import scala.collection._ import scala.collection.generic._ import env.Env import printer._pr_str object types { class MalException(msg: String) extends Throwable(msg) { var value: Any = null def init(obj: Any) = { value = obj; this } } def _toIter(obj: Any): Iterator[Any] = { obj match { case v: MalVector => v.value.iterator case l: MalList => l.value.iterator case null => Iterator.empty case _ => throw new Exception("cannot convert " + obj.getClass + " to iterator") } } def _equal_Q(a: Any, b: Any): Any = { (a, b) match { case (a: MalList, b: MalList) => { if (a.value.length != b.value.length) return false for ( (x, y) <- (a.value zip b.value) ) { if (_equal_Q(x, y) != true) return false } true } case (a: MalHashMap, b: MalHashMap) => { if (a.value.size != b.value.size) return false for ( (k,v) <- a.value ) { if (_equal_Q(v,b.value(k)) != true) return false } true } case _ => a == b } } def _sequential_Q(a: Any): Boolean = { a match { case l: MalList => true case _ => false } } def _symbol_Q(a: Any) = { a.isInstanceOf[Symbol] } // Lists class MalList(seq: Any*) { var value: List[Any] = seq.toList var meta: Any = null override def clone(): MalList = { val new_ml = new MalList() new_ml.value = value new_ml.meta = meta new_ml } def apply(idx: Int): Any = value(idx) def map(f: Any => Any) = new MalList(*) def drop(cnt: Int) = new MalList(value.drop(cnt):_*) def :+(that: Any) = new MalList((value :+ that):_*) def +:(that: Any) = new MalList((that +: value):_*) override def toString() = { "(" +, true)).mkString(" ") + ")" } def toString(print_readably: Boolean) = { "(" +, print_readably)).mkString(" ") + ")" } } def _list(seq: Any*) = { new MalList(seq:_*) } def _list_Q(obj: Any) = { obj.isInstanceOf[MalList] && !obj.isInstanceOf[MalVector] } // Vectors class MalVector(seq: Any*) extends MalList(seq:_*) { override def clone() = { val new_mv = new MalVector() new_mv.value = value new_mv.meta = meta new_mv } override def map(f: Any => Any) = new MalVector(*) override def drop(cnt: Int) = new MalVector(value.drop(cnt):_*) override def toString() = { "[" +, true)).mkString(" ") + "]" } override def toString(print_readably: Boolean) = { "[" +, print_readably)).mkString(" ") + "]" } } def _vector(seq: Any*) = { new MalVector(seq:_*) } def _vector_Q(obj: Any) = { obj.isInstanceOf[MalVector] } // Hash Maps class MalHashMap(seq: Any*) { var value: Map[String,Any] = seq.toList.grouped(2).map( (kv: List[Any]) => (kv(0).asInstanceOf[String], kv(1))).toMap var meta: Any = null override def clone(): MalHashMap = { val new_hm = new MalHashMap() new_hm.value = value new_hm.meta = meta new_hm } def keys(): MalList = new MalList(value.keys.toSeq:_*) def vals(): MalList = new MalList(value.values.toSeq:_*) def apply(key: String): Any = value(key) def map(f: ((String, Any)) => (String, Any)) = { val res ={case (k,v) => List(k,v)} new MalHashMap(res.flatten.toSeq:_*) } def filterKeys(f: String => Boolean) = { val res = value.filterKeys(f).map{case (k,v) => List(k,v)} new MalHashMap(res.flatten.toSeq:_*) } def ++(that: MalHashMap) = { val new_hm = clone() new_hm.value ++= that.value new_hm } override def toString() = { var res = mutable.MutableList[Any]() for ((k,v) <- value) { res += _pr_str(k, true) res += _pr_str(v, true) } "{" + res.mkString(" ") + "}" } def toString(print_readably: Boolean) = { var res = mutable.MutableList[Any]() for ((k,v) <- value) { res += _pr_str(k, print_readably) res += _pr_str(v, print_readably) } "{" + res.mkString(" ") + "}" } } def _hash_map(seq: Any*) = { new MalHashMap(seq:_*) } def _hash_map_Q(obj: Any) = { obj.isInstanceOf[MalHashMap] } // Function types class Func(_fn: ((List[Any]) => Any)) { val fn = _fn var meta: Any = null override def clone(): Func = { val new_fn = new Func(fn) new_fn.meta = meta new_fn } def apply(args: List[Any]): Any = fn(args) } class MalFunction(_ast: Any, _env: Env, _params: MalList, fn: ((List[Any]) => Any)) { val ast = _ast val env = _env val params = _params var ismacro = false var meta: Any = null override def clone(): MalFunction = { val new_fn = new MalFunction(ast, env, params, fn) new_fn.ismacro = ismacro new_fn.meta = meta new_fn } def apply(args: List[Any]): Any = fn(args) def gen_env(args: List[Any]): Env = { return new Env(env, params.value.iterator, args.iterator) } } def _apply(f: Any, args: List[Any]): Any = { f match { case fn: types.MalFunction => fn(args) case fn: Func => fn(args) case _ => throw new Exception("attempt to call non-function") } } def _hash_map(lst: List[Any]): Any = { lst.grouped(2).map( (kv: List[Any]) => (kv(0).asInstanceOf[String], kv(1))).toMap } class Atom(_value: Any) { var value = _value } } // vim:ts=2:sw=2