mirror of https://github.com/kanaka/mal.git synced 2024-09-11 13:55:55 +03:00

SML: Step 8

This commit is contained in:
Fabian 2021-04-05 16:29:10 +02:00 committed by Joel Martin
parent 10f9022397
commit e0925d559d
3 changed files with 61 additions and 31 deletions

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@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ fun prStr NIL = "nil"
| prStr (VECTOR v) = "[" ^ (String.concatWith " " (map prStr v)) ^ "]" (* N.B. not tail recursive *)
| prStr (MAP m) = "{" ^ (String.concatWith " " (map prKvp m)) ^ "}" (* N.B. not tail recursive *)
| prStr (FN _) = "#<function>"
| prStr (MACRO _) = "#<macro>"
and prKvp (k, v) = (prStr k) ^ " " ^ (prStr v)
fun prReadableStr (STRING s) = "\"" ^ (malEscape s) ^ "\""

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@ -1,25 +1,29 @@
fun read s =
readStr s
fun eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "def!"::args)) = evalDef e args
| eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "let*"::args)) = evalLet e args
| eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "do"::args)) = evalDo e args
| eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "if"::args)) = evalIf e args
| eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "fn*"::args)) = evalFn e args
| eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "quote"::args)) = evalQuote e args
| eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "quasiquote"::args)) = eval e (expandQuasiquote args)
| eval e (LIST (SYMBOL "quasiquoteexpand"::args)) = expandQuasiquote args
| eval e (LIST (a::args)) = evalApply e (eval e a) args
| eval e (SYMBOL s) = evalSymbol e s
| eval e (VECTOR v) = VECTOR (map (eval e) v)
| eval e (MAP m) = MAP (List.map (fn (k, v) => (eval e k, eval e v)) m)
| eval e ast = ast
fun eval e ast = eval' e (expandMacro e [ast])
and eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "def!"::args)) = evalDef e args
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "let*"::args)) = evalLet e args
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "do"::args)) = evalDo e args
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "if"::args)) = evalIf e args
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "fn*"::args)) = evalFn e args
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "quote"::args)) = evalQuote e args
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "quasiquote"::args)) = eval e (expandQuasiquote args)
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "quasiquoteexpand"::args)) = expandQuasiquote args
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "defmacro!"::args)) = evalDefmacro e args
| eval' e (LIST (SYMBOL "macroexpand"::args)) = expandMacro e args
| eval' e (LIST (a::args)) = evalApply e (eval e a) args
| eval' e (SYMBOL s) = evalSymbol e s
| eval' e (VECTOR v) = VECTOR (map (eval e) v)
| eval' e (MAP m) = MAP (List.map (fn (k, v) => (eval e k, eval e v)) m)
| eval' e ast = ast
and evalDef e [SYMBOL s, ast] = let val v = eval e ast in (def s v e; v) end
| evalDef _ _ = raise NotApplicable "def! needs a symbol and a form to evaluate"
and evalLet e [LIST bs, ast] = eval (bind bs (inside e)) ast
| evalLet e [VECTOR bs, ast] = eval (bind bs (inside e)) ast
and evalLet e [LIST bs, ast] = eval (bindLet bs (inside e)) ast
| evalLet e [VECTOR bs, ast] = eval (bindLet bs (inside e)) ast
| evalLet _ _ = raise NotApplicable "let* needs a list of bindings and a form to evaluate"
and evalDo e (x::xs) = foldl (fn (x, _) => eval e x) (eval e x) xs
@ -32,7 +36,7 @@ and evalIf e [c,a,b] = if truthy (eval e c) then eval e a else eval e b
and evalFn e [(LIST binds),body] = makeFn e binds body
| evalFn e [(VECTOR binds),body] = makeFn e binds body
| evalFn _ _ = raise NotApplicable "fn* needs a list of bindings and a body"
and makeFn e binds body = FN (fn (exprs) => eval (bind' binds exprs (inside e)) body)
and makeFn e binds body = FN (fn (exprs) => eval (bindFn binds exprs (inside e)) body)
and evalQuote e [x] = x
| evalQuote _ _ = raise NotApplicable "quote needs one argument"
@ -43,36 +47,48 @@ and expandQuasiquote [LIST [SYMBOL "unquote", x]] = x
| expandQuasiquote [m as MAP _] = LIST [SYMBOL "quote", m]
| expandQuasiquote [s as SYMBOL _] = LIST [SYMBOL "quote", s]
| expandQuasiquote [x] = x
| expandQuasiquote _ = raise NotApplicable "quasiquote needs one argument"
| expandQuasiquote _ = raise NotApplicable "quasiquote needs one argument"
and quasiFolder (LIST [SYMBOL "splice-unquote", x], acc) = [SYMBOL "concat", x, LIST acc]
| quasiFolder (x, acc) = [SYMBOL "cons", expandQuasiquote [x], LIST acc]
and evalDefmacro e [SYMBOL s, LIST [SYMBOL "fn*", LIST binds, body]] = let val m = makeMacro e binds body in (def s m e; m) end
| evalDefmacro e [SYMBOL s, LIST [SYMBOL "fn*", VECTOR binds, body]] = let val m = makeMacro e binds body in (def s m e; m) end
| evalDefmacro _ _ = raise NotApplicable "defmacro! needs a name, a list of bindings, and a body"
and makeMacro e binds body = MACRO (fn (exprs) => eval (bindMacro binds exprs (inside e)) body)
and expandMacro e [(ast as LIST (SYMBOL s::args))] = (case lookup e s of SOME (MACRO m) => m args | _ => ast)
| expandMacro _ [ast] = ast
| expandMacro _ _ = raise NotApplicable "macroexpand needs one argument"
and evalApply e (FN f) args = f (map (eval e) args)
| evalApply _ x args = raise NotApplicable (prStr x ^ " is not applicable on " ^ prStr (LIST args))
and evalSymbol e s = valOrElse (lookup e s)
(fn _ => raise NotDefined ("symbol '" ^ s ^ "' not found"))
and bind (SYMBOL s::v::rest) e = (def s (eval e v) e; bind rest e)
| bind [] e = e
| bind _ _ = raise NotApplicable "bindings must be a list of symbol/form pairs"
and bindLet (SYMBOL s::v::rest) e = (def s (eval e v) e; bindLet rest e)
| bindLet [] e = e
| bindLet _ _ = raise NotApplicable "bindings must be a list of symbol/form pairs"
and bind' [SYMBOL "&", SYMBOL s] vs e = (def s (LIST (map (eval e) vs)) e; e)
| bind' (SYMBOL s::bs) (v::vs) e = (def s (eval e v) e; bind' bs vs e)
| bind' [] _ e = e
| bind' _ _ _ = raise NotApplicable "bindings must be a list of symbol/form pairs"
and bindFn [SYMBOL "&", SYMBOL s] vs e = (def s (LIST (map (eval e) vs)) e; e)
| bindFn (SYMBOL s::bs) (v::vs) e = (def s (eval e v) e; bindFn bs vs e)
| bindFn [] _ e = e
| bindFn _ _ _ = raise NotApplicable "bindings must be a pair of symbol/form lists"
and bindMacro [SYMBOL "&", SYMBOL s] vs e = (def s (LIST vs) e; e)
| bindMacro (SYMBOL s::bs) (v::vs) e = (def s v e; bindMacro bs vs e)
| bindMacro [] _ e = e
| bindMacro _ _ _ = raise NotApplicable "bindings must be a pair of symbol/form lists"
fun print f =
prReadableStr f
fun rep e s =
s |> read |> eval e |> print
handle Nothing => ""
| SyntaxError msg => "SYNTAX ERROR: " ^ msg
| NotApplicable msg => "CANNOT APPLY: " ^ msg
| NotDefined msg => "NOT DEFINED: " ^ msg
handle Nothing => ""
| e => "ERROR: " ^ (exnMessage e)
val initEnv = ENV (NS (ref [])) |> bind coreNs
val initEnv = ENV (NS (ref [])) |> bindLet coreNs
fun repl e =
let open TextIO
@ -89,14 +105,26 @@ fun repl e =
) end
val prelude = " \
\(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true))) \
\(def! \
\ load-file \
\ (fn* (f) \
\ (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))"
\ (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))\
\(defmacro! \
\ cond \
\ (fn* (& xs) \
\ (if (> (count xs) 0) \
\ (list 'if (first xs) \
\ (if (> (count xs) 1) \
\ (nth xs 1) \
\ (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) \
\ (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"
fun main () = (
bind [
bindLet [
SYMBOL "eval",
FN (fn ([x]) => eval initEnv x
| _ => raise NotApplicable "'eval' requires one argument")

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@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ datatype mal_type = NIL
| MAP of (mal_type * mal_type) list
| ATOM of mal_type ref
| FN of mal_type list -> mal_type
| MACRO of mal_type list -> mal_type
and mal_ns = NS of (string * mal_type) list ref