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-- This started out as a simple public variant record.
-- Then smart pointers were added. They were part of the Mal_Type and
-- were required to be public because of the dependencies and
-- how the variant record was public. Not very Ada-like.
-- The third version bites the bullet and delares Mal_Type as tagged.
-- Smart pointers are an OO version in a separate package.
-- The Doubly_Linked_Lists have been replaced with a tree-like list instead...
-- WARNING! This code contains:
-- Recursive data structures.
-- Object-based smart pointers.
-- Object-oriented code.
-- And strong-typing!
-- Chris M Moore 25/03/2015
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
with Ada.Strings.Unbounded;
with Smart_Pointers;
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
with Envs;
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
package Types is
-- Some simple types. Not supposed to use the standard types directly.
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
subtype Mal_Float is Float;
subtype Mal_Integer is Integer;
subtype Mal_String is String;
2015-03-23 01:37:42 +03:00
-- Start off with the top-level abstract type.
2015-03-23 01:37:42 +03:00
subtype Mal_Handle is Smart_Pointers.Smart_Pointer;
2015-03-23 01:37:42 +03:00
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
function "=" (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle;
function "=" (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Boolean;
type Sym_Types is (Int, Floating, Bool, List, Str, Atom, Func,
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
Unitary, Node, Lambda, Error);
2015-03-23 01:37:42 +03:00
type Mal_Type is abstract new Smart_Pointers.Base_Class with private;
2015-03-23 01:37:42 +03:00
function Sym_Type (T : Mal_Type) return Sym_Types is abstract;
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
function Get_Meta (T : Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle;
2015-03-23 01:37:42 +03:00
procedure Set_Meta (T : in out Mal_Type'Class; SP : Mal_Handle);
function To_String (T : Mal_Type'Class; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
type Mal_Ptr is access all Mal_Type'Class;
-- A helper function that just view converts the smart pointer to
-- a Mal_Type'Class pointer.
function Deref (S : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Ptr;
-- A helper function to detect null smart pointers.
function Is_Null (S : Mal_Handle) return Boolean;
-- Derived types. All boilerplate from here.
type Int_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
function New_Int_Mal_Type (Int : Mal_Integer) return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Int_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
function Get_Int_Val (T : Int_Mal_Type) return Mal_Integer;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
type Int_Ptr is access all Int_Mal_Type;
function Deref_Int (SP : Mal_Handle) return Int_Ptr;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
type Float_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
function New_Float_Mal_Type (Floating : Mal_Float) return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Float_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
function Get_Float_Val (T : Float_Mal_Type) return Mal_Float;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
type Float_Ptr is access all Float_Mal_Type;
function Deref_Float (SP : Mal_Handle) return Float_Ptr;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
type Bool_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
function New_Bool_Mal_Type (Bool : Boolean) return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Bool_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
function Get_Bool (T : Bool_Mal_Type) return Boolean;
type Bool_Ptr is access all Bool_Mal_Type;
function Deref_Bool (SP : Mal_Handle) return Bool_Ptr;
type String_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
2015-03-23 01:37:42 +03:00
function New_String_Mal_Type (Str : Mal_String) return Mal_Handle;
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
overriding function Sym_Type (T : String_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
function Get_String (T : String_Mal_Type) return Mal_String;
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
type String_Ptr is access all String_Mal_Type;
function Deref_String (SP : Mal_Handle) return String_Ptr;
type Atom_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
function New_Atom_Mal_Type (Str : Mal_String) return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Atom_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
function Get_Atom (T : Atom_Mal_Type) return Mal_String;
type Atom_Ptr is access all Atom_Mal_Type;
function Deref_Atom (S : Mal_Handle) return Atom_Ptr;
type Error_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
function New_Error_Mal_Type (Str : Mal_String) return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Error_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
2015-03-23 01:37:42 +03:00
2015-03-16 01:00:31 +03:00
2015-03-20 01:19:13 +03:00
type Unitary_Functions is
(Quote, Unquote, Quasiquote, Splice_Unquote, Deref);
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
type Unitary_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
function New_Unitary_Mal_Type (Func : Unitary_Functions; Op : Mal_Handle)
return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Unitary_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
function Get_Func (T : Unitary_Mal_Type) return Unitary_Functions;
function Get_Op (T : Unitary_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle;
2015-07-28 00:44:05 +03:00
type Unitary_Ptr is access all Unitary_Mal_Type;
function Deref_Unitary (SP : Mal_Handle) return Unitary_Ptr;
-- Lists.
2015-03-17 01:48:48 +03:00
type List_Types is (List_List, Vector_List, Hashed_List);
function Opening (LT : List_Types) return Character;
function Closing (LT : List_Types) return Character;
type List_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
function "=" (A, B : List_Mal_Type) return Boolean;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
function New_List_Mal_Type
(List_Type : List_Types;
The_First_Node : Mal_Handle := Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer)
return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
function New_List_Mal_Type
(The_List : List_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : List_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
function Get_List_Type (L : List_Mal_Type) return List_Types;
2015-04-22 23:27:43 +03:00
function Prepend (Op : Mal_Handle; To_List : List_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle;
procedure Append (To_List : in out List_Mal_Type; Op : Mal_Handle);
2015-04-05 22:27:47 +03:00
function Length (L : List_Mal_Type) return Natural;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
-- Get the first item in the list:
function Car (L : List_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
-- Get the rest of the list (second item onwards)
2015-04-05 22:27:47 +03:00
function Cdr (L : List_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
type Func_Access is access
function (Elem : Mal_Handle)
return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
function Map
(Func_Ptr : Func_Access;
L : List_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
type Binary_Func_Access is access
function (A, B : Mal_Handle)
return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
function Reduce
(Func_Ptr : Binary_Func_Access;
L : List_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
function Is_Null (L : List_Mal_Type) return Boolean;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
function Null_List (L : List_Types) return List_Mal_Type;
function Pr_Str (T : List_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
function Cat_Str (T : List_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
2015-07-09 01:18:19 +03:00
function Concat (Rest_Handle : List_Mal_Type; Env : Envs.Env_Handle)
return Types.Mal_Handle; -- a new list
type List_Ptr is access all List_Mal_Type;
function Deref_List (SP : Mal_Handle) return List_Ptr;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
type Func_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
type Builtin_Func is access
function (MH : Mal_Handle; Env : Envs.Env_Handle) return Mal_Handle;
function New_Func_Mal_Type (Str : Mal_String; F : Builtin_Func)
return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Func_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
function Get_Func_Name (T : Func_Mal_Type) return Mal_String;
function Call_Func
(FMT : Func_Mal_Type; Rest_List : Mal_Handle; Env : Envs.Env_Handle)
return Mal_Handle;
type Func_Ptr is access all Func_Mal_Type;
function Deref_Func (S : Mal_Handle) return Func_Ptr;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
type Lambda_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with private;
function New_Lambda_Mal_Type
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
(Params : Mal_Handle; Expr : Mal_Handle)
return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
function Get_Env (L : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Envs.Env_Handle;
procedure Set_Env (L : in out Lambda_Mal_Type; Env : Envs.Env_Handle);
function Get_Params (L : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle;
function Get_Expr (L : Lambda_Mal_Type) return Mal_Handle;
type Lambda_Ptr is access all Lambda_Mal_Type;
function Deref_Lambda (SP : Mal_Handle) return Lambda_Ptr;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
with function Int_Op (A, B : Mal_Integer) return Mal_Integer;
with function Float_Op (A, B : Mal_Float) return Mal_Float;
function Arith_Op (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
with function Int_Rel_Op (A, B : Mal_Integer) return Boolean;
with function Float_Rel_Op (A, B : Mal_Float) return Boolean;
function Rel_Op (A, B : Mal_Handle) return Mal_Handle;
type Mal_Type is abstract new Smart_Pointers.Base_Class with record
Meta : Mal_Handle;
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
end record;
-- Not allowed to be abstract and private. RM 3.9.3(10)
-- So if you call this it'll just raise an exception.
function To_Str (T : Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
type Int_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
Int_Val : Mal_Integer;
end record;
overriding function To_Str (T : Int_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
type Float_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
Float_Val : Mal_Float;
end record;
overriding function To_Str (T : Float_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
type Bool_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
Bool_Val : Boolean;
end record;
overriding function To_Str (T : Bool_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
type String_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
The_String : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
end record;
overriding function To_Str (T : String_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
type Atom_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
The_Atom : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
end record;
overriding function To_Str (T : Atom_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
type Func_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
Func_Name : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
Func_P : Builtin_Func;
end record;
overriding function To_Str (T : Func_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
type Error_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
Error_Msg : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String;
end record;
overriding function To_Str (T : Error_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
type Unitary_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
The_Function : Unitary_Functions;
The_Operand : Mal_Handle;
end record;
overriding function To_Str (T : Unitary_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
-- Nodes have to be a differnt type from a List;
-- otherwise how do you represent a list within a list?
type Node_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
Left, Right : Mal_Handle;
end record;
function New_Node_Mal_Type
(Left, Right : Mal_Handle := Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_pointer)
return Mal_Handle;
overriding function Sym_Type (T : Node_Mal_Type) return Sym_Types;
procedure Append (To_List : in out Node_Mal_Type; Op : Mal_Handle);
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
function Map_Nodes
(Func_Ptr : Func_Access;
L : Node_Mal_Type)
return Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
overriding function To_Str
(T : Node_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
type Node_Ptr is access all Node_Mal_Type;
function Deref_Node (SP : Mal_Handle) return Node_Ptr;
type List_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
List_Type : List_Types;
The_List : Mal_Handle;
end record;
overriding function To_Str
(T : List_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
type Lambda_Mal_Type is new Mal_Type with record
2015-04-19 20:08:51 +03:00
Env : Envs.Env_Handle;
Params, Expr : Mal_Handle;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
end record;
overriding function To_Str
(T : Lambda_Mal_Type; Print_Readably : Boolean := True)
return Mal_String;
2015-04-02 01:36:29 +03:00
2015-03-15 22:56:09 +03:00
end Types;