mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-10-26 14:22:25 +03:00

SML: Step 3

This commit is contained in:
Fabian 2021-03-26 19:32:27 +01:00 committed by Joel Martin
parent 3a53a42461
commit 8d3f32804e
2 changed files with 29 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
type mal_defs = (string * mal_type) list
datatype mal_env = ENV of mal_defs
| INNER of (mal_defs * mal_env)
fun get (d:mal_defs) s =
d |> List.find (eq s o #1) |> Option.map #2
@ -9,10 +8,6 @@ fun get (d:mal_defs) s =
fun set s v (d:mal_defs) =
(s, v) :: (d |> List.filter (not o eq s o #1))
fun def s v (INNER (d, out)) = INNER (set s v d, out)
| def s v (ENV d) = ENV (set s v d)
fun def s v (ENV d) = ENV (set s v d)
fun let_in s v out = INNER (set s v [], out)
fun lookup (INNER (d, out)) s = optOrElse (get d s) (fn _ => lookup out s)
| lookup (ENV d) s = get d s
fun lookup (ENV d) s = get d s

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@ -5,10 +5,13 @@ fun READ s =
readStr s
fun EVAL e (LIST (SYMBOL "def!"::args)) = eval_def e args
| EVAL e (LIST (SYMBOL "let*"::args)) = eval_let e args
| EVAL e (ast as (LIST (_::_))) = (e, eval_apply e ast)
| EVAL e ast = (e, eval_ast e ast)
and eval_ast e (LIST l) = LIST (List.map (#2 o (EVAL e)) l)
and EVAL' e ast = (#2 o EVAL e) ast
and eval_ast e (LIST l) = LIST (List.map (EVAL' e) l)
| eval_ast e (SYMBOL s) = valOrElse (lookup e s) (fn _ => raise NotDefined ("symbol '" ^ s ^ "' not found"))
| eval_ast e ast = ast
@ -17,8 +20,15 @@ and eval_apply e ast =
LIST ((FN f)::args) => f args
| _ => raise NotApplicable "eval_apply needs a non-empty list"
and eval_def e [SYMBOL s, ast] = let val (_, v) = EVAL e ast in (def s v e, v) end
| eval_def _ _ = raise NotApplicable "define needs a symbol and a value"
and eval_def e [SYMBOL s, ast] = let val v = EVAL' e ast in (def s v e, v) end
| eval_def _ _ = raise NotApplicable "def! needs a symbol and a form to evaluate"
and eval_let e [LIST bindings, ast] = (e, EVAL' (bind bindings e) ast)
| eval_let _ _ = raise NotApplicable "let* needs a list of bindings and a form to evaluate"
and bind (SYMBOL s::v::rest) e = def s (EVAL' e v) e |> bind rest
| bind [] e = e
| bind _ _ = raise NotApplicable "bindings must be a list of symbol/form pairs"
fun PRINT f =
prStr f
@ -39,20 +49,20 @@ fun malMinus (INT b, INT a) = INT (a - b)
fun malDiv (INT b, INT a) = INT (a div b)
| malDiv _ = raise NotApplicable "can only divide integers"
val initEnv =
[] |> set "+"
(FN (foldl malPlus (INT 0)))
|> set "*"
(FN (foldl malTimes (INT 1)))
|> set "-"
(FN (fn [x] => malMinus (x, INT 0)
| x::xs => foldr malMinus x xs
| _ => raise NotApplicable "'-' requires arguments"))
|> set "/"
(FN (fn [x] => malDiv (x, INT 1)
| x::xs => foldr malDiv x xs
| _ => raise NotApplicable "'/' requires arguments"))
|> ENV
val initEnv = ENV [] |> bind [
FN (foldl malPlus (INT 0)),
FN (foldl malTimes (INT 1)),
FN (fn [x] => malMinus (x, INT 0)
| x::xs => foldr malMinus x xs
| _ => raise NotApplicable "'-' requires arguments"),
FN (fn [x] => malDiv (x, INT 1)
| x::xs => foldr malDiv x xs
| _ => raise NotApplicable "'/' requires arguments")
fun repl () = repl' initEnv