// @import readline.ck // @import types/MalObject.ck // @import types/mal/MalAtom.ck // @import types/mal/MalString.ck // @import types/mal/MalError.ck // @import types/mal/MalNil.ck // @import types/mal/MalFalse.ck // @import types/mal/MalTrue.ck // @import types/mal/MalInt.ck // @import types/mal/MalSymbol.ck // @import types/mal/MalKeyword.ck // @import types/mal/MalList.ck // @import types/mal/MalVector.ck // @import types/mal/MalHashMap.ck // @import util/*.ck // @import reader.ck // @import printer.ck // @import env.ck // @import func.ck // @import types/MalSubr.ck // @import types/subr/*.ck // @import core.ck fun MalObject READ(string input) { return Reader.read_str(input); } fun int startsWith(MalObject a[], string sym) { if (a.size() != 2) { return false; } a[0] @=> MalObject a0; return a0.type == "symbol" && a0.stringValue == sym; } fun MalList qqLoop(MalObject elt, MalList acc) { if( elt.type == "list" ) { elt.malObjectValues() @=> MalObject ast[]; if( startsWith(ast, "splice-unquote") ) { return MalList.create([MalSymbol.create("concat"), ast[1], acc]); } } return MalList.create([MalSymbol.create("cons"), quasiquote(elt), acc]); } fun MalList qqFoldr(MalObject a[]) { MalObject empty[0]; // empty, but typed MalList.create(empty) @=> MalList acc; for( a.size() - 1 => int i; 0 <= i; i-- ) { qqLoop(a[i], acc) @=> acc; } return acc; } fun MalObject quasiquote(MalObject ast) { ast.type => string type; if (type == "list") { ast.malObjectValues() @=> MalObject a[]; if (startsWith(a, "unquote")) { return a[1]; } return qqFoldr(a); } if (type == "vector") { return MalList.create([MalSymbol.create("vec"), qqFoldr(ast.malObjectValues())]); } if (type == "symbol" || type == "hashmap") { return MalList.create([MalSymbol.create("quote"), ast]); } return ast; } fun int isMacroCall(MalObject ast, Env env) { if( ast.type == "list" ) { ast.malObjectValues() @=> MalObject a[]; if( a[0].type == "symbol" ) { a[0].stringValue => string name; env.find(name) @=> MalObject value; if( value != null && value.type == "func" && (value$Func).isMacro ) { return true; } } } return false; } fun MalObject macroexpand(MalObject ast, Env env) { while( isMacroCall(ast, env) ) { ast.malObjectValues() @=> MalObject list[]; list[0].stringValue => string name; env.get(name) @=> MalObject macro; MalObject.slice(list, 1) @=> MalObject args[]; if( macro.type == "subr" ) { (macro$MalSubr).call(args) @=> ast; } else // macro.type == "func" { macro$Func @=> Func func; Env.create(func.env, func.args, args) @=> Env eval_env; EVAL(func.ast, eval_env) @=> ast; } } return ast; } fun MalObject EVAL(MalObject m, Env env) { while( true ) { env.find("DEBUG-EVAL") @=> MalObject debugEval; if( debugEval != null && (debugEval.type != "false" && debugEval.type != "nil" ) ) { Util.println("EVAL: " + Printer.pr_str(m, true)); } if( m.type != "list" ) { return eval_ast(m, env); } if( m.objects.size() == 0 ) { return m; } macroexpand(m, env) @=> m; if( m.type != "list" ) { return eval_ast(m, env); } m.malObjectValues() @=> MalObject ast[]; if( ast[0].type == "symbol" ) { ast[0].stringValue => string a0; if( a0 == "def!" ) { ast[1].stringValue => string a1; EVAL(ast[2], env) @=> MalObject value; if( value.type == "error" ) { return value; } env.set(a1, value); return value; } else if( a0 == "let*" ) { Env.create(env) @=> Env let_env; ast[1].malObjectValues() @=> MalObject bindings[]; for( 0 => int i; i < bindings.size(); 2 +=> i) { bindings[i].stringValue => string symbol; EVAL(bindings[i+1], let_env) @=> MalObject value; if( value.type == "error" ) { return value; } let_env.set(symbol, value); } let_env @=> env; ast[2] @=> m; continue; // TCO } else if( a0 == "quote" ) { return ast[1]; } else if( a0 == "quasiquoteexpand" ) { return quasiquote(ast[1]); } else if( a0 == "quasiquote" ) { quasiquote(ast[1]) @=> m; continue; // TCO } else if( a0 == "defmacro!" ) { ast[1].stringValue => string a1; EVAL(ast[2], env) @=> MalObject value; if( value.type == "error" ) { return value; } true => (value$Func).isMacro; env.set(a1, value); return value; } else if( a0 == "macroexpand" ) { return macroexpand(ast[1], env); } else if( a0 == "try*" ) { EVAL(ast[1], env) @=> MalObject value; if( (value.type != "error") || (ast.size() < 3) ) { return value; } ast[2].malObjectValues() @=> MalObject form[]; form[1].stringValue => string name; value.malObjectValue() @=> MalObject error; Env.create(env, [name], [error]) @=> Env error_env; return EVAL(form[2], error_env); } else if( a0 == "do" ) { MalObject.slice(ast, 1, ast.size()-1) @=> MalObject forms[]; eval_ast(MalList.create(forms), env) @=> MalObject value; if( value.type == "error" ) { return value; } // HACK: this assumes do gets at least one argument... ast[ast.size()-1] @=> m; continue; // TCO } else if( a0 == "if" ) { EVAL(ast[1], env) @=> MalObject condition; if( condition.type == "error" ) { return condition; } if( !(condition.type == "nil") && !(condition.type == "false") ) { ast[2] @=> m; continue; // TCO } else { if( ast.size() < 4 ) { return Constants.NIL; } else { ast[3] @=> m; continue; // TCO } } } else if( a0 == "fn*" ) { ast[1].malObjectValues() @=> MalObject arg_values[]; string args[arg_values.size()]; for( 0 => int i; i < arg_values.size(); i++ ) { arg_values[i].stringValue => args[i]; } ast[2] @=> MalObject _ast; return Func.create(env, args, _ast); } } eval_ast(m, env) @=> MalObject result; if( result.type == "error" ) { return result; } result.malObjectValues() @=> MalObject values[]; values[0].type => string type; MalObject.slice(values, 1) @=> MalObject args[]; if( type == "subr" ) { values[0]$MalSubr @=> MalSubr subr; return subr.call(args); } else // type == "func" { values[0]$Func @=> Func func; Env.create(func.env, func.args, args) @=> Env eval_env; eval_env @=> env; func.ast @=> m; continue; // TCO } } Util.panic("Programmer error: TCO loop left incorrectly"); return null; } fun MalObject eval_ast(MalObject m, Env env) { m.type => string type; if( type == "symbol" ) { return env.get(m.stringValue); } else if( type == "list" || type == "vector" || type == "hashmap" ) { m.malObjectValues() @=> MalObject values[]; MalObject results[values.size()]; if( type != "hashmap" ) { for( 0 => int i; i < values.size(); i++ ) { EVAL(values[i], env) @=> MalObject result; if( result.type == "error" ) { return result; } result @=> results[i]; } } else { for( 0 => int i; i < values.size(); i++ ) { if( i % 2 == 0 ) { values[i] @=> results[i]; } else { EVAL(values[i], env) @=> results[i]; } } } if( type == "list" ) { return MalList.create(results); } else if( type == "vector" ) { return MalVector.create(results); } else if( type == "hashmap" ) { return MalHashMap.create(results); } else { Util.panic("Programmer error (exhaustive match)"); return null; } } else { return m; } } fun string PRINT(MalObject m) { return Printer.pr_str(m, true); } Env.create(null) @=> Env repl_env; for( 0 => int i; i < Core.names.size(); i++ ) { Core.names[i] => string name; repl_env.set(name, Core.ns[name]); } // HACK, HACK, HACK class MalEval extends MalSubr { fun MalObject call(MalObject args[]) { args[0] @=> MalObject m; return EVAL(args[0], repl_env); } fun MalObject apply(MalObject f, MalObject args[]) { if( f.type == "subr" ) { return (f$MalSubr).call(args); } else // f.type == "func" { f$Func @=> Func func; Env.create(func.env, func.args, args) @=> Env eval_env; return EVAL(func.ast, eval_env); } } } new MalEval @=> MalEval eval; repl_env.set("eval", new MalEval); eval @=> (repl_env.get("swap!")$MalSubr).eval; eval @=> (repl_env.get("apply")$MalSubr).eval; eval @=> (repl_env.get("map")$MalSubr).eval; fun MalObject[] MalArgv(string args[]) { MalObject values[0]; for( 1 => int i; i < args.size(); i++ ) { values << MalString.create(args[i]); } return values; } // NOTE: normally I'd use \0, but strings are null-terminated... String.split(Std.getenv("CHUCK_ARGS"), "\a") @=> string args[]; repl_env.set("*ARGV*", MalList.create(MalArgv(args))); fun string errorMessage(MalObject m) { m.malObjectValue() @=> MalObject e; string message; if( e.type == "string" ) { String.repr(e.stringValue) => message; } else { Printer.pr_str(e, true) => message; } return "exception: " + message; } fun string rep(string input) { READ(input) @=> MalObject m; if( m.type == "error" ) { return errorMessage(m); } EVAL(m, repl_env) @=> MalObject result; if( result.type == "error" ) { return errorMessage(result); } return PRINT(result); } rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"); rep("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))"); rep("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))"); fun void main() { int done; while( !done ) { Readline.readline("user> ") => string input; if( input != null ) { rep(input) => string output; if( output == "exception: \"empty input\"" ) { // proceed immediately with prompt } else { Util.println(output); } } else { true => done; } } } if( args.size() > 0 ) { args[0] => string filename; rep("(load-file \"" + filename + "\")"); } else { main(); }