mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-21 10:37:58 +03:00

if and fn* forms working

* Added if and fn* handling in eval

* New Env constructor env_new_bind
  which takes a list of binding symbols and expressions

* Macro print_str_mac to shorten raw string printing

* Functions implemented as a list, storing an address to call,
  outer environment, bindings and body

* apply_fn  handles user-defined functions. Calls env_new_bind,
  evaluates the body of the function, and returns the result

Simple tests seem to work:

    user> (def! f (fn* (a b) (+ a b)))
    user>  (f 1 2)
This commit is contained in:
Ben Dudson 2017-11-04 23:45:54 +00:00
parent a721b04c24
commit 77872467f6
4 changed files with 375 additions and 29 deletions

View File

@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
%include "macros.mac"
;; ------------------------------------------------------------
;; Environment type
@ -6,16 +8,17 @@
;; current environment, and CDR points to the outer environment
;; ( {} {} ... )
section .data
env_symbol: ISTRUC Array
AT Array.type, db maltype_symbol
AT Array.length, dd 5
AT Array.data, db '*env*'
section .data
;; Symbols used for comparison
static_symbol env_symbol, '*env*'
;; Error message strings
static env_binds_error_string, db "Expecting symbol in binds list",10
static env_binds_missing_string, db "Missing expression in bind",10
section .text
;; Create a new Environment
@ -52,6 +55,116 @@ env_new:
mov rax, rbx
;; Create a new environment using a binding list
;; Input: RSI - Outer environment
;; RDI - Binds, a list of symbols
;; RCX - Exprs, a list of values to bind each symbol to
;; Modifies registers
;; RBX
;; R8
;; R9
;; R10
;; R11
;; R12
;; R13
mov r11, rdi ; binds list in R11
mov r12, rcx ; expr list in R12
call env_new
mov r13, rax ; New environment in R13
; Check the type in the bind list
mov bl, BYTE [r11]
and bl, content_mask
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .bind_not_symbol
mov rdi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Symbol object?
mov bl, BYTE [rdi]
cmp bl, maltype_symbol
jne .bind_not_symbol
; RDI now contains a symbol
; Check the type in expr
mov bl, BYTE [r12]
mov bh, bl
and bh, content_mask
cmp bh, content_pointer
je .value_pointer
; A value. Need to remove the container type
xchg bl,bh
mov [r12], BYTE bl
xchg bl,bh
mov rcx, r12 ; Value
mov rsi, r13 ; Env
push rbx
call env_set
pop rbx
; Restore original type
mov [r12], BYTE bl
jmp .next
; A pointer to something, so just pass address to env_set
mov rcx, [r12 + Cons.car]
mov rsi, r13
call env_set
; Fall through to next
; Check if there is a next
mov bl, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .done
; Got another symbol
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Next symbol
; Check if there's an expression to bind to
mov bl, BYTE [r12 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp bl, content_pointer
jne .bind_missing_expr
mov r12, [r12 + Cons.cdr] ; Next expression
jmp .bind_loop
mov rax, r13 ; Env
.bind_not_symbol: ; Expecting a symbol
push r11 ; Binds list
; Release the environment
mov rsi, r13
call release_object
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
print_str_mac env_binds_error_string
pop rsi ; Throw binds list
jmp error_throw
push r11 ; Binds list
; Release the environment
mov rsi, r13
call release_object
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
print_str_mac env_binds_missing_string
pop rsi ; Throw binds list
jmp error_throw
;; Environment set
;; Sets a key-value pair in an environment

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@ -29,6 +29,14 @@
AT Array.data, db %2
;; Macro for printing raw string
%macro print_str_mac 1
mov rsi, %1 ; String address
mov rdx, %1.len ; Length of string
call print_rawstring

View File

@ -231,19 +231,15 @@ eval_ast:
; Not found, throw an error
push rsi
mov rsi, error_string
mov rdx, error_string.len
call print_rawstring ; print 'Error: '
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rsi
push rsi
mov edx, [rsi + Array.length]
add rsi, Array.data
call print_rawstring ; print symbol
mov rsi, not_found_string
mov rdx, not_found_string.len
call print_rawstring ; print ' not found'
print_str_mac not_found_string ; print ' not found'
pop rsi
jmp error_throw
@ -763,9 +759,7 @@ eval:
push rsi
push rdx
mov rsi, error_string
mov rdx, error_string.len
call print_rawstring ; print 'Error: '
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rdx
pop rsi
@ -954,9 +948,8 @@ eval:
push rsi
push rdx
mov rsi, error_string
mov rdx, error_string.len
call print_rawstring ; print 'Error: '
print_str_mac error_string ; print 'Error: '
pop rdx
pop rsi
@ -1045,12 +1038,211 @@ eval:
; -----------------------------
mov r11, rsi ; if form in R11
; Environment in R15
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .if_no_condition
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr] ; Should be a condition
; Check if value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .if_cond_value
; A pointer, so evaluate
push r15
push r11
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Form
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
call eval ; Result in RAX
pop r11
pop r15
; Get type
mov bl, BYTE [rax]
; release value
push rbx
mov rsi, rax
call release_object
pop rbx
; Check type
cmp bl, maltype_nil
je .if_false
cmp bl, maltype_false
je .if_false
jmp .if_true
; A value
cmp al, content_nil
je .if_false
cmp al, content_false
je .if_false
jmp .if_true
; Skip the next item
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .if_nil
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Get the next item in the list and evaluate it
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .if_nil
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Check if value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
je .if_got_pointer
; copy value in r11
call alloc_cons
mov bl, BYTE [r11]
and bl, content_mask
mov [rax], BYTE bl
mov rbx, [r11 + Cons.car]
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx
mov rsi, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Form
mov rdi, r15 ; Env
call eval
.if_no_condition: ; just (if) without a condition
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
; -----------------------------
mov r11, rsi ; fn form in R11
; Environment in R15
; Get the binds and body of the function
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_empty
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_binds_not_list
mov r12, [r11 + Cons.car] ; Should be binds list
mov al, BYTE [r12]
and al, (block_mask + container_mask)
cmp al, (block_cons + container_list)
je .fn_got_binds ; Can be list
cmp al, (block_cons + container_vector)
je .fn_got_binds ; or vector
jmp .fn_binds_not_list
; Next get the body of the function
mov al, BYTE [r11 + Cons.typecdr]
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_no_body
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.cdr]
; Check value or pointer
mov al, BYTE [r11]
and al, content_mask
cmp al, content_pointer
jne .fn_got_body ; Body in r11
mov r11, [r11 + Cons.car]
; Now put into function type
; Addr is "apply_fn", the address to call
; Env in R15
; Binds in R12
; Body in R11
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_function)
mov rbx, apply_fn
mov [rax + Cons.car], rbx ; Address of apply function
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov r13, rax ; Return list in R13
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r15 ; Environment
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r13 + Cons.cdr], rax ; Append to list
mov r14, rax
push rax
mov rsi, r15
call incref_object
pop rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r12 ; Binds list
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_pointer
mov [r14 + Cons.cdr], rax ; Append to list
mov r14, rax
push rax
mov rsi, r12
call incref_object
pop rax
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE (block_cons + container_function + content_pointer)
mov [rax + Cons.car], r11 ; Body of function
mov [r14 + Cons.cdr], rax
mov rsi, r11
call incref_object
mov rax, r13
call alloc_cons
mov [rax], BYTE maltype_nil
mov [rax + Cons.typecdr], BYTE content_nil
; -----------------------------
@ -1093,6 +1285,38 @@ eval:
mov rax, rsi
;; Applies a user-defined function
;; Input: RSI - Arguments to bind
;; RDI - Function object
push rsi
; Extract values from the list in RDI
mov rax, [rdi + Cons.cdr]
mov rsi, [rax + Cons.car] ; Env
mov rax, [rax + Cons.cdr]
mov rdi, [rax + Cons.car] ; Binds
pop rcx ; Exprs
push rax
call env_new_bind
mov rdi, rax ; New environment in RDI
pop rax ; Function object
mov rax, [rax + Cons.cdr]
mov rsi, [rax + Cons.car] ; Body
push rdi ; Environment
call eval
pop rsi
; Release the environment
push rax
call release_object
pop rax
;; Prints the result
@ -1127,9 +1351,7 @@ _start:
; print the prompt
mov rdx, prompt_string.len ; number of bytes
mov rsi, prompt_string ; address of raw string to output
call print_rawstring
print_str_mac prompt_string
call read_line

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@ -1160,7 +1160,7 @@ map_set:
; Here a Cons object
mov bh, bl
and bh, container_mask
cmp bl, container_value
cmp bh, container_value
jne .set_value_pointer ; Not a simple value, so point to it
; A value, so copy
mov rcx, [r10 + Cons.car]
@ -1357,8 +1357,11 @@ map_keys:
;; Functions are consist of a list
;; - First car is the function address to call
;; ( addr )
;; - Second is the environment
;; - Third is the binds list
;; - Fourth is the body of the function
;; ( addr env binds body )