mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-20 01:57:09 +03:00

Elm: part 4 halfway finished. Hello Monads.

This commit is contained in:
Jos van Bakel 2017-06-08 19:19:27 +02:00
parent 4cb2c1e49d
commit c792f15ef8
13 changed files with 796 additions and 151 deletions

elm/Core.elm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
module Core exposing (..)
import Types exposing (MalExpr(..), Eval, Env)
import Env
import Eval
import Printer exposing (printString)
import Array
import IO exposing (IO(..))
ns : Env
ns =
binaryOp fn retType args =
case args of
[ MalInt x, MalInt y ] ->
Eval.succeed (retType (fn x y))
_ ->
Eval.fail "unsupported arguments"
{- list -}
list =
Eval.succeed << MalList
{- list? -}
isList args =
case args of
[ MalList _ ] ->
Eval.succeed (MalBool True)
_ ->
Eval.succeed (MalBool False)
{- empty? -}
isEmpty args =
case args of
[ MalList list ] ->
Eval.succeed <| MalBool (List.isEmpty list)
[ MalVector vec ] ->
Eval.succeed <| MalBool (Array.isEmpty vec)
_ ->
Eval.fail "unsupported arguments"
{- count -}
count args =
case args of
[ MalList list ] ->
Eval.succeed <| MalInt (List.length list)
[ MalVector vec ] ->
Eval.succeed <| MalInt (Array.length vec)
_ ->
Eval.fail "unsupported arguments"
{- = -}
equals args =
case args of
[ a, b ] ->
Eval.succeed <| MalBool (a == b)
_ ->
Eval.fail "unsupported arguments"
{- pr-str -}
prStr =
List.map (printString True)
>> String.join " "
>> MalString
>> Eval.succeed
{- str -}
str =
List.map (printString False)
>> String.join ""
>> MalString
>> Eval.succeed
writeLine str =
Eval.io (IO.writeLine str)
(\msg ->
case msg of
LineWritten ->
-- TODO need caller continuation here...
Eval.succeed MalNil
_ ->
Eval.fail "wrong IO, expected LineWritten"
prn =
List.map (printString True)
>> String.join " "
>> writeLine
println =
List.map (printString False)
>> String.join " "
>> writeLine
Env.make Nothing
|> Env.set "+" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (+) MalInt)
|> Env.set "-" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (-) MalInt)
|> Env.set "*" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (*) MalInt)
|> Env.set "/" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (//) MalInt)
|> Env.set "<" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (<) MalBool)
|> Env.set ">" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (>) MalBool)
|> Env.set "<=" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (<=) MalBool)
|> Env.set ">=" (MalFunction <| binaryOp (>=) MalBool)
|> Env.set "list" (MalFunction list)
|> Env.set "list?" (MalFunction isList)
|> Env.set "empty?" (MalFunction isEmpty)
|> Env.set "count" (MalFunction count)
|> Env.set "=" (MalFunction equals)
|> Env.set "pr-str" (MalFunction prStr)
|> Env.set "str" (MalFunction str)
|> Env.set "prn" (MalFunction prn)
|> Env.set "println" (MalFunction println)

View File

@ -1,16 +1,9 @@
module Env exposing (Env, make, set, get)
module Env exposing (make, set, get)
import Types exposing (MalExpr(..))
import Types exposing (MalExpr(..), Env(..))
import Dict exposing (Dict)
type Env
= Env
{ outer : Maybe Env
, data : Dict String MalExpr
make : Maybe Env -> Env
make outer =
Env { outer = outer, data = Dict.empty }

elm/Eval.elm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
module Eval exposing (..)
import Types exposing (..)
import IO exposing (IO)
apply : Eval a -> EvalState -> EvalContext a
apply (Eval f) state =
f state
run : EvalState -> Eval a -> EvalContext a
run state e =
apply e state
withState : (EvalState -> Eval a) -> Eval a
withState f =
Eval <|
\state ->
apply (f state) state
putState : EvalState -> Eval ()
putState state =
Eval <|
\_ ->
apply (succeed ()) state
modifyState : (EvalState -> EvalState) -> Eval ()
modifyState f =
Eval <|
\state ->
apply (succeed ()) (f state)
succeed : a -> Eval a
succeed res =
Eval <|
\state ->
( state, EvalOk res )
io : Cmd Msg -> (IO -> Eval a) -> Eval a
io cmd cont =
Eval <|
\state ->
( state, EvalIO cmd cont )
map : (a -> b) -> Eval a -> Eval b
map f e =
Eval <|
\state ->
case apply e state of
( state, EvalOk res ) ->
( state, EvalOk (f res) )
( state, EvalErr msg ) ->
( state, EvalErr msg )
( state, EvalIO cmd cont ) ->
( state, EvalIO cmd (cont >> map f) )
andThen : (a -> Eval b) -> Eval a -> Eval b
andThen f e =
Eval <|
\state ->
case apply e state of
( state, EvalOk res ) ->
apply (f res) state
( state, EvalErr msg ) ->
( state, EvalErr msg )
( state, EvalIO cmd cont ) ->
( state, EvalIO cmd (cont >> andThen f) )
-- Debug.log "wrapping EvalIO" ( state, EvalIO cmd cont )
fail : String -> Eval a
fail msg =
Eval <|
\state ->
( state, EvalErr msg )

elm/IO.elm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
port module IO
( IO(..)
, writeLine
, readLine
, input
, decodeIO
import Json.Decode exposing (..)
{-| Output a string to stdout
port writeLine : String -> Cmd msg
{-| Read a line from the stdin
port readLine : String -> Cmd msg
{-| Received a response for a command.
port input : (Value -> msg) -> Sub msg
type IO
= LineRead (Maybe String)
| LineWritten
decodeIO : Decoder IO
decodeIO =
field "tag" string
|> andThen decodeTag
decodeTag : String -> Decoder IO
decodeTag tag =
case tag of
"lineRead" ->
field "line" (nullable string)
|> map LineRead
"lineWritten" ->
succeed LineWritten
_ ->
fail <|
"Trying to decode IO, but tag "
++ tag
++ " is not supported."

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
SOURCES_BASE = #reader.ls printer.ls env.ls core.ls utils.ls
SOURCES_STEPS = step0_repl.elm step1_read_print.elm step2_eval.elm \
step3_env.elm # \
step4_if_fn_do.ls step5_tco.ls step6_file.ls step7_quote.ls \
step8_macros.ls step9_try.ls stepA_mal.ls
SOURCES_BASE = Reader.elm Printer.elm Utils.elm Types.elm Env.elm \
Core.elm Eval.elm IO.elm
SOURCES_STEPS = step0_repl.elm step4_if_fn_do.elm #step1_read_print.elm step2_eval.elm \
step3_env.elm step4_if_fn_do.elm #step5_tco.ls step6_file.ls \
step7_quote.ls step8_macros.ls step9_try.ls stepA_mal.ls
SOURCES_LISP = #env.ls core.ls stepA_mal.ls
BINS = $(SOURCES:%.elm=%.js)
@ -22,9 +22,9 @@ elm_packages:
$(ELM) make $(@:%.js=%.elm) --output $@
step1_read_print.js: Reader.elm Printer.elm Utils.elm Types.elm
step2_eval.js: Reader.elm Printer.elm Utils.elm Types.elm
step3_env.js: Reader.elm Printer.elm Utils.elm Types.elm Env.elm
# step4_if_fn_do.js: utils.js reader.js printer.js env.js core.js
#step2_eval.js: Reader.elm Printer.elm Utils.elm Types.elm
#step3_env.js: Reader.elm Printer.elm Utils.elm Types.elm Env.elm
step4_if_fn_do.js: $(SOURCES_BASE)
# step5_tco.js: utils.js reader.js printer.js env.js core.js
# step6_file.js: utils.js reader.js printer.js env.js core.js
# step7_quote.js: utils.js reader.js printer.js env.js core.js

View File

@ -1,7 +1,42 @@
module Types exposing (MalExpr(..), keywordPrefix)
module Types exposing (..)
import Array exposing (Array)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import IO exposing (IO)
type Msg
= Input (Result String IO)
type Env
= Env
{ outer : Maybe Env
, data : Dict String MalExpr
type alias EvalState =
{ env : Env
type EvalResult res
= EvalErr String
| EvalOk res
| EvalIO (Cmd Msg) (IO -> Eval res)
type alias EvalContext res =
( EvalState, EvalResult res )
type alias EvalFn res =
EvalState -> EvalContext res
type Eval res
= Eval (EvalFn res)
type MalExpr
@ -14,7 +49,7 @@ type MalExpr
| MalList (List MalExpr)
| MalVector (Array MalExpr)
| MalMap (Dict String MalExpr)
| MalFunction (List MalExpr -> Result String MalExpr)
| MalFunction (List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr)
{-| Keywords are prefixed by this char for usage in a MalMap.

View File

@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ module Utils
, wrap
, maybeToList
, zip
, last
import Regex exposing (replace, regex, HowMany(All))
@ -85,3 +86,16 @@ zip a b =
( x :: xs, y :: ys ) ->
( x, y ) :: zip xs ys
last : List a -> Maybe a
last list =
case list of
[] ->
[ x ] ->
Just x
x :: xs ->
last xs

elm/bootstrap.js vendored
View File

@ -9,12 +9,13 @@ var app = mod.Main.worker({
args: args.slice(1)
// Hook up the output and readLine ports of the app.
app.ports.output.subscribe(function(line) {
// Hook up the writeLine and readLine ports of the app.
app.ports.writeLine.subscribe(function(line) {
app.ports.input.send({"tag": "lineWritten"});
app.ports.readLine.subscribe(function(prompt) {
var line = readline.readline(prompt);
app.ports.input.send({"tag": "lineRead", "line": line});

View File

@ -1,16 +1,8 @@
port module Main exposing (..)
import IO exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (decodeValue)
import Platform exposing (programWithFlags)
import Json.Decode
port output : String -> Cmd msg
port readLine : String -> Cmd msg
port input : (Maybe String -> msg) -> Sub msg
main : Program Flags Model Msg
@ -18,7 +10,8 @@ main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \model -> input Input
, subscriptions =
\model -> input (decodeValue decodeIO >> Input)
@ -33,7 +26,7 @@ type alias Model =
type Msg
= Input (Maybe String)
= Input (Result String IO)
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
@ -44,17 +37,18 @@ init flags =
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Input (Just line) ->
( model
, Cmd.batch
[ output (rep line)
, readLine prompt
Input (Ok (LineRead (Just line))) ->
( model, writeLine (rep line) )
Input Nothing ->
Input (Ok LineWritten) ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Input (Ok (LineRead Nothing)) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Input (Err msg) ->
Debug.crash msg ( model, Cmd.none )
prompt : String
prompt =

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
port module Main exposing (..)
{-| Your IDE might complain that the Json.Decode import
is not used, but it is. Without it you'll get a runtime exception.
import Json.Decode
import IO exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (decodeValue)
import Platform exposing (programWithFlags)
import Types exposing (MalExpr(..))
import Reader exposing (readString)
@ -12,27 +9,13 @@ import Printer exposing (printString)
import Utils exposing (maybeToList)
{-| Output a string to stdout
port output : String -> Cmd msg
{-| Read a line from the stdin
port readLine : String -> Cmd msg
{-| Received a line from the stdin (in response to readLine).
port input : (Maybe String -> msg) -> Sub msg
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \model -> input Input
, subscriptions =
\model -> input (decodeValue decodeIO >> Input)
@ -47,7 +30,7 @@ type alias Model =
type Msg
= Input (Maybe String)
= Input (Result String IO)
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
@ -58,22 +41,23 @@ init flags =
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Input (Just line) ->
outputCmd =
rep line |> Maybe.map output
Input (Ok (LineRead (Just line))) ->
case rep line of
Just out ->
( model, writeLine out )
-- Don't print output when 'rep' returns Nothing.
cmds =
maybeToList outputCmd ++ [ readLine prompt ]
( model
, Cmd.batch cmds
Nothing ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Input Nothing ->
Input (Ok LineWritten) ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Input (Ok (LineRead Nothing)) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Input (Err msg) ->
Debug.crash msg ( model, Cmd.none )
prompt : String
prompt =

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
port module Main exposing (..)
{-| Your IDE might complain that the Json.Decode import
is not used, but it is. Without it you'll get a runtime exception.
import Json.Decode
import IO exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (decodeValue)
import Platform exposing (programWithFlags)
import Types exposing (MalExpr(..))
import Reader exposing (readString)
@ -15,27 +12,13 @@ import Tuple exposing (mapFirst)
import Array
{-| Output a string to stdout
port output : String -> Cmd msg
{-| Read a line from the stdin
port readLine : String -> Cmd msg
{-| Received a line from the stdin (in response to readLine).
port input : (Maybe String -> msg) -> Sub msg
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \model -> input Input
, subscriptions =
\model -> input (decodeValue decodeIO >> Input)
@ -55,7 +38,7 @@ type alias Model =
type Msg
= Input (Maybe String)
= Input (Result String IO)
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
@ -85,32 +68,32 @@ initReplEnv =
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Input (Just line) ->
Input (Ok (LineRead (Just line))) ->
case rep model.env line of
Nothing ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Just ( result, newEnv ) ->
( { model | env = newEnv }
, Cmd.batch
[ makeOutput result
, readLine prompt
( { model | env = newEnv }, writeLine (makeOutput result) )
Input Nothing ->
Input (Ok LineWritten) ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Input (Ok (LineRead Nothing)) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Input (Err msg) ->
Debug.crash msg ( model, Cmd.none )
makeOutput : Result String String -> Cmd msg
makeOutput : Result String String -> String
makeOutput result =
output <|
case result of
Ok str ->
case result of
Ok str ->
Err msg ->
"ERR:" ++ msg
Err msg ->
"ERR:" ++ msg
prompt : String

View File

@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
port module Main exposing (..)
{-| Your IDE might complain that the Json.Decode import
is not used, but it is. Without it you'll get a runtime exception.
import Json.Decode
import IO exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (decodeValue)
import Platform exposing (programWithFlags)
import Types exposing (MalExpr(..))
import Reader exposing (readString)
@ -16,27 +13,12 @@ import Array
import Env exposing (Env)
{-| Output a string to stdout
port output : String -> Cmd msg
{-| Read a line from the stdin
port readLine : String -> Cmd msg
{-| Received a line from the stdin (in response to readLine).
port input : (Maybe String -> msg) -> Sub msg
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions = \model -> input Input
, subscriptions = \model -> input (decodeValue decodeIO >> Input)
@ -52,7 +34,7 @@ type alias Model =
type Msg
= Input (Maybe String)
= Input (Result String IO)
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
@ -81,32 +63,32 @@ initReplEnv =
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Input (Just line) ->
Input (Ok (LineRead (Just line))) ->
case rep model.env line of
Nothing ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Just ( result, newEnv ) ->
( { model | env = newEnv }
, Cmd.batch
[ makeOutput result
, readLine prompt
( { model | env = newEnv }, writeLine (makeOutput result) )
Input Nothing ->
Input (Ok LineWritten) ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Input (Ok (LineRead Nothing)) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Input (Err msg) ->
Debug.crash msg ( model, Cmd.none )
makeOutput : Result String String -> Cmd msg
makeOutput : Result String String -> String
makeOutput result =
output <|
case result of
Ok str ->
case result of
Ok str ->
Err msg ->
"ERR:" ++ msg
Err msg ->
"ERR:" ++ msg
prompt : String

elm/step4_if_fn_do.elm Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
port module Main exposing (..)
import Array
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import IO exposing (..)
import Json.Decode exposing (decodeValue)
import Platform exposing (programWithFlags)
import Types exposing (..)
import Reader exposing (readString)
import Printer exposing (printString)
import Utils exposing (maybeToList, zip, last)
import Env
import Core
import Eval
main : Program Flags Model Msg
main =
{ init = init
, update = update
, subscriptions =
\model -> input (decodeValue decodeIO >> Input)
type alias Flags =
{ args : List String
type alias Model =
{ args : List String
, env : Env
, cont : Maybe (IO -> Eval MalExpr)
init : Flags -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init { args } =
( { args = args
, env = Core.ns
, cont = Nothing
, readLine prompt
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case model.cont of
Nothing ->
normalUpdate msg model
Just cont ->
case msg of
Input (Ok io) ->
run { model | cont = Nothing } (cont io)
Input (Err msg) ->
Debug.crash msg ( model, Cmd.none )
normalUpdate : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
normalUpdate msg model =
case msg of
Input (Ok (LineRead (Just line))) ->
rep line
|> Maybe.map (run model)
|> Maybe.withDefault (( model, readLine prompt ))
Input (Ok LineWritten) ->
( model, readLine prompt )
Input (Ok (LineRead Nothing)) ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Input (Err msg) ->
Debug.crash msg ( model, Cmd.none )
run : Model -> Eval MalExpr -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
run model e =
case Eval.run { env = model.env } e of
( { env }, EvalOk expr ) ->
( { model | env = env }, writeLine (print expr) )
( { env }, EvalErr msg ) ->
( { model | env = env }, writeLine ("ERR:" ++ msg) )
( { env }, EvalIO cmd cont ) ->
( { model | cont = Just cont }, cmd )
makeOutput : Result String String -> String
makeOutput result =
case result of
Ok str ->
Err msg ->
"ERR:" ++ msg
prompt : String
prompt =
"user> "
{-| read can return three things:
Ok (Just expr) -> parsed okay
Ok Nothing -> empty string (only whitespace and/or comments)
Err msg -> parse error
read : String -> Result String (Maybe MalExpr)
read =
eval : MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
eval ast =
case ast of
MalList [] ->
Eval.succeed ast
MalList ((MalSymbol "def!") :: args) ->
evalDef args
MalList ((MalSymbol "let*") :: args) ->
evalLet args
MalList ((MalSymbol "do") :: args) ->
evalDo args
MalList ((MalSymbol "if") :: args) ->
evalIf args
MalList ((MalSymbol "fn*") :: args) ->
evalFn args
MalList list ->
evalList list
|> Eval.andThen
(\newList ->
case newList of
[] ->
Eval.fail "can't happen"
(MalFunction fn) :: args ->
fn args
fn :: _ ->
Eval.fail ((printString True fn) ++ " is not a function")
_ ->
evalAst ast
evalAst : MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalAst ast =
case ast of
MalSymbol sym ->
-- Lookup symbol in env and return value or raise error if not found.
(\state ->
case Env.get sym state.env of
Ok val ->
Eval.succeed val
Err msg ->
Eval.fail msg
MalList list ->
-- Return new list that is result of calling eval on each element of list.
evalList list
|> Eval.map MalList
MalVector vec ->
evalList (Array.toList vec)
|> Eval.map (Array.fromList >> MalVector)
MalMap map ->
evalList (Dict.values map)
|> Eval.map
(zip (Dict.keys map)
>> Dict.fromList
>> MalMap
_ ->
Eval.succeed ast
evalList : List MalExpr -> Eval (List MalExpr)
evalList list =
go list acc =
case list of
[] ->
Eval.succeed (List.reverse acc)
x :: rest ->
eval x
|> Eval.andThen
(\val ->
go rest (val :: acc)
go list []
evalDef : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalDef args =
case args of
[ MalSymbol name, uneValue ] ->
eval uneValue
|> Eval.andThen
(\value ->
(\state ->
{ state | env = Env.set name value state.env }
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> Eval.succeed value)
_ ->
Eval.fail "def! expected two args: name and value"
evalLet : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalLet args =
evalBinds binds =
case binds of
(MalSymbol name) :: expr :: rest ->
eval expr
|> Eval.andThen
(\value ->
Eval.modifyState (\state -> { state | env = Env.set name value state.env })
|> Eval.andThen
(\_ ->
if List.isEmpty rest then
Eval.succeed ()
evalBinds rest
_ ->
Eval.fail "let* expected an even number of binds (symbol expr ..)"
go binds body =
Eval.modifyState (\state -> { state | env = Env.make (Just state.env) })
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> evalBinds binds)
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> eval body)
case args of
[ MalList binds, body ] ->
go binds body
[ MalVector bindsVec, body ] ->
go (Array.toList bindsVec) body
_ ->
Eval.fail "let* expected two args: binds and a body"
evalDo : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalDo args =
returnLast list =
case last list of
Just value ->
Eval.succeed value
Nothing ->
Eval.fail "do expected at least one arg"
evalList args
|> Eval.andThen returnLast
evalIf : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalIf args =
isThruthy expr =
expr /= MalNil && expr /= (MalBool False)
go condition trueExpr falseExpr =
eval condition
|> Eval.map isThruthy
|> Eval.andThen
(\cond ->
(if cond then
case args of
[ condition, trueExpr ] ->
go condition trueExpr MalNil
[ condition, trueExpr, falseExpr ] ->
go condition trueExpr falseExpr
_ ->
Eval.fail "if expected at least two args"
evalFn : List MalExpr -> Eval MalExpr
evalFn args =
extractSymbols list acc =
case list of
[] ->
Ok (List.reverse acc)
(MalSymbol name) :: rest ->
extractSymbols rest (name :: acc)
_ ->
Err "all binds in fn* must be a symbol"
bindArgs env pairs =
case pairs of
[] ->
( bind, arg ) :: rest ->
bindArgs (Env.set bind arg env) rest
makeEnv binds args env =
zip binds args
|> bindArgs (Env.make (Just env))
case args of
[ MalList bindsList, body ] ->
case extractSymbols bindsList [] of
Ok binds ->
fn args =
if List.length args /= List.length binds then
Eval.fail <|
"function expected "
++ (toString (List.length binds))
++ " arguments, got "
++ (toString (List.length binds))
-- TODO: push state and pop afterwards!
-- TODO or temporary change state?
(\state ->
Eval.putState ({ state | env = makeEnv binds args state.env })
|> Eval.andThen (\_ -> eval body)
|> Eval.andThen (\res -> Eval.putState state |> Eval.map (\_ -> res))
Eval.succeed (MalFunction fn)
-- TODO explicitly pass current env
Err msg ->
Eval.fail msg
_ ->
Eval.fail "fn* expected two args: binds list and body"
print : MalExpr -> String
print =
printString True
{-| Read-Eval-Print.
Doesn't actually run the Eval but returns the monad.
rep : String -> Maybe (Eval MalExpr)
rep input =
case readString input of
Ok Nothing ->
Err msg ->
Just (Eval.fail msg)
Ok (Just ast) ->
eval ast |> Just