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2021-03-27 15:13:42 +03:00
exception NotDefined of string
exception NotApplicable of string
2021-04-05 19:21:08 +03:00
exception OutOfBounds of string
exception MalException of mal_type
2021-03-27 15:13:42 +03:00
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
* Some helper functions
2021-04-03 01:03:04 +03:00
2021-04-05 21:51:54 +03:00
fun buildMap (k::v::rest) acc = buildMap rest (malAssoc acc k v)
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
| buildMap [] acc = malMap (rev acc)
2021-04-05 21:51:54 +03:00
| buildMap _ _ = raise NotApplicable "maps can only be constructed from an even number of arguments"
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
fun collectLists ls = collectLists' ls []
and collectLists' (LIST (l,_)::rest) acc = collectLists' rest (l::acc)
| collectLists' (VECTOR (v,_)::rest) acc = collectLists' rest (v::acc)
| collectLists' [] acc = rev acc
| collectLists' _ _ = raise NotApplicable "invalid arguments"
2021-04-05 21:51:54 +03:00
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
fun arithFolder n f (INT next, INT prev) = INT (f (prev, next))
| arithFolder n _ _ = raise NotApplicable ("'" ^ n ^ "' requires integer arguments")
2021-04-05 21:51:54 +03:00
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
fun cmpFolder n c (INT next, (INT prev, acc)) = (INT next, acc andalso (c (prev, next)))
| cmpFolder n _ _ = raise NotApplicable ("'" ^ n ^ "' requires integer arguments")
2021-04-05 23:29:51 +03:00
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
fun cmpFold n c (x::xs) = foldl (cmpFolder n c) (x, true) xs |> #2 |> BOOL
| cmpFold n _ _ = raise NotApplicable ("'" ^ n ^ "' requires arguments")
2021-04-05 23:29:51 +03:00
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
fun splatArgs [LIST (l,_)] = l
| splatArgs [VECTOR (v,_)] = v
| splatArgs (x::xs) = x::(splatArgs xs)
| splatArgs [] = []
2021-03-27 15:31:42 +03:00
2021-03-30 19:12:21 +03:00
fun slurp lines strm = case TextIO.inputLine strm of
SOME l => slurp (l::lines) strm
2021-04-01 19:12:41 +03:00
| NONE => (TextIO.closeIn strm; rev lines)
2021-03-30 19:12:21 +03:00
2021-03-30 21:16:43 +03:00
fun malPrint s = (
TextIO.print (s ^ "\n");
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
fun readLine prompt = (
TextIO.print prompt;
TextIO.inputLine TextIO.stdIn |> Option.map (trimr 1)
2021-04-05 19:21:08 +03:00
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
fun strJoin separator strings = String.concatWith separator strings
2021-04-05 19:35:02 +03:00
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
* Core primitives
2021-04-05 19:35:02 +03:00
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
fun prim name f =
let val badArgs = STRING ("incorrect arguments passed to '" ^ name ^ "'") in
[SYMBOL name, FN (fn args => f args handle Domain => raise MalException badArgs, NO_META)]
2021-04-05 19:35:02 +03:00
2021-03-27 15:13:42 +03:00
val coreNs = List.concat [
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
(* Maths *)
prim "+" (fn args => foldl (arithFolder "+" (op +)) (INT 0) args),
prim "*" (fn args => foldl (arithFolder "*" (op * )) (INT 1) args),
prim "/" (fn (x::xs) => foldl (arithFolder "/" (op div)) x xs | _ => raise Domain),
prim "-" (fn (x::xs) => foldl (arithFolder "-" (op -)) x xs | _ => raise Domain),
(* Comparisons *)
prim "<" (cmpFold "<" (op <)),
prim "<=" (cmpFold "<=" (op <=)),
prim ">=" (cmpFold ">=" (op >=)),
prim ">" (cmpFold ">" (op >)),
prim "="
(fn (x::xs) => foldl (fn (n,(p,acc)) => (n,acc andalso (malEq (n, p)))) (x, true) xs |> #2 |> BOOL
| _ => raise Domain),
(* Predicates *)
prim "nil?" (fn [NIL] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "true?" (fn [BOOL true] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "false?" (fn [BOOL false] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "symbol?" (fn [SYMBOL _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "keyword?" (fn [KEYWORD _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "vector?" (fn [VECTOR _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "map?" (fn [MAP _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "fn?" (fn [FN _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "macro?" (fn [MACRO _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "string?" (fn [STRING _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "number?" (fn [INT _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "atom?" (fn [ATOM _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "list?" (fn [LIST _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "sequential?"
(fn [LIST _] => BOOL true | [VECTOR _] => BOOL true | [_] => BOOL false | _ => raise Domain),
prim "empty?"
(fn [LIST (l,_)] => BOOL (length l = 0) | [VECTOR (v,_)] => BOOL (length v = 0) | _ => raise Domain),
prim "contains?"
(fn [MAP (m,_), k] => BOOL (List.exists (fn (k', _) => malEq (k, k')) m) | _ => raise Domain),
(* I/O *)
prim "slurp"
(fn [STRING filename] => TextIO.openIn filename |> slurp [] |> strJoin "" |> STRING | _ => raise Domain),
prim "prn"
(fn args => args |> map prReadableStr |> strJoin " " |> malPrint),
prim "println"
(fn args => args |> map prStr |> strJoin " " |> malPrint),
prim "readline"
(fn [STRING prompt] => valOrElse (readLine prompt |> Option.map STRING) (fn () => NIL) | _ => raise Domain),
(* Strings and stringoids *)
prim "str"
(fn args => args |> map prStr |> strJoin "" |> STRING),
prim "pr-str"
(fn args => args |> map prReadableStr |> strJoin " " |> STRING),
prim "symbol"
(fn [STRING s] => SYMBOL s | _ => raise Domain),
prim "keyword"
(fn [STRING s] => KEYWORD s | [kw as KEYWORD _] => kw | _ => raise Domain),
(* Atoms *)
prim "atom" (fn [x] => ATOM (ref x) | _ => raise Domain),
prim "deref" (fn [ATOM a] => !a | _ => raise Domain),
prim "reset!" (fn [ATOM a, x] => (a := x; x) | _ => raise Domain),
prim "swap!" (fn (ATOM a::(FN (f,_))::args) => let val x = f ((!a)::args) in (a := x; x) end | _ => raise Domain),
(* Listoids *)
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
prim "list" (fn args => malList args),
prim "vector" (fn args => malVector (args)),
prim "vec" (fn [LIST (xs,_)] => malVector (xs) | [v as VECTOR _] => v | _ => raise Domain),
prim "concat" (fn args => malList (List.concat (collectLists args))),
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
prim "cons"
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
(fn [hd, LIST (tl,_)] => malList (hd::tl)
| [hd, VECTOR (tl,_)] => malList (hd::tl)
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
| _ => raise Domain),
prim "conj"
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
(fn (LIST (l,_)::args) => malList (rev args @ l)
| (VECTOR (v,_)::args) => malVector (v @ args)
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
| _ => raise Domain),
prim "seq"
(fn [LIST ([],_)] => NIL | [l as LIST _] => l
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
| [VECTOR ([],_)] => NIL | [VECTOR (v,_)] => malList v
| [STRING ""] => NIL | [STRING s] => String.explode s |> List.map (STRING o String.str) |> malList
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
| [NIL] => NIL
| _ => raise Domain),
prim "count"
(fn [LIST (l,_)] => INT (length l |> LargeInt.fromInt)
| [VECTOR (v,_)] => INT (length v |> LargeInt.fromInt)
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
| [NIL] => INT 0
| _ => raise Domain),
prim "nth"
(fn [LIST (l,_), INT n] => (List.nth (l, (Int.fromLarge n)) handle Subscript => raise OutOfBounds "index out of bounds")
| [VECTOR (v,_), INT n] => (List.nth (v, (Int.fromLarge n)) handle Subscript => raise OutOfBounds "index out of bounds")
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
| _ => raise Domain),
prim "first"
(fn [LIST (l,_)] => (case l of (x::_) => x | _ => NIL)
| [VECTOR (v,_)] => (case v of (x::_) => x | _ => NIL)
| [NIL] => NIL
| _ => raise Domain),
prim "rest"
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
(fn [LIST (l,_)] => malList (case l of (_::xs) => xs | _ => [])
| [VECTOR (v,_)] => malList (case v of (_::xs) => xs | _ => [])
| [NIL] => malList ([])
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
| _ => raise Domain),
prim "map"
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
(fn [FN (f,_), LIST (l,_)] => malList (List.map (fn x => f [x]) l)
| [FN (f,_), VECTOR (v,_)] => malList (List.map (fn x => f [x]) v)
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
| _ => raise Domain),
(* Maps *)
prim "hash-map"
(fn args => buildMap args []),
prim "assoc"
(fn (MAP (m,_)::(args as _::_)) => buildMap args m | _ => raise Domain),
prim "dissoc"
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
(fn (MAP (m,_)::(args as _::_)) => malMap (foldl (fn (k, acc) => malDissoc acc k) m args) | _ => raise Domain),
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
prim "get"
(fn [MAP (m,_), k] => valOrElse (malGet m k) (fn () => NIL) | [NIL, _] => NIL | _ => raise Domain),
prim "keys"
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
(fn [MAP (m,_)] => malList (map #1 m) | _ => raise Domain),
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
prim "vals"
2021-04-07 12:46:12 +03:00
(fn [MAP (m,_)] => malList (map #2 m) | _ => raise Domain),
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
(* Metaprogramming and metadata *)
prim "read-string"
(fn [STRING s] => readStr s | _ => raise Domain),
prim "apply"
(fn (FN (f,_)::args) => f (splatArgs args)
| (MACRO f::args) => f (splatArgs args)
| _ => raise Domain),
2021-04-07 12:42:42 +03:00
prim "meta"
(fn [ FN (_, META m)] => m
| [ LIST (_, META m)] => m
| [VECTOR (_, META m)] => m
| [ MAP (_, META m)] => m
| [_] => NIL
| _ => raise Domain),
prim "with-meta"
(fn [FN (f,_), meta] => FN (f, META meta)
| [LIST (l,_), meta] => LIST (l, META meta)
| [VECTOR (v,_), meta] => VECTOR (v, META meta)
| [MAP (m,_), meta] => MAP (m, META meta)
| [x] => x
| _ => raise Domain),
(* Odds and ends *)
prim "throw"
(fn [x] => raise MalException x | _ => raise Domain),
prim "time-ms"
(fn _ => INT (Time.now () |> Time.toMilliseconds))
2021-03-27 15:13:42 +03:00