mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 01:57:09 +03:00

Step 8 of Make-a-Lisp for Erlang

step0 through step8 passes (sans step5 special case)
This commit is contained in:
Nathan Fiedler 2015-03-27 20:47:57 -07:00
parent 9d34827891
commit a22d9443fb
6 changed files with 298 additions and 10 deletions

View File

@ -1,14 +1,15 @@
SOURCES_BASE = src/step0_repl.erl src/step1_read_print.erl src/step2_eval.erl src/step3_env.erl \
src/step4_if_fn_do.erl src/step5_tco.erl src/step6_file.erl src/step7_quote.erl
src/step4_if_fn_do.erl src/step5_tco.erl src/step6_file.erl src/step7_quote.erl \
SOURCES_LISP = src/core.erl src/env.erl src/printer.erl src/reader.erl src/types.erl
SRCS = step0_repl.erl step1_read_print.erl step2_eval.erl step3_env.erl step4_if_fn_do.erl \
step5_tco.erl step6_file.erl step7_quote.erl
step5_tco.erl step6_file.erl step7_quote.erl step8_macros.erl
BINS = $(SRCS:%.erl=%)

View File

@ -17,5 +17,6 @@

View File

@ -25,6 +25,39 @@ empty_q([]) ->
empty_q(_) ->
{error, "empty? expects one list argument"}.
nth([{Type, List}, {integer, Index}]) when Type == list orelse Type == vector ->
try lists:nth(Index+1, List) of
Result -> Result
error:_Error -> {error, "nth: index out of range"}
nth([_]) ->
{error, "nth expects two arguments"}.
first([{Type, [First|_Rest]}]) when Type == list orelse Type == vector ->
first([{Type, []}]) when Type == list orelse Type == vector ->
first([nil]) ->
first([_]) ->
{error, "first called on non-sequence"};
first([]) ->
{error, "first called with no arguments"};
first(_) ->
{error, "first expects one list argument"}.
rest([{Type, [_First|Rest]}]) when Type == list orelse Type == vector ->
{list, Rest};
rest([{Type, []}]) when Type == list orelse Type == vector ->
{list, []};
rest([_]) ->
{error, "rest called on non-sequence"};
rest([]) ->
{error, "rest called with no arguments"};
rest(_) ->
{error, "rest expects one list argument"}.
equal_q(Args) ->
case Args of
[nil, nil] -> true;
@ -162,12 +195,15 @@ ns() ->
"cons" => fun cons/1,
"count" => fun count/1,
"empty?" => fun empty_q/1,
"first" => fun first/1,
"list" => fun types:list/1,
"list?" => fun types:list_p/1,
"nth" => fun nth/1,
"pr-str" => fun pr_str/1,
"println" => fun println/1,
"prn" => fun prn/1,
"read-string" => fun read_string/1,
"rest" => fun rest/1,
"slurp" => fun slurp/1,
"str" => fun str/1

View File

@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
-export([new/1, bind/3, get/2, set/3, root/1]).
-export([new/1, bind/3, find/2, get/2, set/3, root/1]).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2, terminate/2, code_change/3]).
-record(state, {outer, data}).
@ -36,9 +36,16 @@ new(Outer) ->
bind(Pid, Names, Values) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {bind, Names, Values}).
-spec find(Pid1, Key) -> Pid2
when Pid1 :: pid(),
Key :: {symbol, string()},
Pid2 :: pid() | nil.
find(Pid, {symbol, Name}) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {find_pid, Name}).
-spec get(Pid, Key) -> Value
when Pid :: pid(),
Key :: {symbol, term()},
Key :: {symbol, string()},
Value :: term().
get(Pid, {symbol, Name}) ->
case gen_server:call(Pid, {get, Name}) of
@ -50,7 +57,7 @@ get(_Pid, _Key) ->
-spec set(Pid, Key, Value) -> ok
when Pid :: pid(),
Key :: {symbol, term()},
Key :: {symbol, string()},
Value :: term().
set(Pid, {symbol, Name}, Value) ->
gen_server:call(Pid, {set, Name, Value});
@ -75,8 +82,10 @@ init([Outer]) ->
handle_call({bind, Names, Values}, _From, State) ->
NewEnv = env_bind(State, Names, Values),
{reply, ok, NewEnv};
handle_call({find, Name}, _From, State) ->
handle_call({find_env, Name}, _From, State) ->
{reply, env_find(State, Name), State};
handle_call({find_pid, Name}, _From, State) ->
{reply, pid_find(State, Name), State};
handle_call({get, Name}, _From, State) ->
{reply, env_get(State, Name), State};
handle_call({set, Name, Value}, _From, State) ->
@ -103,13 +112,23 @@ code_change(_OldVsn, State, _Extra) ->
%% Internal functions
pid_find(Env, Name) ->
case maps:is_key(Name, Env#state.data) of
true -> self();
false ->
case Env#state.outer of
undefined -> nil;
Outer -> gen_server:call(Outer, {find_pid, Name})
env_find(Env, Name) ->
case maps:is_key(Name, Env#state.data) of
true -> Env;
false ->
case Env#state.outer of
undefined -> nil;
Outer -> gen_server:call(Outer, {find, Name})
Outer -> gen_server:call(Outer, {find_env, Name})
@ -127,7 +146,7 @@ env_bind(Env, [{symbol, Name}|Ntail], [Value|Vtail]) ->
-spec env_get(Env, Key) -> {ok, Value} | {error, string()}
when Env :: #state{},
Key :: {symbol, term()},
Key :: {symbol, string()},
Value :: term().
env_get(Env, Name) ->
case env_find(Env, Name) of
@ -137,7 +156,7 @@ env_get(Env, Name) ->
-spec env_set(Env1, Key, Value) -> Env2
when Env1 :: #state{},
Key :: {symbol, term()},
Key :: {symbol, string()},
Value :: term(),
Env2 :: #state{}.
env_set(Env, Name, Value) ->

View File

@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ pr_str(Value, Readably) ->
{map, Map} -> pr_map(Map, Readably);
{closure, _Binds, _Body, _Env} -> "#<function>";
{function, _Func} -> "#<builtin>";
{macro, _Binds, _Body, _Env} -> "#<macro>";
{error, Reason} -> io_lib:format("error: ~s", [Reason])

erlang/src/step8_macros.erl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
%%% Step 8: Macros
main([File|Args]) ->
Env = init(),
env:set(Env, {symbol, "*ARGV*"}, {list, Args}),
rep("(load-file \"" ++ File ++ "\")", Env);
main([]) ->
Env = init(),
env:set(Env, {symbol, "*ARGV*"}, {list, []}),
init() ->
Env = core:ns(),
eval(read("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"), Env),
eval(read("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))"), Env),
eval(read("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"), Env),
eval(read("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME \~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or \~@(rest xs))))))))"), Env),
loop(Env) ->
case io:get_line(standard_io, "user> ") of
eof -> io:format("~n");
{error, Reason} -> exit(Reason);
Line ->
rep(string:strip(Line, both, $\n), Env),
rep(Input, Env) ->
try eval(read(Input), Env) of
Result -> print(Result)
throw:Reason -> io:format("error: ~s~n", [Reason])
read(Input) ->
case reader:read_str(Input) of
{ok, Value} -> Value;
{error, Reason} -> throw(Reason)
eval(Value, Env) ->
case Value of
{list, _L1} ->
case macroexpand(Value, Env) of
{list, _L2} = List -> eval_list(List, Env);
_ -> eval_ast(Value, Env)
eval_list({list, []}, _Env) ->
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "def!"}, {symbol, A1}, A2]}, Env) ->
Result = eval(A2, Env),
case Result of
{error, _R1} -> Result;
_ ->
env:set(Env, {symbol, A1}, Result),
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "def!"}, _A1, _A2]}, _Env) ->
throw("def! called with non-symbol");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "def!"}|_]}, _Env) ->
throw("def! requires exactly two arguments");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "let*"}, A1, A2]}, Env) ->
NewEnv = env:new(Env),
let_star(NewEnv, A1),
eval(A2, NewEnv);
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "let*"}|_]}, _Env) ->
throw("let* requires exactly two arguments");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "do"}|Args]}, Env) ->
eval_ast({list, lists:droplast(Args)}, Env),
eval(lists:last(Args), Env);
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "if"}, Test, Consequent|Alternate]}, Env) ->
case eval(Test, Env) of
Cond when Cond == false orelse Cond == nil ->
case Alternate of
[] -> nil;
[A] -> eval(A, Env);
_ -> throw("if takes 2 or 3 arguments")
_ -> eval(Consequent, Env)
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "if"}|_]}, _Env) ->
throw("if requires test and consequent");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "fn*"}, {vector, Binds}, Body]}, Env) ->
{closure, Binds, Body, Env};
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "fn*"}, {list, Binds}, Body]}, Env) ->
{closure, Binds, Body, Env};
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "fn*"}|_]}, _Env) ->
throw("fn* requires 2 arguments");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "eval"}, AST]}, Env) ->
% Must use the root environment so the variables set within the parsed
% expression will be visible within the repl.
eval(eval(AST, Env), env:root(Env));
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "eval"}|_]}, _Env) ->
throw("eval requires 1 argument");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "quote"}, AST]}, _Env) ->
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "quote"}|_]}, _Env) ->
throw("quote requires 1 argument");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "quasiquote"}, AST]}, Env) ->
eval(quasiquote(AST), Env);
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "quasiquote"}|_]}, _Env) ->
throw("quasiquote requires 1 argument");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "defmacro!"}, {symbol, A1}, A2]}, Env) ->
case eval(A2, Env) of
{closure, Binds, Body, CE} ->
Result = {macro, Binds, Body, CE},
env:set(Env, {symbol, A1}, Result),
Result -> env:set(Env, {symbol, A1}, Result), Result
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "defmacro!"}, _A1, _A2]}, _Env) ->
throw("defmacro! called with non-symbol");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "defmacro!"}|_]}, _Env) ->
throw("defmacro! requires exactly two arguments");
eval_list({list, [{symbol, "macroexpand"}, Macro]}, Env) ->
macroexpand(Macro, Env);
eval_list({list, List}, Env) ->
case eval_ast({list, List}, Env) of
{list, [{closure, Binds, Body, CE}|A]} ->
% The args may be a single element or a list, so always make it
% a list and then flatten it so it becomes a list.
NewEnv = env:new(CE),
env:bind(NewEnv, Binds, lists:flatten([A])),
eval(Body, NewEnv);
{list, [{function, F}|A]} -> erlang:apply(F, [A]);
{list, [{error, Reason}]} -> {error, Reason};
A -> io:format("eval_list received ~w~n", [A]), throw("expected a list")
eval_ast({symbol, _Sym}=Value, Env) ->
env:get(Env, Value);
eval_ast({Type, Seq}, Env) when Type == list orelse Type == vector ->
{Type, lists:map(fun(Elem) -> eval(Elem, Env) end, Seq)};
eval_ast({map, M}, Env) ->
{map, maps:map(fun(_Key, Val) -> eval(Val, Env) end, M)};
eval_ast(Value, _Env) ->
print(none) ->
% if nothing meaningful was entered, print nothing at all
print(Value) ->
io:format("~s~n", [printer:pr_str(Value, true)]).
let_star(Env, Bindings) ->
Bind = fun({Name, Expr}) ->
case Name of
{symbol, _Sym} -> env:set(Env, Name, eval(Expr, Env));
_ -> throw("let* with non-symbol binding")
case Bindings of
{Type, Binds} when Type == list orelse Type == vector ->
case list_to_proplist(Binds) of
{error, Reason} -> throw(Reason);
Props -> lists:foreach(Bind, Props)
_ -> throw("let* with non-list bindings")
list_to_proplist(L) ->
list_to_proplist(L, []).
list_to_proplist([], AccIn) ->
list_to_proplist([_H], _AccIn) ->
{error, "mismatch in let* name/value bindings"};
list_to_proplist([K,V|T], AccIn) ->
list_to_proplist(T, [{K, V}|AccIn]).
quasiquote({T, [{list, [{symbol, "splice-unquote"}, First]}|Rest]}) when T == list orelse T == vector ->
% 3. if is_pair of first element of ast is true and the first element of
% first element of ast (ast[0][0]) is a symbol named "splice-unquote":
% return a new list containing: a symbol named "concat", the second element
% of first element of ast (ast[0][1]), and the result of calling quasiquote
% with the second through last element of ast.
{list, [{symbol, "concat"}, First] ++ [quasiquote({list, Rest})]};
quasiquote({T, [{symbol, "splice-unquote"}]}) when T == list orelse T == vector ->
{error, "splice-unquote requires an argument"};
quasiquote({T, [{symbol, "unquote"}, AST]}) when T == list orelse T == vector ->
% 2. else if the first element of ast is a symbol named "unquote": return
% the second element of ast.
quasiquote({T, [{symbol, "unquote"}|_]}) when T == list orelse T == vector ->
{error, "unquote expects one argument"};
quasiquote({T, [First|Rest]}) when T == list orelse T == vector ->
% 4. otherwise: return a new list containing: a symbol named "cons",
% the result of calling quasiquote on first element of ast (ast[0]),
% and result of calling quasiquote with the second through last
% element of ast.
{list, [{symbol, "cons"}, quasiquote(First)] ++ [quasiquote({list, Rest})]};
quasiquote(AST) ->
% 1. if is_pair of ast is false: return a new list containing:
% a symbol named "quote" and ast.
{list, [{symbol, "quote"}, AST]}.
is_macro_call({list, [{symbol, Name}|_]}, Env) ->
case env:find(Env, {symbol, Name}) of
nil -> false;
Env2 ->
case env:get(Env2, {symbol, Name}) of
{macro, _Binds, _Body, _ME} -> true;
_ -> false
is_macro_call(_AST, _Env) ->
macroexpand(AST, Env) ->
case is_macro_call(AST, Env) of
true ->
{list, [Name|A]} = AST,
{macro, Binds, Body, ME} = env:get(Env, Name),
NewEnv = env:new(ME),
env:bind(NewEnv, Binds, lists:flatten([A])),
NewAST = eval(Body, NewEnv),
macroexpand(NewAST, Env);
false -> AST