mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 10:37:58 +03:00

Hy: step7

This commit is contained in:
Joel Martin 2017-09-20 23:49:32 -05:00
parent 5b86f08c03
commit 4abefe454a
2 changed files with 149 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -5,8 +5,12 @@
(defn equal [a b]
(if (and (coll? a) (coll? b) (= (len a) (len b)))
(every? (fn [[a b]] (equal a b)) (zip a b))
(= a b)))
(every? (fn [[a b]] (equal a b)) (zip a b))
(= (type a) (type b))
(= a b)
(def ns
{"=" equal
@ -17,7 +21,7 @@
"println" (fn [&rest a] (print (.join " " (map (fn [e] (pr-str e False)) a))))
"read-string" read-str
"slurp" (fn [a] (Str (-> a open .read)))
"<" <
"<=" <=
">" >
@ -30,6 +34,8 @@
"list" (fn [&rest args] (tuple args))
"list?" (fn [a] (instance? tuple a))
"cons" (fn [a b] (tuple (chain [a] b)))
"concat" (fn [&rest a] (tuple (apply chain a)))
"empty?" empty?
"count" (fn [a] (if (none? a) 0 (len a)))

hy/step7_quote.hy Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
#!/usr/bin/env hy
(import [hy.models [HyDict :as Map HyString :as Str HySymbol :as Sym]])
(import sys traceback)
(import [reader [read-str Blank]])
(import [printer [pr-str]])
(import [env [env-new env-get env-set]])
(import core)
;; read
(defn READ [str]
(read-str str))
;; eval
(defn pair? [x]
(and (coll? x) (> (len x) 0)))
(defn QUASIQUOTE [ast]
(not (pair? ast))
(tuple [(Sym "quote") ast])
(= (Sym "unquote") (first ast))
(nth ast 1)
(and (pair? (first ast))
(= (Sym "splice-unquote") (first (first ast))))
(tuple [(Sym "concat") (nth (first ast) 1) (QUASIQUOTE (tuple (rest ast)))])
(tuple [(Sym "cons") (QUASIQUOTE (first ast)) (QUASIQUOTE (tuple (rest ast)))])))
(defn eval-ast [ast env]
;;(print "eval-ast:" ast (type ast))
(symbol? ast) (env-get env ast)
(instance? Map ast) (Map (map (fn [x] (EVAL x env)) ast))
(instance? tuple ast) (tuple (map (fn [x] (EVAL x env)) ast))
(instance? list ast) (list (map (fn [x] (EVAL x env)) ast))
True ast))
(defn EVAL [ast env]
;;(print "EVAL:" ast (type ast) (instance? tuple ast))
(setv res None)
(while True
(if (not (instance? tuple ast))
(setv res (eval-ast ast env))
;; apply list
(setv [a0 a1 a2] [(nth ast 0) (nth ast 1) (nth ast 2)])
(none? a0)
(setv res ast)
(= (Sym "def!") a0)
(setv res (env-set env a1 (EVAL a2 env)))
(= (Sym "let*") a0)
(setv env (env-new env))
(for [[b e] (partition a1 2)]
(env-set env b (EVAL e env)))
(setv ast a2)
(continue)) ;; TCO
(= (Sym "quote") a0)
(setv res a1)
(= (Sym "quasiquote") a0)
(do (setv ast (QUASIQUOTE a1)) (continue)) ;; TCO
(= (Sym "do") a0)
(do (eval-ast (list (butlast (rest ast))) env)
(setv ast (last ast))
(continue)) ;; TCO
(= (Sym "if") a0)
(setv cond (EVAL a1 env))
(if (or (none? cond) (and (instance? bool cond)
(= cond False)))
(if (> (len ast) 2)
(do (setv ast (nth ast 3)) (continue)) ;; TCO
(setv res None))
(do (setv ast a2) (continue)))) ;; TCO
(= (Sym "fn*") a0)
(setv func (fn [&rest args]
(EVAL a2 (env-new env a1 (or args []))))
func.ast a2
func.env env
func.params a1
res func)
;; apply
(setv el (eval-ast ast env)
f (first el)
args (list (rest el)))
(if (hasattr f "ast")
(do (setv ast f.ast
env (env-new f.env f.params args))
(continue)) ;; TCO
(setv res (apply f args)))))))
;; print
(defn PRINT [exp]
(pr-str exp True))
;; repl
(def repl-env (env-new))
(defn REP [str]
(PRINT (EVAL (READ str) repl-env)))
;; core.hy: defined using Hy
(for [k core.ns]
(env-set repl-env (Sym k) (get core.ns k)))
(env-set repl-env (Sym "eval") (fn [ast] (EVAL ast repl-env)))
(env-set repl-env (Sym "*ARGV*") (tuple (map Str (rest (rest sys.argv)))))
;; core.mal: defined using the language itself
(REP "(def! not (fn* [a] (if a false true)))")
(REP "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))")
(when (>= (len sys.argv) 2)
(REP (+ "(load-file \"" (get sys.argv 1) "\")"))
(sys.exit 0))
(while True
(do (setv line (raw_input "user> "))
(if (= "" line) (continue))
(print (REP line)))
(except [EOFError] (break))
(except [Blank])
(except []
(print (.join "" (apply traceback.format_exception (.exc_info sys)))))))