#!/usr/bin/env lua local table = require('table') local readline = require('readline') local utils = require('utils') local types = require('types') local reader = require('reader') local printer = require('printer') local Env = require('env') local core = require('core') local List, Vector, HashMap = types.List, types.Vector, types.HashMap -- read function READ(str) return reader.read_str(str) end -- eval function EVAL(ast, env) while true do local dbgeval = env:get("DEBUG-EVAL") if dbgeval ~= nil and dbgeval ~= types.Nil and dbgeval ~= false then print("EVAL: " .. printer._pr_str(ast, true)) env:debug() end if types._symbol_Q(ast) then local result = env:get(ast.val) if result == nil then types.throw("'" .. ast.val .. "' not found") end return result elseif types._vector_Q(ast) then return Vector:new(utils.map(function(x) return EVAL(x,env) end,ast)) elseif types._hash_map_Q(ast) then local new_hm = {} for k,v in pairs(ast) do new_hm[k] = EVAL(v, env) end return HashMap:new(new_hm) elseif not types._list_Q(ast) or #ast == 0 then return ast end local a0,a1,a2,a3 = ast[1], ast[2],ast[3],ast[4] local a0sym = types._symbol_Q(a0) and a0.val or "" if 'def!' == a0sym then return env:set(a1.val, EVAL(a2, env)) elseif 'let*' == a0sym then local let_env = Env:new(env) for i = 1,#a1,2 do let_env:set(a1[i].val, EVAL(a1[i+1], let_env)) end env = let_env ast = a2 -- TCO elseif 'do' == a0sym then utils.map(function(x) return EVAL(x, env) end, types.slice(ast, 2, #ast - 1)) ast = ast[#ast] -- TCO elseif 'if' == a0sym then local cond = EVAL(a1, env) if cond == types.Nil or cond == false then if #ast > 3 then ast = a3 else return types.Nil end -- TCO else ast = a2 -- TCO end elseif 'fn*' == a0sym then return types.MalFunc:new(function(...) return EVAL(a2, Env:new(env, a1, table.pack(...))) end, a2, env, a1) else local f = EVAL(a0, env) local args = types.slice(ast, 2) args = utils.map(function(x) return EVAL(x,env) end, args) if types._malfunc_Q(f) then ast = f.ast env = Env:new(f.env, f.params, args) -- TCO else return f(table.unpack(args)) end end end end -- print function PRINT(exp) return printer._pr_str(exp, true) end -- repl local repl_env = Env:new() function rep(str) return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str),repl_env)) end -- core.lua: defined using Lua for k,v in pairs(core.ns) do repl_env:set(k, v) end -- core.mal: defined using mal rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))") if #arg > 0 and arg[1] == "--raw" then readline.raw = true end while true do line = readline.readline("user> ") if not line then break end xpcall(function() print(rep(line)) end, function(exc) if exc then if types._malexception_Q(exc) then exc = printer._pr_str(exc.val, true) end print("Error: " .. exc) print(debug.traceback()) end end) end