 0) lst(0) else null
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
def rest(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0) match {
case null => _list()
case ml: MalList => _list(ml.drop(1).value:_*)
def empty_Q(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0) match {
case null => true
case ml: MalList => ml.value.isEmpty
def count(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0) match {
case null => 0
case ml: MalList => ml.value.length.asInstanceOf[Long]
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
def apply(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a match {
case f :: rest => {
var args1 = rest.slice(0,rest.length-1)
var args = args1 ++ rest(rest.length-1).asInstanceOf[MalList].value
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
types._apply(f, args)
case _ => throw new Exception("invalid apply call")
def do_map(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a match {
case f :: seq :: Nil => {
var res = seq.asInstanceOf[MalList].map(x => types._apply(f,List(x)));
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
case _ => throw new Exception("invalid map call")
def conj(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0) match {
case mv: MalVector => {
_vector(mv.value ++ a.slice(1,a.length):_*)
case ml: MalList => {
_list(a.slice(1,a.length).reverse ++ ml.value:_*)
def seq(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0) match {
case mv: MalVector => {
if (mv.value.length == 0) null else _list(mv.value:_*)
case ml: MalList => {
if (ml.value.length == 0) null else ml
case ms: String => {
if (ms.length == 0) null else _list(ms.split("(?!^)"):_*)
case null => null
case _ => throw new Exception("seq: called on non-sequence")
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
// meta functions
def with_meta(a: List[Any]): Any = {
val meta: Any = a(1)
a(0) match {
case ml: MalList => {
val new_ml = ml.clone()
new_ml.meta = meta
case hm: MalHashMap => {
val new_hm = hm.clone()
new_hm.meta = meta
case fn: Func => {
val new_fn = fn.clone()
new_fn.meta = meta
case fn: MalFunction => {
val new_fn = fn.clone()
new_fn.meta = meta
case _ => throw new Exception("no meta support for " + a(0).getClass)
def meta(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0) match {
case ml: MalList => ml.meta
case hm: MalHashMap => hm.meta
case fn: Func => fn.meta
case fn: MalFunction => fn.meta
case _ => throw new Exception("no meta support for " + a(0).getClass)
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
// atom functions
def reset_BANG(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a(0).asInstanceOf[types.Atom].value = a(1)
def swap_BANG(a: List[Any]): Any = {
a match {
case a0 :: f :: rest => {
val atm = a0.asInstanceOf[types.Atom]
val args = atm.value +: rest
atm.value = types._apply(f, args)
case _ => throw new Exception("invalid swap! call")
val ns: Map[String, (List[Any]) => Any] = Map(
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"=" -> ((a: List[Any]) => types._equal_Q(a(0), a(1))),
"throw" -> mal_throw _,
"nil?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0) == null),
"true?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0) == true),
"false?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0) == false),
"number?" -> number_Q _,
"string?" -> string_Q _,
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"symbol" -> ((a: List[Any]) => Symbol(a(0).asInstanceOf[String])),
"symbol?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0).isInstanceOf[Symbol]),
"keyword" -> keyword _,
"keyword?" -> keyword_Q _,
"fn?" -> fn_Q,
"macro?" -> macro_Q,
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"pr-str" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _pr_list(a, true, " ")),
"str" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _pr_list(a, false, "")),
"prn" -> ((a: List[Any]) => { println(_pr_list(a, true, " ")); null}),
"println" -> ((a: List[Any]) => { println(_pr_list(a, false, " ")); null}),
"readline" -> ((a: List[Any]) => readLine(a(0).asInstanceOf[String])),
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"read-string" -> read_string _,
"slurp" -> slurp _,
"<" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _bool_op(a, _ < _)),
"<=" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _bool_op(a, _ <= _)),
">" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _bool_op(a, _ > _)),
">=" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _bool_op(a, _ >= _)),
"+" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _num_op(a, _ + _)),
"-" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _num_op(a, _ - _)),
"*" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _num_op(a, _ * _)),
"/" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _num_op(a, _ / _)),
"time-ms" -> ((a: List[Any]) => System.currentTimeMillis),
"list" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _list(a:_*)),
"list?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _list_Q(a(0))),
"vector" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _vector(a:_*)),
"vector?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _vector_Q(a(0))),
"hash-map" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _hash_map(a:_*)),
"map?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _hash_map_Q(a(0))),
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"assoc" -> assoc _,
"dissoc" -> dissoc _,
"get" -> get _,
"contains?" -> contains_Q _,
"keys" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0).asInstanceOf[MalHashMap].keys),
"vals" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0).asInstanceOf[MalHashMap].vals),
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"sequential?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => types._sequential_Q(a(0))),
"cons" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0) +: a(1).asInstanceOf[MalList]),
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"concat" -> concat _,
"vec" -> ((a: List[Any]) => _vector(a(0).asInstanceOf[MalList].value:_*)),
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"nth" -> nth _,
"first" -> first _,
"rest" -> rest _,
"empty?" -> empty_Q _,
"count" -> count _,
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"apply" -> apply _,
"map" -> do_map _,
"conj" -> conj _,
"seq" -> seq _,
"with-meta" -> with_meta _,
"meta" -> meta _,
2014-12-19 08:21:39 +03:00
"atom" -> ((a: List[Any]) => new types.Atom(a(0))),
"atom?" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0).isInstanceOf[types.Atom]),
"deref" -> ((a: List[Any]) => a(0).asInstanceOf[types.Atom].value),
"reset!" -> reset_BANG _,
"swap!" -> swap_BANG _
// vim:ts=2:sw=2