const io = @import("std").io; const fmt = @import("std").fmt; const warn = @import("std").debug.warn; const mem = @import("std").mem; const math = @import("std").math; const Allocator = @import("std").heap.c_allocator; const MalType = @import("types.zig").MalType; const MalTypeValue = @import("types.zig").MalTypeValue; const MalLinkedList = @import("linked_list.zig").MalLinkedList; const MalError = @import("error.zig").MalError; const ResizeBuffer = struct { buffer: ?[]u8, pos: usize, len: usize, }; // TODO fix emacs highlighting, remove this const backslash = \\\ ; fn appendToBuffer(resize_buffer: *ResizeBuffer, buffer: []const u8) MalError!void { const n: usize = buffer.len; if(n + resize_buffer.pos > resize_buffer.len or resize_buffer.buffer == null) { const new_len = math.max(math.max(2*resize_buffer.len, 10), n+resize_buffer.pos); var bigger_buffer: [] u8 = Allocator.alloc(u8, new_len) catch return MalError.SystemError; if(resize_buffer.buffer) |old_buffer| { var i: usize = 0; while(i < resize_buffer.len) { bigger_buffer[i] = old_buffer[i]; i += 1; }; } resize_buffer.buffer = bigger_buffer; resize_buffer.len = new_len; } if(resize_buffer.buffer) |n_buffer| { var i: usize = 0; while(i < n) { n_buffer[resize_buffer.pos] = buffer[i]; i += 1; resize_buffer.pos += 1; } } } fn print_mal_to_buffer(mal: *const MalType, readable: bool) MalError!ResizeBuffer { var rb = ResizeBuffer{ .buffer = null, .pos = 0, .len = 0, }; try print_to_buffer(mal, &rb, readable); return rb; } pub fn print_str(optional_mal: ?*const MalType) MalError![] const u8 { const stdout_file = io.getStdOut() catch return MalError.SystemError; if(optional_mal == null) { var return_string: [] u8 = Allocator.alloc(u8, 3) catch return MalError.SystemError; return_string[0] = 'E'; //TODO: memcpy return_string[1] = 'O'; return_string[2] = 'F'; return return_string; // TODO: is this right? //stdout_file.write("EOF\n") catch return MalError.SystemError; } const mal = optional_mal orelse return ""; var rb = try print_mal_to_buffer(mal, true); if(rb.buffer) |buffer| { //stdout_file.write(buffer[0..rb.pos]) catch return MalError.SystemError; //stdout_file.write("\n") catch return MalError.SystemError; var return_string: [] u8 = Allocator.alloc(u8, rb.pos) catch return MalError.SystemError; var i: usize = 0; // TODO: replace with memcpy (and elsewhere) while(i < rb.pos) { return_string[i] = buffer[i]; i += 1; }; return return_string; } return MalError.SystemError; } pub fn print_mal_to_string(args: MalLinkedList, readable: bool, sep: bool) MalError![] u8 { // TODO: handle empty string var rb = ResizeBuffer{ .buffer = null, .pos = 0, .len = 0, }; var iterator = args.iterator(); var first: bool = true; while( |node| { if(!first and sep) { try appendToBuffer(&rb, " "); } try print_to_buffer(node, &rb, readable); first = false; } // TODO: is this the right exception? if(rb.buffer) |buffer| { const len = rb.pos; var return_string: [] u8 = Allocator.alloc(u8, len) catch return MalError.SystemError; var i: usize = 0; while(i < len) { return_string[i] = buffer[i]; i += 1; }; return return_string; } const s: []u8 = ""; return s; } fn print_to_buffer(mal: *const MalType, rb: *ResizeBuffer, readable: bool) MalError!void { switch( { .String => |string| { if(readable) { try appendToBuffer(rb, "\""); } // TODO: optimize this var i: usize = 0; var n: usize = string.len; while(i < n){ const this_char = string[i]; if(readable and (this_char == '"' or this_char==92)) { try appendToBuffer(rb, backslash); } if(readable and (this_char == '\n')) { try appendToBuffer(rb, "\\n"); } else { try appendToBuffer(rb, string[i..i+1]); } i += 1; } if(readable) { try appendToBuffer(rb, "\""); } }, .Keyword => |kwd| { try appendToBuffer(rb, ":"); try appendToBuffer(rb, kwd[1..kwd.len]); }, .Int => |val| { try fmt.format(rb, MalError, appendToBuffer, "{0}", val); }, .Nil => { try appendToBuffer(rb, "nil"); }, .True => { try appendToBuffer(rb, "true"); }, .False => { try appendToBuffer(rb, "false"); }, .List => |l| { try appendToBuffer(rb, "("); var iterator = l.iterator(); var first_iteration = true; while( |next_mal| { if(!first_iteration) { try appendToBuffer(rb, " "); } try print_to_buffer(next_mal, rb, readable); first_iteration = false; } try appendToBuffer(rb, ")"); }, .Vector => |v| { try appendToBuffer(rb, "["); var iterator = v.iterator(); var first_iteration = true; while( |next_mal| { if(!first_iteration) { try appendToBuffer(rb, " "); } try print_to_buffer(next_mal, rb, readable); first_iteration = false; } try appendToBuffer(rb, "]"); }, .Atom => |atom_value| { try appendToBuffer(rb, "(atom "); try print_to_buffer(atom_value.*, rb, readable); try appendToBuffer(rb, ")"); }, .Func, .Fn0, .Fn1, .Fn2, .Fn3, .Fn4, .FVar => { try appendToBuffer(rb, "#"); }, .Generic => |value| { try appendToBuffer(rb, value); }, .HashMap => |h| { try appendToBuffer(rb, "{"); var iterator = h.iterator(); var first = true; while(true) { const optional_pair =; const pair = optional_pair orelse break; if(!first) { try appendToBuffer(rb, " "); } if(pair.key.len > 1 and pair.key[0] == 255) { try appendToBuffer(rb, ":"); try appendToBuffer(rb, pair.key[1..pair.key.len]); } else { try appendToBuffer(rb, "\""); try appendToBuffer(rb, pair.key); try appendToBuffer(rb, "\""); } try appendToBuffer(rb, " "); try print_to_buffer(pair.value, rb, readable); first = false; } try appendToBuffer(rb, "}"); }, } }