mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-27 22:58:00 +03:00

332 lines
11 KiB
Raw Normal View History

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import re
import sys
def debug(*args, **kwargs):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Preprocess Basic code.')
parser.add_argument('infiles', type=str, nargs='+',
help='the Basic files to preprocess')
parser.add_argument('--mode', choices=["cbm", "qbasic"], default="cbm")
parser.add_argument('--keep-rems', action='store_true', default=False,
help='The type of REMs to keep (0 (none) -> 4 (all)')
parser.add_argument('--keep-blank-lines', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Keep blank lines from the original file')
parser.add_argument('--keep-indent', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Keep line identing')
parser.add_argument('--skip-misc-fixups', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Skip miscellaneous fixup/shrink fixups')
parser.add_argument('--skip-combine-lines', action='store_true', default=False,
help='Do not combine lines using the ":" separator')
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.keep_rems and not args.skip_combine_lines:
debug("Option --keep-rems implies --skip-combine-lines ")
args.skip_combine_lines = True
if args.mode == 'qbasic' and not args.skip_misc_fixups:
debug("Mode 'qbasic' implies --skip-misc-fixups")
args.skip_misc_fixups = True
return args
# pull in include files
def resolve_includes(orig_lines, keep_rems=0):
included = {}
lines = []
for line in orig_lines:
m = re.match(r"^ *REM \$INCLUDE: '([^'\n]*)' *$", line)
if m and m.group(1) not in included:
f = m.group(1)
if f not in included:
ilines = [l.rstrip() for l in open(f).readlines()]
if keep_rems: lines.append("REM vvv BEGIN '%s' vvv" % f)
if keep_rems: lines.append("REM ^^^ END '%s' ^^^" % f)
debug("Ignoring already included file: %s" % f)
return lines
def resolve_mode(orig_lines, mode):
lines = []
for line in orig_lines:
m = re.match(r"^ *#([^ \n]*) *([^\n]*)$", line)
if m:
if m.group(1) == mode:
return lines
def drop_blank_lines(orig_lines):
lines = []
for line in orig_lines:
if re.match(r"^\W*$", line): continue
return lines
def drop_rems(orig_lines):
lines = []
for line in orig_lines:
if re.match(r"^ *REM", line):
m = re.match(r"^(.*): *REM .*$", line)
if m:
return lines
def remove_indent(orig_lines):
lines = []
for line in orig_lines:
m = re.match(r"^ *([^ \n].*)$", line)
return lines
def misc_fixups(orig_lines):
text = "\n".join(orig_lines)
# Remove GOTO after THEN
text = re.sub(r"\bTHEN GOTO\b", "THEN", text)
# Remove spaces after keywords
text = re.sub(r"\bIF ", "IF", text)
text = re.sub(r"\bPRINT *", "PRINT", text)
text = re.sub(r"\bDIM ", "DIM", text)
text = re.sub(r"\OPEN ", "OPEN", text)
text = re.sub(r"\bGET ", "GET", text)
text = re.sub(r"\bPOKE ", "POKE", text)
text = re.sub(r"\bCLOSE ", "CLOSE", text)
text = re.sub(r"\bFOR ", "FOR", text)
text = re.sub(r" TO ", "TO", text)
text = re.sub(r"\bNEXT ", "NEXT", text)
# Remove spaces around GOTO/GOSUB/THEN
text = re.sub(r" *GOTO *", "GOTO", text)
text = re.sub(r" *GOSUB *", "GOSUB", text)
text = re.sub(r" *THEN *", r"THEN", text)
# Remove spaces around AND/OR except after ST
text = re.sub(r"(?<!ST) *AND *", r"AND", text)
text = re.sub(r"([^A-Z]) *OR *", r"\g<1>OR", text)
return text.split("\n")
def finalize(lines, args, mode):
labels_lines = {}
lines_labels = {}
call_index = {}
cur_sub = None
# number lines, remove labels (but track line number), and replace
# CALLs with a stack based GOTO
src_lines = lines
lines = []
for line in src_lines:
# Drop labels (track line number for GOTO/GOSUB)
m = re.match(r"^ *([^ :\n]*): *$", line)
if m:
label = m.groups(1)[0]
labels_lines[label] = lnum
lines_labels[lnum] = label
if re.match(r".*CALL *([^ :\n]*) *:", line):
raise Exception("CALL is not the last thing on line %s" % lnum)
# Replace CALLs (track line number for replacement later)
#m = re.match(r"\bCALL *([^ :]*) *$", line)
m = re.match(r"(.*)CALL *([^ :\n]*) *$", line)
if m:
prefix = m.groups(1)[0]
sub = m.groups(1)[1]
if not call_index.has_key(sub):
call_index[sub] = 0
call_index[sub] += 1
label = sub+"_"+str(call_index[sub])
# Replace the CALL with stack based GOTO
if mode == "cbm":
lines.append("%s %sQ=%s:GOSUBPUSH_Q:GOTO%s" % (
lnum, prefix, call_index[sub], sub))
lines.append("%s %sX=X+1:X%%(X)=%s:GOTO %s" % (
lnum, prefix, call_index[sub], sub))
lnum += 1
# Add the return spot
labels_lines[label] = lnum
lines_labels[lnum] = label
lines.append("%s %s" % (lnum, line))
lnum += 1
# remove SUB (but track lines), and replace END SUB with ON GOTO
# that returns to original caller
src_lines = lines
lines = []
for line in src_lines:
# Drop subroutine defs (track line number for CALLS)
m = re.match(r"^([0-9][0-9]*) *SUB *([^ \n]*) *$", line)
if m:
lnum = int(m.groups(1)[0])+1
label = m.groups(1)[1]
cur_sub = label
labels_lines[label] = lnum
lines_labels[lnum] = label
# Drop END SUB (track line number for replacement later)
m = re.match(r"^([0-9][0-9]*) *END SUB *$", line)
if m:
if cur_sub == None:
raise Exception("END SUB found without preceeding SUB")
lnum = int(m.groups(1)[0])
index = call_index[cur_sub]
ret_labels = [cur_sub+"_"+str(i) for i in range(1, index+1)]
if mode == "cbm":
line = "%s GOSUBPOP_Q:ONQGOTO%s" % (lnum, ",".join(ret_labels))
line = "%s X=X-1:ON X%%(X+1) GOTO %s" % (lnum, ",".join(ret_labels))
cur_sub = None
def update_labels_lines(text, a, b):
stext = ""
while stext != text:
stext = text
text = re.sub(r"(THEN *)%s\b" % a, r"\g<1>%s" % b, stext)
#text = re.sub(r"(THEN)%s\b" % a, r"THEN%s" % b, stext)
if mode == "cbm":
text = re.sub(r"ON *([^:\n]*) *GOTO *([^:\n]*)\b%s\b" % a, r"ON\g<1>GOTO\g<2>%s" % b, text)
text = re.sub(r"ON *([^:\n]*) *GOSUB *([^:\n]*)\b%s\b" % a, r"ON\g<1>GOSUB\g<2>%s" % b, text)
text = re.sub(r"(ON [^:\n]* *GOTO *[^:\n]*)\b%s\b" % a, r"\g<1>%s" % b, text)
text = re.sub(r"(ON [^:\n]* *GOSUB *[^:\n]*)\b%s\b" % a, r"\g<1>%s" % b, text)
text = re.sub(r"(GOSUB *)%s\b" % a, r"\g<1>%s" % b, text)
text = re.sub(r"(GOTO *)%s\b" % a, r"\g<1>%s" % b, text)
#text = re.sub(r"(GOTO)%s\b" % a, r"\1%s" % b, text)
return text
# search for and replace GOTO/GOSUBs
src_lines = lines
text = "\n".join(lines)
for label, lnum in labels_lines.items():
text = update_labels_lines(text, label, lnum)
lines = text.split("\n")
# combine lines
if not args.skip_combine_lines:
renumber = {}
src_lines = lines
lines = []
pos = 0
acc_line = ""
def renum(line):
lnum = len(lines)+1
renumber[old_num] = lnum
return "%s %s" % (lnum, line)
while pos < len(src_lines):
line = src_lines[pos]
m = re.match(r"^([0-9]*) (.*)$", line)
old_num = int(m.group(1))
line = m.group(2)
if acc_line == "":
# Starting a new line
acc_line = renum(line)
elif old_num in lines_labels or re.match(r"^ *FOR\b.*", line):
# This is a GOTO/GOSUB target or FOR loop so it must
# be on a line by itself
acc_line = renum(line)
elif re.match(r".*(?:GOTO|THEN|RETURN).*", acc_line):
# GOTO/THEN/RETURN are last thing on the line
acc_line = renum(line)
# TODO: not sure why this is 88 rather than 80
elif len(acc_line) + 1 + len(line) < 88:
# Continue building up the line
acc_line = acc_line + ":" + line
# GOTO/IF/RETURN must be the last things on a line so
# start a new line
if re.match(r".*(?:GOTO|THEN|RETURN).*", line):
acc_line = ""
# Too long so start a new line
acc_line = renum(line)
pos += 1
if acc_line != "":
# Finally renumber GOTO/GOSUBS
src_lines = lines
text = "\n".join(lines)
# search for and replace GOTO/GOSUBs
for a in sorted(renumber.keys()):
b = renumber[a]
text = update_labels_lines(text, a, b)
lines = text.split("\n")
return lines
if __name__ == '__main__':
args = parse_args()
debug("Preprocessing basic files: "+", ".join(args.infiles))
# read in lines
lines = [l.rstrip() for f in args.infiles
for l in open(f).readlines()]
debug("Original lines: %s" % len(lines))
# pull in include files
lines = resolve_includes(lines, keep_rems=args.keep_rems)
debug("Lines after includes: %s" % len(lines))
lines = resolve_mode(lines, mode=args.mode)
debug("Lines after resolving mode specific lines: %s" % len(lines))
# drop blank lines
if not args.keep_blank_lines:
lines = drop_blank_lines(lines)
debug("Lines after dropping blank lines: %s" % len(lines))
# keep/drop REMs
if not args.keep_rems:
lines = drop_rems(lines)
debug("Lines after dropping REMs: %s" % len(lines))
# keep/remove the indenting
if not args.keep_indent:
lines = remove_indent(lines)
# apply some miscellaneous simple fixups/regex transforms
if not args.skip_misc_fixups:
lines = misc_fixups(lines)
# number lines, drop/keep labels, combine lines
lines = finalize(lines, args, mode=args.mode)
debug("Lines after finalizing: %s" % len(lines))