# # mal (Make a Lisp) object types # if [ -z "${__mal_types_included__}" ]; then __mal_types_included=true declare -A ANON __obj_magic=__5bal7 __keyw=$(echo -en "\xCA\x9E") # \u029E __obj_hash_code=${__obj_hash_code:-0} __new_obj_hash_code () { __obj_hash_code=$(( __obj_hash_code + 1)) r="${__obj_hash_code}" } __new_obj () { __new_obj_hash_code r="${1}_${r}" } __new_obj_like () { __new_obj_hash_code r="${1%_*}_${r}" } # Errors/Exceptions __ERROR= _error() { _string "${1}" __ERROR="${r}" r= } # # General functions # # Return the type of the object (or "make" if it's not a object _obj_type () { local type="${1:0:4}" r= case "${type}" in symb) r="symbol" ;; list) r="list" ;; numb) r="number" ;; func) r="function" ;; strn) local s="${ANON["${1}"]}" if [[ "${1:0:1}" = "${__keyw}" ]] \ || [[ "${1:0:2}" = "${__keyw}" ]]; then r="keyword" else r="string" fi ;; _nil) r="nil" ;; true) r="true" ;; fals) r="false" ;; vect) r="vector" ;; hmap) r="hash_map" ;; atom) r="atom" ;; undf) r="undefined" ;; *) r="bash" ;; esac } _equal? () { _obj_type "${1}"; local ot1="${r}" _obj_type "${2}"; local ot2="${r}" if [[ "${ot1}" != "${ot2}" ]]; then if ! _sequential? "${1}" || ! _sequential? "${2}"; then return 1 fi fi case "${ot1}" in string|symbol|keyword|number) [[ "${ANON["${1}"]}" == "${ANON["${2}"]}" ]] ;; list|vector) _count "${1}"; local sz1="${r}" _count "${2}"; local sz2="${r}" [[ "${sz1}" == "${sz2}" ]] || return 1 local a1=(${ANON["${1}"]}) local a2=(${ANON["${2}"]}) for ((i=0;i<${#a1[*]};i++)); do _equal? "${a1[${i}]}" "${a2[${i}]}" || return 1 done ;; hash_map) local hm1="${ANON["${1}"]}" eval local ks1="\${!${hm1}[@]}" local hm2="${ANON["${2}"]}" eval local ks2="\${!${hm2}[@]}" [[ "${#ks1}" == "${#ks2}" ]] || return 1 for k in ${ks1}; do eval v1="\${${hm1}[\"${k}\"]}" eval v2="\${${hm2}[\"${k}\"]}" [ "${v1}" ] || return 1 [ "${v2}" ] || return 1 _equal? "${v1}" "${v2}" || return 1 done ;; *) [[ "${1}" == "${2}" ]] ;; esac } # Constant atomic values __nil=_nil_0 __true=true_0 __false=fals_0 _nil? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^_nil_ ]]; } _true? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^true_ ]]; } _false? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^fals_ ]]; } # Symbols _symbol () { __new_obj_hash_code r="symb_${r}" ANON["${r}"]="${1//\*/__STAR__}" } _symbol? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^symb_ ]]; } # Keywords _keyword () { local k="${1}" __new_obj_hash_code r="strn_${r}" if [[ "${1:0:1}" = "${__keyw}" ]] \ || [[ "${1:0:2}" = "${__keyw}" ]]; then true else k="${__keyw}${1}" fi ANON["${r}"]="${k//\*/__STAR__}" } _keyword? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^strn_ ]] || return 1 local s="${ANON["${1}"]}" [[ "${s:0:1}" = "${__keyw}" ]] || [[ "${s:0:2}" = "${__keyw}" ]] } # Numbers _number () { __new_obj_hash_code r="numb_${r}" ANON["${r}"]="${1}" } _number? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^numb_ ]]; } # Strings _string () { __new_obj_hash_code r="strn_${r}" ANON["${r}"]="${1//\*/__STAR__}" } _string? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^strn_ ]]; } # Functions # Return a function object. The first parameter is the # function 'source'. _function () { __new_obj_hash_code eval "function ${__obj_magic}_func_${r} () { ${1%;} ; }" r="func_${r}" if [[ "${2}" ]]; then # Native function ANON["${r}"]="${__obj_magic}_${r}@${2}@${3}@${4}" else # Bash function ANON["${r}"]="${__obj_magic}_${r}" fi } _function? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^func_ ]]; } # Lists _list () { __new_obj_hash_code r="list_${r}" ANON["${r}"]="${*}" } _list? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^list_ ]]; } # Vectors _vector () { __new_obj_hash_code r="vector_${r}" ANON["${r}"]="${*}" } _vector? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^vector_ ]]; } vec () { __new_obj_hash_code r="vector_$r" ANON["$r"]=${ANON["$1"]} } # hash maps (associative arrays) _hash_map () { __new_obj_hash_code local name="hmap_${r}" local obj="${__obj_magic}_${name}" declare -A -g ${obj}; eval "${obj}=()" ANON["${name}"]="${obj}" while [[ "${1}" ]]; do eval ${obj}[\"${ANON["${1}"]}\"]=\"${2}\" shift; shift done r="${name}" } _hash_map? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^hmap_ ]]; } _contains? () { local obj="${ANON["${1}"]}" eval [[ "\${${obj}[\"${2}\"]+isset}" ]] } _copy_hash_map () { local orig_obj="${ANON["${1}"]}" _hash_map local name="${r}" local obj="${ANON["${name}"]}" # Copy the existing key/values to the new object local temp=$(typeset -p ${orig_obj}) eval ${temp/#declare -A ${orig_obj}=/declare -A -g ${obj}=} r="${name}" } # Return same hash map with keys/values added/mutated in place _assoc! () { local obj=${ANON["${1}"]}; shift declare -A -g ${obj} # Set the key/values specified while [[ "${1}" ]]; do eval ${obj}[\"${1}\"]=\"${2}\" shift; shift done } # Return same hash map with keys/values deleted/mutated in place _dissoc! () { local obj=${ANON["${1}"]}; shift declare -A -g ${obj} # Delete the key/values specified while [[ "${1}" ]]; do eval unset ${obj}[\"${1}\"] shift done } # Atoms _atom() { __new_obj_hash_code r="atom_${r}" ANON["${r}"]="${*}" } _atom? () { [[ ${1} =~ ^atom_ ]]; } # sequence operations _sequential? () { _list? "${1}" || _vector? "${1}" } _nth () { local temp=(${ANON["${1}"]}) r="${temp[${2}]}" } _first () { local temp="${ANON["${1}"]}" r="${temp%% *}" [ "${r}" ] || r="${__nil}" } _last () { local temp="${ANON["${1}"]}" r="${temp##* }" } # Creates a new vector/list of the everything after but the first # element _rest () { local temp="${ANON["${1}"]}" _list if [[ "${temp#* }" == "${temp}" ]]; then ANON["${r}"]= else ANON["${r}"]="${temp#* }" fi } _empty? () { [[ -z "${ANON["${1}"]}" ]]; } # conj that mutates in place (and always appends) _conj! () { local obj="${1}"; shift local obj_data="${ANON["${obj}"]}" ANON["${obj}"]="${obj_data:+${obj_data} }${*}" r="${1}" } _count () { if _nil? "${1}"; then r="0" else local temp=(${ANON["${1}"]}) r=${#temp[*]} fi } # Slice a sequence object $1 starting at $2 of length $3 _slice () { local temp=(${ANON["${1}"]}) __new_obj_like "${1}" ANON["${r}"]="${temp[@]:${2}:${3}}" } # Takes a bash function and an list object and invokes the function on # each element of the list, returning a new list (or vector) of the results. _map_with_type () { local constructor="${1}"; shift local f="${1}"; shift local items="${ANON["${1}"]}"; shift eval "${constructor}"; local new_seq="${r}" for v in ${items}; do #echo eval ${f%%@*} "${v}" "${@}" eval ${f%%@*} "${v}" "${@}" [[ "${__ERROR}" ]] && r= && return 1 _conj! "${new_seq}" "${r}" done r="${new_seq}" } _map () { _map_with_type _list "${@}" } fi