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(module $reader
;; TODO: global warning
(global $token_buf (mut i32) 0)
(global $read_index (mut i32) 0)
(func $skip_spaces (param $str i32) (result i32)
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(LET $found 0
$c (i32.load8_u (i32.add $str (global.get $read_index))))
(block $done
(loop $loop
;;; while (c == ' ' || c == ',' || c == '\n')
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(br_if $done (AND (i32.ne $c (CHR " "))
(i32.ne $c (CHR ","))
(i32.ne $c (CHR "\n"))))
(local.set $found 1)
;;; c=str[++(*index)]
(global.set $read_index (i32.add (global.get $read_index) 1))
(local.set $c (i32.load8_u (i32.add $str (global.get $read_index))))
(br $loop)
;; ($debug ">>> skip_spaces:" $found)
(func $skip_to_eol (param $str i32) (result i32)
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(LET $found 0
$c (i32.load8_u (i32.add $str (global.get $read_index))))
(if (i32.eq $c (CHR ";"))
(local.set $found 1)
(block $done
(loop $loop
;;; c=str[++(*index)]
(global.set $read_index (i32.add (global.get $read_index) 1))
(local.set $c (i32.load8_u (i32.add $str
(global.get $read_index))))
;;; while (c != '\0' && c != '\n')
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(br_if $loop (AND (i32.ne $c (CHR "\x00"))
(i32.ne $c (CHR "\n"))))
;; ($debug ">>> skip_to_eol:" $found)
(func $skip_spaces_comments (param $str i32)
(loop $loop
;; skip spaces
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(br_if $loop ($skip_spaces $str))
;; skip comments
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(br_if $loop ($skip_to_eol $str))
(func $read_token (param $str i32) (result i32)
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(LET $token_index 0
$isstring 0
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
$instring 0
$escaped 0
$c 0)
($skip_spaces_comments $str)
;; read first character
;;; c=str[++(*index)]
(local.set $c (i32.load8_u (i32.add $str (global.get $read_index))))
(global.set $read_index (i32.add (global.get $read_index) 1))
;; read first character
;;; token[token_index++] = c
(i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $token_buf) $token_index) $c)
(local.set $token_index (i32.add $token_index 1))
;; single/double character token
(if (OR (i32.eq $c (CHR "("))
(i32.eq $c (CHR ")"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "["))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "]"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "{"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "}"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "'"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "`"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "@"))
(AND (i32.eq $c (CHR "~"))
(i32.ne (i32.load8_u (i32.add $str (global.get $read_index)))
(CHR "@"))))
;; continue
;;; if (c == '"') isstring = true
(local.set $isstring (i32.eq $c (CHR "\"")))
(local.set $instring $isstring)
(block $done
(loop $loop
;; peek at next character
;;; c = str[*index]
(local.set $c (i32.load8_u
(i32.add $str (global.get $read_index))))
;;; if (c == '\0') break
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(br_if $done (i32.eq $c 0))
;;; if (!isstring)
(if (i32.eqz $isstring)
;; next character is token delimiter
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(br_if $done (OR (i32.eq $c (CHR "("))
(i32.eq $c (CHR ")"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "["))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "]"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "{"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "}"))
(i32.eq $c (CHR " "))
(i32.eq $c (CHR ","))
(i32.eq $c (CHR "\n"))))))
;; read next character
;;; token[token_index++] = str[(*index)++]
(i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $token_buf) $token_index)
(i32.add $str (global.get $read_index))))
(local.set $token_index (i32.add $token_index 1))
(global.set $read_index (i32.add (global.get $read_index) 1))
;;; if (token[0] == '~' && token[1] == '@') break
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(br_if $done (AND (i32.eq (i32.load8_u
(i32.add (global.get $token_buf) 0))
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(CHR "~"))
(i32.eq (i32.load8_u
(i32.add (global.get $token_buf) 1))
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(CHR "@"))))
;;; if ((!isstring) || escaped)
(if (OR (i32.eqz $isstring) $escaped)
(local.set $escaped 0)
(br $loop)))
(if (i32.eq $c (CHR "\\"))
(local.set $escaped 1))
(if (i32.eq $c (CHR "\""))
(local.set $instring 0)
(br $done)))
(br $loop)
(if (AND $isstring $instring)
($THROW_STR_0 "expected '\"', got EOF")
(return 0)))))
;;; token[token_index] = '\0'
(i32.store8 (i32.add (global.get $token_buf) $token_index) 0)
(global.get $token_buf)
(func $read_seq (param $str i32 $type i32 $end i32) (result i32)
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(LET $res ($MAP_LOOP_START $type)
$val2 0
$val3 0
$c 0
;; MAP_LOOP stack
$ret $res
$empty $res
$current $res)
(block $done
(loop $loop
($skip_spaces_comments $str)
;; peek at next character
;;; c = str[*index]
(local.set $c (i32.load8_u (i32.add $str (global.get $read_index))))
(if (i32.eq $c (CHR "\x00"))
($THROW_STR_0 "unexpected EOF")
(br $done)))
(if (i32.eq $c $end)
;; read next character
;;; c = str[(*index)++]
(local.set $c (i32.load8_u (i32.add $str (global.get $read_index))))
(global.set $read_index (i32.add (global.get $read_index) 1))
(br $done)))
;; value (or key for hash-maps)
(local.set $val2 ($read_form $str))
;; if error, release the unattached element
(if (global.get $error_type)
($RELEASE $val2)
(br $done)))
;; if this is a hash-map, READ_FORM again
(if (i32.eq $type (global.get $HASHMAP_T))
(local.set $val3 ($read_form $str)))
;; update the return sequence structure
(local.set $res ($MAP_LOOP_UPDATE $type $empty $current $val2 $val3))
(if (i32.le_u $current (global.get $EMPTY_HASHMAP))
;; if first element, set return to new element
(local.set $ret $res))
;; update current to point to new element
(local.set $current $res)
(br $loop)
(func $read_macro (param $str i32 $sym i32 $with_meta i32) (result i32)
(LET $first ($STRING (global.get $SYMBOL_T) $sym)
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
$second ($read_form $str)
$third 0
$res $second)
(if (global.get $error_type) (return $res))
(if (i32.eqz $with_meta)
(local.set $res ($LIST2 $first $second)))
(local.set $third ($read_form $str))
(local.set $res ($LIST3 $first $third $second))
;; release values, list has ownership
($RELEASE $third)))
;; release values, list has ownership
($RELEASE $second)
($RELEASE $first)
(func $read_form (param $str i32) (result i32)
2018-11-12 02:55:38 +03:00
(LET $tok 0 $c0 0 $c1 0 $res 0 $slen 0)
(if (global.get $error_type) (return 0))
(local.set $tok ($read_token $str))
(if (global.get $error_type) (return 0))
;;($printf_1 ">>> read_form 1: %s\n" $tok)
;;; c0 = token[0]
(local.set $c0 (i32.load8_u $tok))
(local.set $c1 (i32.load8_u (i32.add $tok 1)))
(if (i32.eq $c0 0)
(return ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))))
(else (if (OR (AND (i32.ge_u $c0 (CHR "0"))
(i32.le_u $c0 (CHR "9")))
(AND (i32.eq $c0 (CHR "-"))
(i32.ge_u $c1 (CHR "0"))
(i32.le_u $c1 (CHR "9"))))
(return ($INTEGER ($atoi $tok))))
(else (if (i32.eq $c0 (CHR ":"))
(i32.store8 $tok (CHR "\x7f"))
(return ($STRING (global.get $STRING_T) $tok)))
(else (if (i32.eq $c0 (CHR "\""))
(local.set $slen ($strlen (i32.add $tok 1)))
(if (i32.ne (i32.load8_u (i32.add $tok $slen)) (CHR "\""))
($THROW_STR_0 "expected '\"', got EOF")
(return 0))
;; unescape backslashes, quotes, and newlines
;; remove the trailing quote
(i32.store8 (i32.add $tok $slen) (CHR "\x00"))
(local.set $tok (i32.add $tok 1))
(drop ($REPLACE3 0 $tok
"\\\"" "\""
"\\n" "\n"
"\\\\" "\\"))
(return ($STRING (global.get $STRING_T) $tok)))))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "nil" $tok))
(then (return ($INC_REF (global.get $NIL))))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "false" $tok))
(then (return ($INC_REF (global.get $FALSE))))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "true" $tok))
(then (return ($INC_REF (global.get $TRUE))))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "'" $tok))
(then (return ($read_macro $str "quote" 0)))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "`" $tok))
(then (return ($read_macro $str "quasiquote" 0)))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "~@" $tok))
(then (return ($read_macro $str "splice-unquote" 0)))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "~" $tok))
(then (return ($read_macro $str "unquote" 0)))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "^" $tok))
(then (return ($read_macro $str "with-meta" 1)))
(else (if (i32.eqz ($strcmp "@" $tok))
(then (return ($read_macro $str "deref" 0)))
(else (if (i32.eq $c0 (CHR "("))
(then (return ($read_seq $str (global.get $LIST_T) (CHR ")"))))
(else (if (i32.eq $c0 (CHR "["))
(then (return ($read_seq $str (global.get $VECTOR_T) (CHR "]"))))
(else (if (i32.eq $c0 (CHR "{"))
(then (return ($read_seq $str (global.get $HASHMAP_T) (CHR "}"))))
(else (if (OR (i32.eq $c0 (CHR ")"))
(i32.eq $c0 (CHR "]"))
(i32.eq $c0 (CHR "}")))
($THROW_STR_1 "unexpected '%c'" $c0)
(return 0))
(return ($STRING (global.get $SYMBOL_T) $tok))))
0 ;; not reachable
(func $read_str (param $str i32) (result i32)
(global.set $read_index 0)
($read_form $str)
(export "read_str" (func $read_str))