mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 12:14:45 +03:00
vbs: restores files that have been changed for debug
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,124 +1,125 @@
- {IMPL: vbs, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: windows} # place it first for quick feedback
# - {IMPL: ada}
# - {IMPL: ada.2}
# - {IMPL: awk}
# - {IMPL: bash, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step8 timeout
# - {IMPL: basic, basic_MODE: cbm, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step4 OOM
# - {IMPL: basic, basic_MODE: qbasic, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step4 OOM
# - {IMPL: bbc-basic}
# - {IMPL: c}
# - {IMPL: c.2}
# - {IMPL: cpp}
# - {IMPL: coffee}
# - {IMPL: cs}
# - {IMPL: chuck, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # perf OOM
# - {IMPL: clojure, clojure_MODE: clj}
# - {IMPL: clojure, clojure_MODE: cljs}
# - {IMPL: common-lisp}
# - {IMPL: crystal}
# - {IMPL: d, d_MODE: gdc}
# - {IMPL: d, d_MODE: ldc2}
# - {IMPL: d, d_MODE: dmd}
# - {IMPL: dart}
# - {IMPL: elisp}
# - {IMPL: elixir}
# - {IMPL: elm}
# - {IMPL: erlang, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step8 OOM
# - {IMPL: es6}
# - {IMPL: factor}
# - {IMPL: fantom}
# - {IMPL: fennel}
# - {IMPL: forth}
# - {IMPL: fsharp}
# - {IMPL: go}
# - {IMPL: groovy}
# - {IMPL: gnu-smalltalk}
# - {IMPL: guile}
# - {IMPL: haskell}
# - {IMPL: haxe, haxe_MODE: neko}
# - {IMPL: haxe, haxe_MODE: python}
# - {IMPL: haxe, haxe_MODE: cpp, SLOW: 1}
# - {IMPL: haxe, haxe_MODE: js}
# - {IMPL: hy}
# - {IMPL: io, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # perf OOM
# - {IMPL: janet}
# - {IMPL: java}
# - {IMPL: java-truffle}
# - {IMPL: jq}
# - {IMPL: js}
# - {IMPL: julia}
# - {IMPL: kotlin}
# - {IMPL: livescript}
# - {IMPL: logo}
# - {IMPL: lua}
# - {IMPL: make, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step4 timeout
# - {IMPL: mal, MAL_IMPL: js, BUILD_IMPL: js, NO_SELF_HOST: 1}
# - {IMPL: mal, MAL_IMPL: js-mal, BUILD_IMPL: js, NO_SELF_HOST: 1, NO_PERF: 1, SLOW: 1}
# - {IMPL: mal, MAL_IMPL: nim, BUILD_IMPL: nim, NO_SELF_HOST: 1}
# - {IMPL: mal, MAL_IMPL: nim-mal, BUILD_IMPL: nim, NO_SELF_HOST: 1, NO_PERF: 1, SLOW: 1}
# - {IMPL: matlab, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # Octave, perf timeout
# - {IMPL: miniMAL, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, SLOW: 1} # perf timeout
# - {IMPL: nasm, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # perf OOM
# - {IMPL: nim}
# - {IMPL: objpascal}
# - {IMPL: objc}
# - {IMPL: ocaml}
# - {IMPL: perl}
# - {IMPL: perl6}
# - {IMPL: php}
# - {IMPL: picolisp}
# - {IMPL: pike}
# - {IMPL: plpgsql, NO_SELF_HOST: 1, SLOW: 1} # step3 timeout
# # - {IMPL: plsql}
# - {IMPL: prolog}
# - {IMPL: ps}
# - {IMPL: powershell, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1}
# - {IMPL: purs}
# - {IMPL: python, python_MODE: python2}
# - {IMPL: python, python_MODE: python3}
# - {IMPL: python.2}
# - {IMPL: r}
# - {IMPL: racket}
# - {IMPL: rexx}
# - {IMPL: rpython, SLOW: 1}
# - {IMPL: ruby}
# - {IMPL: ruby.2}
# - {IMPL: rust}
# - {IMPL: scala}
# - {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: chibi}
# - {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: kawa}
# - {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: gauche}
# - {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: chicken}
# - {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: sagittarius}
# - {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: cyclone}
# # - {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: foment}
# - {IMPL: skew}
# - {IMPL: sml, sml_MODE: polyml}
# - {IMPL: sml, sml_MODE: mlton}
# - {IMPL: sml, sml_MODE: mosml}
# - {IMPL: tcl}
# - {IMPL: ts}
# - {IMPL: vala}
# - {IMPL: vb}
# - {IMPL: vhdl, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # perf timeout
# - {IMPL: vimscript}
# # no self-host perf for wasm due to mac stack overflow
# - {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: wasmtime, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, NO_PERF: 1}
# - {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: wasmer, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, NO_PERF: 1}
# - {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: lucet, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, NO_PERF: 1}
# #- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: wax, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # Hangs on GH Actions
# - {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: node, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, NO_PERF: 1}
# #- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: warpy, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # Hangs on GH Actions
# #- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: wace_libc, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # Hangs on GH Actions
# - {IMPL: wren}
# - {IMPL: xslt}
# - {IMPL: yorick}
# - {IMPL: zig}
- {IMPL: ada}
- {IMPL: ada.2}
- {IMPL: awk}
- {IMPL: bash, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step8 timeout
- {IMPL: basic, basic_MODE: cbm, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step4 OOM
- {IMPL: basic, basic_MODE: qbasic, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step4 OOM
- {IMPL: bbc-basic}
- {IMPL: c}
- {IMPL: c.2}
- {IMPL: cpp}
- {IMPL: coffee}
- {IMPL: cs}
- {IMPL: chuck, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # perf OOM
- {IMPL: clojure, clojure_MODE: clj}
- {IMPL: clojure, clojure_MODE: cljs}
- {IMPL: common-lisp}
- {IMPL: crystal}
- {IMPL: d, d_MODE: gdc}
- {IMPL: d, d_MODE: ldc2}
- {IMPL: d, d_MODE: dmd}
- {IMPL: dart}
- {IMPL: elisp}
- {IMPL: elixir}
- {IMPL: elm}
- {IMPL: erlang, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step8 OOM
- {IMPL: es6}
- {IMPL: factor}
- {IMPL: fantom}
- {IMPL: fennel}
- {IMPL: forth}
- {IMPL: fsharp}
- {IMPL: go}
- {IMPL: groovy}
- {IMPL: gnu-smalltalk}
- {IMPL: guile}
- {IMPL: haskell}
- {IMPL: haxe, haxe_MODE: neko}
- {IMPL: haxe, haxe_MODE: python}
- {IMPL: haxe, haxe_MODE: cpp, SLOW: 1}
- {IMPL: haxe, haxe_MODE: js}
- {IMPL: hy}
- {IMPL: io, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # perf OOM
- {IMPL: janet}
- {IMPL: java}
- {IMPL: java-truffle}
- {IMPL: jq}
- {IMPL: js}
- {IMPL: julia}
- {IMPL: kotlin}
- {IMPL: livescript}
- {IMPL: logo}
- {IMPL: lua}
- {IMPL: make, NO_SELF_HOST: 1} # step4 timeout
- {IMPL: mal, MAL_IMPL: js, BUILD_IMPL: js, NO_SELF_HOST: 1}
- {IMPL: mal, MAL_IMPL: js-mal, BUILD_IMPL: js, NO_SELF_HOST: 1, NO_PERF: 1, SLOW: 1}
- {IMPL: mal, MAL_IMPL: nim, BUILD_IMPL: nim, NO_SELF_HOST: 1}
- {IMPL: mal, MAL_IMPL: nim-mal, BUILD_IMPL: nim, NO_SELF_HOST: 1, NO_PERF: 1, SLOW: 1}
- {IMPL: matlab, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # Octave, perf timeout
- {IMPL: miniMAL, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, SLOW: 1} # perf timeout
- {IMPL: nasm, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # perf OOM
- {IMPL: nim}
- {IMPL: objpascal}
- {IMPL: objc}
- {IMPL: ocaml}
- {IMPL: perl}
- {IMPL: perl6}
- {IMPL: php}
- {IMPL: picolisp}
- {IMPL: pike}
- {IMPL: plpgsql, NO_SELF_HOST: 1, SLOW: 1} # step3 timeout
# - {IMPL: plsql}
- {IMPL: prolog}
- {IMPL: ps}
- {IMPL: powershell, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1}
- {IMPL: purs}
- {IMPL: python, python_MODE: python2}
- {IMPL: python, python_MODE: python3}
- {IMPL: python.2}
- {IMPL: r}
- {IMPL: racket}
- {IMPL: rexx}
- {IMPL: rpython, SLOW: 1}
- {IMPL: ruby}
- {IMPL: ruby.2}
- {IMPL: rust}
- {IMPL: scala}
- {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: chibi}
- {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: kawa}
- {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: gauche}
- {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: chicken}
- {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: sagittarius}
- {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: cyclone}
# - {IMPL: scheme, scheme_MODE: foment}
- {IMPL: skew}
- {IMPL: sml, sml_MODE: polyml}
- {IMPL: sml, sml_MODE: mlton}
- {IMPL: sml, sml_MODE: mosml}
- {IMPL: tcl}
- {IMPL: ts}
- {IMPL: vala}
- {IMPL: vb}
- {IMPL: vhdl, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # perf timeout
- {IMPL: vimscript}
# no self-host perf for wasm due to mac stack overflow
- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: wasmtime, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, NO_PERF: 1}
- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: wasmer, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, NO_PERF: 1}
- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: lucet, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, NO_PERF: 1}
#- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: wax, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # Hangs on GH Actions
- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: node, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1, NO_PERF: 1}
#- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: warpy, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # Hangs on GH Actions
#- {IMPL: wasm, wasm_MODE: wace_libc, NO_SELF_HOST_PERF: 1} # Hangs on GH Actions
- {IMPL: wren}
- {IMPL: xslt}
- {IMPL: yorick}
- {IMPL: zig}
# # See .travis.yml (for older osx / xcode tests)
# # - {IMPL: objc, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: xcode7}}
# # - {IMPL: swift, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: xcode7.3}}
# # - {IMPL: swift3, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: xcode8}}
# # - {IMPL: swift4, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: xcode10}}
# - {IMPL: swift5, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: macos}
# See .travis.yml (for older osx / xcode tests)
# - {IMPL: objc, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: xcode7}}
# - {IMPL: swift, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: xcode7.3}}
# - {IMPL: swift3, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: xcode8}}
# - {IMPL: swift4, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: xcode10}}
- {IMPL: swift5, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: macos}
- {IMPL: vbs, NO_DOCKER: 1, OS: windows}
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ step5_EXCLUDES += prolog # no iteration (but interpreter does TCO implicitl
step5_EXCLUDES += sml # not implemented :(
step5_EXCLUDES += $(if $(filter cpp,$(haxe_MODE)),haxe,) # cpp finishes 10,000, segfaults at 100,000
step5_EXCLUDES += xslt # iteration cannot be expressed
step5_EXCLUDES += vbs # to0 slow for 10,000
step5_EXCLUDES += vbs # too slow for 10,000
dist_EXCLUDES += mal
# TODO: still need to implement dist
@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ FAQ](docs/FAQ.md) where I attempt to answer some common questions.
| [VHDL](#vhdl) | [Dov Murik](https://github.com/dubek) |
| [Vimscript](#vimscript) | [Dov Murik](https://github.com/dubek) |
| [Visual Basic.NET](#visual-basicnet) | [Joel Martin](https://github.com/kanaka) |
| [Visual Basic Script](#visual-basic-script) | [Baichao Liu](https://github.com/OldLiu001) |
| [Visual Basic Script](#visual-basic-script) | [刘百超](https://github.com/OldLiu001) |
| [WebAssembly](#webassembly-wasm) (wasm) | [Joel Martin](https://github.com/kanaka) |
| [Wren](#wren) | [Dov Murik](https://github.com/dubek) |
| [XSLT](#xslt) | [Ali MohammadPur](https://github.com/alimpfard) |
@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ do_full = (len(code_changes) != len(impl_changes))
# If we have non-implementation code changes then we will add all
# implementations to the test matrix
do_full = True
run_impls = OVERRIDE_IMPLS
if 'all' in OVERRIDE_IMPLS:
Reference in New Issue
Block a user