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2015-07-09 18:14:16 +03:00
source mal_readline.tcl
source types.tcl
source reader.tcl
source printer.tcl
source env.tcl
source core.tcl
proc READ str {
read_str $str
proc is_pair {ast} {
expr {[sequential_q $ast] && [llength [obj_val $ast]] > 0}
proc quasiquote {ast} {
if {![is_pair $ast]} {
return [list_new [list [symbol_new "quote"] $ast]]
lassign [obj_val $ast] a0 a1
if {[symbol_q $a0] && [obj_val $a0] == "unquote"} {
return $a1
lassign [obj_val $a0] a00 a01
set rest [list_new [lrange [obj_val $ast] 1 end]]
if {[is_pair $a0] && [symbol_q $a00] && [obj_val $a00] == "splice-unquote"} {
return [list_new [list [symbol_new "concat"] $a01 [quasiquote $rest]]]
} else {
return [list_new [list [symbol_new "cons"] [quasiquote $a0] [quasiquote $rest]]]
proc is_macro_call {ast env} {
if {![list_q $ast]} {
return 0
set a0 [lindex [obj_val $ast] 0]
if {$a0 == "" || ![symbol_q $a0]} {
2015-07-09 18:14:16 +03:00
return 0
set varname [obj_val $a0]
set foundenv [$env find $varname]
if {$foundenv == 0} {
return 0
macro_q [$env get $varname]
proc macroexpand {ast env} {
while {[is_macro_call $ast $env]} {
set a0 [mal_first [list $ast]]
set macro_name [obj_val $a0]
set macro_obj [$env get $macro_name]
set macro_args [obj_val [mal_rest [list $ast]]]
set funcdict [obj_val $macro_obj]
set body [dict get $funcdict body]
set env [dict get $funcdict env]
set binds [dict get $funcdict binds]
set funcenv [Env new $env $binds $macro_args]
set ast [EVAL $body $funcenv]
return $ast
proc eval_ast {ast env} {
switch [obj_type $ast] {
"symbol" {
set varname [obj_val $ast]
return [$env get $varname]
"list" {
set res {}
foreach element [obj_val $ast] {
lappend res [EVAL $element $env]
return [list_new $res]
"vector" {
set res {}
foreach element [obj_val $ast] {
lappend res [EVAL $element $env]
return [vector_new $res]
"hashmap" {
set res [dict create]
dict for {k v} [obj_val $ast] {
dict set res $k [EVAL $v $env]
return [hashmap_new $res]
default { return $ast }
proc EVAL {ast env} {
while {true} {
if {![list_q $ast]} {
return [eval_ast $ast $env]
set ast [macroexpand $ast $env]
if {![list_q $ast]} {
return [eval_ast $ast $env]
2015-07-09 18:14:16 +03:00
lassign [obj_val $ast] a0 a1 a2 a3
if {$a0 == ""} {
return $ast
2015-07-09 18:14:16 +03:00
switch [obj_val $a0] {
"def!" {
set varname [obj_val $a1]
set value [EVAL $a2 $env]
return [$env set $varname $value]
"let*" {
set letenv [Env new $env]
set bindings_list [obj_val $a1]
foreach {varnameobj varvalobj} $bindings_list {
$letenv set [obj_val $varnameobj] [EVAL $varvalobj $letenv]
set ast $a2
set env $letenv
# TCO: Continue loop
"quote" {
return $a1
"quasiquote" {
set ast [quasiquote $a1]
"defmacro!" {
set varname [obj_val $a1]
set value [EVAL $a2 $env]
set fn [obj_val $value]
dict set fn is_macro 1
obj_set_val $value $fn
return [$env set $varname $value]
"macroexpand" {
return [macroexpand $a1 $env]
"try*" {
set res {}
if { [catch { set res [EVAL $a1 $env] } exception] } {
set exc_var [obj_val [lindex [obj_val $a2] 1]]
if {$exception == "__MalException__"} {
set exc_value $::mal_exception_obj
} else {
set exc_value [string_new $exception]
set catch_env [Env new $env [list $exc_var] [list $exc_value]]
return [EVAL [lindex [obj_val $a2] 2] $catch_env]
} else {
return $res
"do" {
set el [list_new [lrange [obj_val $ast] 1 end-1]]
eval_ast $el $env
set ast [lindex [obj_val $ast] end]
# TCO: Continue loop
"if" {
set condval [EVAL $a1 $env]
if {[false_q $condval] || [nil_q $condval]} {
if {$a3 == ""} {
return $::mal_nil
set ast $a3
} else {
set ast $a2
# TCO: Continue loop
"fn*" {
set binds {}
foreach v [obj_val $a1] {
lappend binds [obj_val $v]
return [function_new $a2 $env $binds]
default {
set lst_obj [eval_ast $ast $env]
set lst [obj_val $lst_obj]
set f [lindex $lst 0]
set call_args [lrange $lst 1 end]
switch [obj_type $f] {
function {
set fn [obj_val $f]
set ast [dict get $fn body]
set env [Env new [dict get $fn env] [dict get $fn binds] $call_args]
# TCO: Continue loop
nativefunction {
set body [concat [list [obj_val $f]] {$a}]
set lambda [list {a} $body]
return [apply $lambda $call_args]
default {
error "Not a function"
proc PRINT exp {
pr_str $exp 1
proc REP {str env} {
PRINT [EVAL [READ $str] $env]
proc RE {str env} {
EVAL [READ $str] $env
proc mal_eval {a} {
global repl_env
EVAL [lindex $a 0] $repl_env
set repl_env [Env new]
dict for {k v} $core_ns {
$repl_env set $k $v
$repl_env set "eval" [nativefunction_new mal_eval]
set argv_list {}
foreach arg [lrange $argv 1 end] {
lappend argv_list [string_new $arg]
$repl_env set "*ARGV*" [list_new $argv_list]
# core.mal: defined using the language itself
RE "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))" $repl_env
RE "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))" $repl_env
RE "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))" $repl_env
RE "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))" $repl_env
fconfigure stdout -translation binary
if { [array names env DEBUG] != "" && $env(DEBUG) != "0" } {
if {$argc > 0} {
REP "(load-file \"[lindex $argv 0]\")" $repl_env
# repl loop
while {true} {
set res [_readline "user> "]
if {[lindex $res 0] == "EOF"} {
set line [lindex $res 1]
if {$line == ""} {
if { [catch { puts [REP $line $repl_env] } exception] } {
puts "Error: $exception"
if { $DEBUG_MODE } {
puts $::errorInfo
puts ""