mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-05 18:08:55 +03:00

feat: purescript step7

This commit is contained in:
mrsekut 2021-07-23 23:12:04 +09:00 committed by Joel Martin
parent af80bc1e6a
commit 16ca69b275
3 changed files with 276 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -11,3 +11,4 @@ step3_env.purs = Mal.Step3
step4_if_fn_do.purs = Mal.Step4
step5_tco.purs = Mal.Step5
step6_file.purs = Mal.Step6
step7_quote.purs = Mal.Step7

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@ -33,18 +33,17 @@ type Eval a = FreeT Identity Effect a
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
let as = args
env <- Env.newEnv Nil
traverse_ (setFn env) Core.ns
setFn env (Tuple "eval" $ setEval env)
rep_ env "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"
rep_ env "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))"
case as of
case args of
Nil -> do
Env.set env "*ARGV*" $ toList Nil
loop env
script:args -> do
Env.set env "*ARGV*" $ toList $ MalString <$> args
script:scriptArgs -> do
Env.set env "*ARGV*" $ toList $ MalString <$> scriptArgs
rep_ env $ "(load-file \"" <> script <> "\")"

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@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
module Mal.Step7 where
import Prelude
import Control.Monad.Error.Class (try)
import Control.Monad.Free.Trans (FreeT, runFreeT)
import Control.Monad.Rec.Class (class MonadRec)
import Core as Core
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Data.Identity (Identity(..))
import Data.List (List(..), foldM, (:))
import Data.Maybe (Maybe(..))
import Data.Traversable (traverse, traverse_)
import Data.Tuple (Tuple(..))
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Class (class MonadEffect, liftEffect)
import Effect.Console (error, log)
import Effect.Exception as Ex
import Env as Env
import Printer (printStr)
import Reader (readStr)
import Readline (args, readLine)
import Types (MalExpr(..), MalFn, RefEnv, foldrM, toHashMap, toList, toVector)
type Eval a = FreeT Identity Effect a
main :: Effect Unit
main = do
env <- Env.newEnv Nil
traverse_ (setFn env) Core.ns
setFn env (Tuple "eval" $ setEval env)
rep_ env "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"
rep_ env "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))"
case args of
Nil -> do
Env.set env "*ARGV*" $ toList Nil
loop env
script:scriptArgs -> do
Env.set env "*ARGV*" $ toList $ MalString <$> scriptArgs
rep_ env $ "(load-file \"" <> script <> "\")"
rep_ :: RefEnv -> String -> Effect Unit
rep_ env str = rep env str *> pure unit
rep :: RefEnv -> String -> Effect String
rep env str = case read str of
Left _ -> throw "EOF"
Right ast -> print =<< (runEval $ eval env ast)
loop :: RefEnv -> Effect Unit
loop env = do
line <- readLine "user> "
case line of
":q" -> pure unit
_ -> do
result <- try $ rep env line
case result of
Right exp -> log exp
Left err -> error $ show err
loop env
setFn :: RefEnv -> Tuple String MalFn -> Effect Unit
setFn env (Tuple sym f) = do
newEnv <- Env.newEnv Nil
Env.set env sym $ MalFunction
{ fn : f
, ast : MalNil
, env : newEnv
, params : Nil
, macro : false
, meta : MalNil
setEval :: RefEnv -> MalFn
setEval env (ast:Nil) = runEval $ eval env ast
setEval _ _ = throw "illegal call of eval"
eval :: RefEnv -> MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
eval _ ast@(MalList _ Nil) = pure ast
eval env (MalList _ ast) = case ast of
MalSymbol "def!" : es -> evalDef env es
MalSymbol "let*" : es -> evalLet env es
MalSymbol "if" : es -> evalIf env es >>= eval env
MalSymbol "do" : es -> evalDo env es
MalSymbol "fn*" : es -> evalFnMatch env es
MalSymbol "quote" : es -> evalQuote env es
MalSymbol "quasiquote" : es -> evalQuasiquote env es
MalSymbol "quasiquoteexpand" : es -> evalQuasiquoteexpand es
_ -> do
es <- traverse (evalAst env) ast
case es of
MalFunction {fn:f, ast:MalNil} : args -> liftEffect $ f args
MalFunction {ast:ast', params:params', env:env'} : args -> do
newEnv <- liftEffect $ Env.newEnv env'
_ <- liftEffect $ Env.sets newEnv params' args
eval newEnv ast'
_ -> throw "invalid function"
eval env ast = evalAst env ast
evalAst :: RefEnv -> MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalAst env (MalSymbol s) = do
result <- liftEffect $ Env.get env s
case result of
Just k -> pure k
Nothing -> throw $ "'" <> s <> "'" <> " not found"
evalAst env ast@(MalList _ _) = eval env ast
evalAst env (MalVector _ envs) = toVector <$> traverse (eval env) envs
evalAst env (MalHashMap _ envs) = toHashMap <$> traverse (eval env) envs
evalAst _ ast = pure ast
evalDef :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalDef env (MalSymbol v : e : Nil) = do
evd <- evalAst env e
liftEffect $ Env.set env v evd
pure evd
evalDef _ _ = throw "invalid def!"
evalLet :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalLet env (MalList _ ps : e : Nil) = do
letEnv <- liftEffect $ Env.newEnv env
letBind letEnv ps
evalAst letEnv e
evalLet env (MalVector _ ps : e : Nil) = do
letEnv <- liftEffect $ Env.newEnv env
letBind letEnv ps
evalAst letEnv e
evalLet _ _ = throw "invalid let*"
letBind :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> Eval Unit
letBind _ Nil = pure unit
letBind env (MalSymbol ky : e : es) = do
ex <- evalAst env e
liftEffect $ Env.set env ky ex
letBind env es
letBind _ _ = throw "invalid let*"
evalIf :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalIf env (b:t:e:Nil) = do
cond <- evalAst env b
pure case cond of
MalNil -> e
MalBoolean false -> e
_ -> t
evalIf env (b:t:Nil) = do
cond <- evalAst env b
pure case cond of
MalNil -> MalNil
MalBoolean false -> MalNil
_ -> t
evalIf _ _ = throw "invalid if"
evalDo :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalDo env es = foldM (const $ evalAst env) MalNil es
evalFnMatch :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalFnMatch env (MalList _ params : body : Nil) = evalFn env params body
evalFnMatch env (MalVector _ params : body : Nil) = evalFn env params body
evalFnMatch _ _ = throw "invalid fn*"
evalFn :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalFn env params body = do
paramsStr <- traverse unwrapSymbol params
pure $ MalFunction { fn : fn paramsStr body
, ast : body
, env : env
, params : paramsStr
, macro : false
, meta : MalNil
fn :: List String -> MalExpr -> MalFn
fn params' body' = \args -> do
fnEnv <- Env.newEnv env
ok <- Env.sets fnEnv params' args
if ok
then runEval $ evalAst fnEnv body'
else throw "actual parameters do not match signature "
unwrapSymbol :: MalExpr -> Eval String
unwrapSymbol (MalSymbol s) = pure s
unwrapSymbol _ = throw "fn* parameter must be symbols"
evalQuote :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalQuote _ (e:Nil) = pure e
evalQuote _ _ = throw "invalid quote"
evalQuasiquote :: RefEnv -> List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalQuasiquote env (e:Nil) = evalAst env =<< quasiquote e
evalQuasiquote _ _ = throw "invalid quasiquote"
evalQuasiquoteexpand :: List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalQuasiquoteexpand (e:Nil) = quasiquote e
evalQuasiquoteexpand _ = throw "invalid quasiquote"
quasiquote :: MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
quasiquote (MalList _ (MalSymbol "unquote" : x : Nil)) = pure x
quasiquote (MalList _ (MalSymbol "unquote" : _)) = throw "invalid unquote"
quasiquote (MalList _ xs) = foldrM qqIter (toList Nil) xs
quasiquote (MalVector _ xs) = do
lst <- foldrM qqIter (toList Nil) xs
pure $ toList $ MalSymbol "vec" : lst : Nil
quasiquote ast@(MalHashMap _ _) = pure $ toList $ MalSymbol "quote" : ast : Nil
quasiquote ast@(MalSymbol _) = pure $ toList $ MalSymbol "quote" : ast : Nil
quasiquote ast = pure ast
qqIter :: MalExpr -> MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
qqIter (MalList _ (MalSymbol "splice-unquote" : x : Nil)) acc = pure $ toList $ MalSymbol "concat" : x : acc : Nil
qqIter (MalList _ (MalSymbol "splice-unquote" : _)) _ = throw "invalid splice-unquote"
qqIter elt acc = do
qqted <- quasiquote elt
pure $ toList $ MalSymbol "cons" : qqted : acc : Nil
read :: String -> Either String MalExpr
read = readStr
print :: MalExpr -> Effect String
print = printStr
-- Utils
runEval :: ∀ m a. MonadRec m => FreeT Identity m a -> m a
runEval = runFreeT $ pure <<< runIdentity
runIdentity :: ∀ a. Identity a -> a
runIdentity (Identity a) = a
throw :: forall m a. MonadEffect m => String -> m a
throw = liftEffect <<< Ex.throw