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2017-09-08 22:06:17 +03:00
(import (scheme base))
(import (scheme write))
(import (scheme process-context))
(import (lib util))
(import (lib reader))
(import (lib printer))
(import (lib types))
(import (lib env))
(import (lib core))
(define (READ input)
(read-str input))
(define (eval-ast ast env)
(let ((type (and (mal-object? ast) (mal-type ast)))
(value (and (mal-object? ast) (mal-value ast))))
(case type
((symbol) (env-get env value))
((list) (mal-list (map (lambda (item) (EVAL item env)) value)))
((vector) (mal-vector (vector-map (lambda (item) (EVAL item env)) value)))
((map) (mal-map (alist-map (lambda (key value) (cons key (EVAL value env))) value)))
(else ast))))
(define (is-pair? ast)
(let ((type (and (mal-object? ast) (mal-type ast))))
(if (memq type '(list vector))
(pair? (->list (mal-value ast)))
(define (QUASIQUOTE ast)
(if (not (is-pair? ast))
(mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'quote) ast))
(let* ((items (->list (mal-value ast)))
(a0 (car items)))
(if (and (mal-object? a0)
(eq? (mal-type a0) 'symbol)
(eq? (mal-value a0) 'unquote))
(cadr items)
(if (and (is-pair? a0)
(mal-object? (car (mal-value a0)))
(eq? (mal-type (car (mal-value a0))) 'symbol)
(eq? (mal-value (car (mal-value a0))) 'splice-unquote))
(mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'concat)
(cadr (mal-value a0))
(QUASIQUOTE (mal-list (cdr items)))))
(mal-list (list (mal-symbol 'cons)
(QUASIQUOTE (mal-list (cdr items))))))))))
(define (is-macro-call? ast env)
(if (mal-instance-of? ast 'list)
(let ((op (car-safe (mal-value ast))))
(if (mal-instance-of? op 'symbol)
(let ((x (env-find env (mal-value op))))
(if x
(if (and (func? x) (func-macro? x))
2017-09-08 22:06:17 +03:00
(define (macroexpand ast env)
(let loop ((ast ast))
(if (is-macro-call? ast env)
(let* ((items (mal-value ast))
(op (car items))
(ops (cdr items))
(fn (func-fn (env-get env (mal-value op)))))
(loop (apply fn ops)))
(define (EVAL ast env)
(define (handle-catch value handler)
(let* ((symbol (mal-value (cadr handler)))
(form (list-ref handler 2))
(env* (make-env env (list symbol) (list value))))
(EVAL form env*)))
(let ((type (and (mal-object? ast) (mal-type ast))))
(if (not (eq? type 'list))
(eval-ast ast env)
(if (null? (mal-value ast))
(let* ((ast (macroexpand ast env))
(items (mal-value ast)))
(if (not (mal-instance-of? ast 'list))
(eval-ast ast env)
(let ((a0 (car items)))
(case (and (mal-object? a0) (mal-value a0))
(let ((symbol (mal-value (cadr items)))
(value (EVAL (list-ref items 2) env)))
(env-set env symbol value)
(let ((symbol (mal-value (cadr items)))
(value (EVAL (list-ref items 2) env)))
(when (func? value)
(func-macro?-set! value #t))
(env-set env symbol value)
(macroexpand (cadr items) env))
(if (< (length items) 3)
(EVAL (cadr items) env)
(let* ((form (cadr items))
(handler (mal-value (list-ref items 2))))
(ex ((error-object? ex)
(mal-string (error-object-message ex))
((and (pair? ex) (eq? (car ex) 'user-error))
(handle-catch (cdr ex) handler)))
(EVAL form env)))))
2017-09-08 22:06:17 +03:00
(let ((env* (make-env env))
(binds (->list (mal-value (cadr items))))
(form (list-ref items 2)))
(let loop ((binds binds))
(when (pair? binds)
(let ((key (mal-value (car binds))))
(when (null? (cdr binds))
(error "unbalanced list"))
(let ((value (EVAL (cadr binds) env*)))
(env-set env* key value)
(loop (cddr binds))))))
(EVAL form env*))) ; TCO
(let ((forms (cdr items)))
(if (null? forms)
;; the evaluation order of map is unspecified
(let loop ((forms forms))
(let ((form (car forms))
(tail (cdr forms)))
(if (null? tail)
(EVAL form env) ; TCO
(EVAL form env)
(loop tail))))))))
(let* ((condition (EVAL (cadr items) env))
(type (and (mal-object? condition)
(mal-type condition))))
(if (memq type '(false nil))
(if (< (length items) 4)
(EVAL (list-ref items 3) env)) ; TCO
(EVAL (list-ref items 2) env)))) ; TCO
(cadr items))
(EVAL (QUASIQUOTE (cadr items)) env)) ; TCO
(let* ((binds (->list (mal-value (cadr items))))
(binds (map mal-value binds))
(body (list-ref items 2))
(fn (lambda args
(let ((env* (make-env env binds args)))
(EVAL body env*)))))
(make-func body binds env fn)))
(let* ((items (mal-value (eval-ast ast env)))
(op (car items))
(ops (cdr items)))
(if (func? op)
(let* ((outer (func-env op))
(binds (func-params op))
(env* (make-env outer binds ops)))
(EVAL (func-ast op) env*)) ; TCO
(apply op ops))))))))))))
(define (PRINT ast)
(pr-str ast #t))
(define repl-env (make-env #f))
(for-each (lambda (kv) (env-set repl-env (car kv) (cdr kv))) ns)
(define (rep input)
(PRINT (EVAL (READ input) repl-env)))
(define args (cdr (command-line)))
(env-set repl-env 'eval (lambda (ast) (EVAL ast repl-env)))
(env-set repl-env '*ARGV* (mal-list (map mal-string (cdr-safe args))))
2017-09-12 10:44:51 +03:00
(let ((scheme (or (get-environment-variable "scheme_MODE") "chibi")))
2017-09-08 22:06:17 +03:00
(env-set repl-env '*host-language* (mal-string (str "scheme (" scheme ")"))))
(rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))")
(rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))")
(rep "(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))")
(rep "(def! gensym (fn* [] (symbol (str \"G__\" (swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))")
(rep "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))")
(rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))")
(define (main)
(rep "(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))")
(let loop ()
(let ((input (readline "user> ")))
(when input
(ex ((error-object? ex)
(when (not (memv 'empty-input (error-object-irritants ex)))
(display "[error] ")
(display (error-object-message ex))
((and (pair? ex) (eq? (car ex) 'user-error))
(display "[error] ")
(display (pr-str (cdr ex) #t))
2017-09-08 22:06:17 +03:00
(display (rep input))
(if (null? args)
(rep (string-append "(load-file \"" (car args) "\")")))