fun read s = readStr s fun eval e ast = ( case lookup e "DEBUG-EVAL" of SOME(x) => if truthy x then TextIO.print ("EVAL: " ^ prReadableStr ast ^ "\n") else () | NONE => (); eval' e ast) and eval' e (LIST (a::args,_)) = (case specialEval a of SOME special => special e args | _ => evalApply e (eval e a) args) | eval' e (SYMBOL s) = evalSymbol e s | eval' e (VECTOR (v,_)) = VECTOR (map (eval e) v, NO_META) | eval' e (MAP (m,_)) = MAP ( (fn (k, v) => (k, eval e v)) m, NO_META) | eval' e ast = ast and specialEval (SYMBOL "def!") = SOME evalDef | specialEval (SYMBOL "let*") = SOME evalLet | specialEval (SYMBOL "do") = SOME evalDo | specialEval (SYMBOL "if") = SOME evalIf | specialEval (SYMBOL "fn*") = SOME evalFn | specialEval _ = NONE and evalDef e [SYMBOL s, ast] = let val v = eval e ast in (def s v e; v) end | evalDef _ _ = raise NotApplicable "def! needs a symbol and a form to evaluate" and evalLet e [LIST (bs,_), ast] = eval (bindLet bs (inside e)) ast | evalLet e [VECTOR (bs,_), ast] = eval (bindLet bs (inside e)) ast | evalLet _ _ = raise NotApplicable "let* needs a list of bindings and a form to evaluate" and evalDo e (x::xs) = foldl (fn (x, _) => eval e x) (eval e x) xs | evalDo _ _ = raise NotApplicable "do needs at least one argument" and evalIf e [c,a,b] = if truthy (eval e c) then eval e a else eval e b | evalIf e [c,a] = evalIf e [c,a,NIL] | evalIf _ _ = raise NotApplicable "if needs two or three arguments" and evalFn e [LIST (binds,_),body] = makeFn e binds body | evalFn e [VECTOR (binds,_),body] = makeFn e binds body | evalFn _ _ = raise NotApplicable "fn* needs a list of bindings and a body" and makeFn e binds body = FN (fn (exprs) => eval (bind (interleave binds exprs) (inside e)) body, NO_META) and evalApply e (FN (f,_)) args = f (map (eval e) args) | evalApply _ x args = raise NotApplicable (prStr x ^ " is not applicable on " ^ prStr (LIST (args, NO_META))) and evalSymbol e s = valOrElse (lookup e s) (fn _ => raise NotDefined ("symbol '" ^ s ^ "' not found")) and bindLet args e = bind' (eval e) args e and bind args e = bind' identity args e and bind' evl (SYMBOL "&"::v::(SYMBOL s)::vs) e = (def s (LIST (map evl (v::vs), NO_META)) e; e) | bind' _ [SYMBOL "&", SYMBOL s] e = (def s (LIST ([], NO_META)) e; e) | bind' evl (SYMBOL s::v::rest) e = (def s (evl v) e; bind' evl rest e) | bind' _ [] e = e | bind' _ _ _ = raise NotApplicable "bindings must be a list of symbol/form pairs" fun print f = prReadableStr f fun rep e s = s |> read |> eval e |> print handle Nothing => "" | SyntaxError msg => "SYNTAX ERROR: " ^ msg | NotApplicable msg => "CANNOT APPLY: " ^ msg | NotDefined msg => "NOT DEFINED: " ^ msg val replEnv = ENV (NS (ref [])) |> bind coreNs fun repl e = let open TextIO in ( print("user> "); case inputLine(stdIn) of SOME(line) => let val s = rep e line val _ = print(s ^ "\n") in repl e end | NONE => () ) end val prelude = " \ \(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true))) \ \(def! \ \ load-file \ \ (fn* (f) \ \ (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \"\nnil)\")))))" fun main () = ( bind [ SYMBOL "eval", FN (fn ([x]) => eval replEnv x | _ => raise NotApplicable "'eval' requires one argument", NO_META) ] replEnv; rep replEnv ("(do " ^ prelude ^ " nil)"); case CommandLine.arguments () of prog::args => ( def "*ARGV*" (LIST (map STRING args, NO_META)) replEnv; rep replEnv ("(load-file \"" ^ prog ^ "\")"); () ) | args => ( def "*ARGV*" (LIST (map STRING args, NO_META)) replEnv; repl replEnv ) )