import rdstdin, tables, sequtils, types, reader, printer, env, core proc read(str: string): MalType = str.read_str proc eval(ast: MalType, env: Env): MalType proc eval_ast(ast: MalType, env: var Env): MalType = case ast.kind of Symbol: result = env.get(ast.str) of List: result = list ast.list.mapIt(MalType, it.eval(env)) of Vector: result = vector ast.list.mapIt(MalType, it.eval(env)) of HashMap: result = hash_map() for k, v in ast.hash_map.pairs: result.hash_map[k] = v.eval(env) else: result = ast proc eval(ast: MalType, env: Env): MalType = var ast = ast var env = env template defaultApply = let el = ast.eval_ast(env) let f = el.list[0] case f.kind of MalFun: ast = f.malfun.ast env = initEnv(f.malfun.env, f.malfun.params, list(el.list[1 .. ^1])) else: return[1 .. ^1]) while true: if ast.kind != List: return ast.eval_ast(env) if ast.list.len == 0: return ast let a0 = ast.list[0] case a0.kind of Symbol: case a0.str of "def!": let a1 = ast.list[1] a2 = ast.list[2] return env.set(a1.str, a2.eval(env)) of "let*": let a1 = ast.list[1] a2 = ast.list[2] var let_env = initEnv(env) case a1.kind of List, Vector: for i in countup(0, a1.list.high, 2): let_env.set(a1.list[i].str, a1.list[i+1].eval(let_env)) else: raise newException(ValueError, "Illegal kind in let*") ast = a2 env = let_env # Continue loop (TCO) of "do": let last = ast.list.high discard (list ast.list[1 .. 3: ast = ast.list[3] else: ast = nilObj else: ast = a2 of "fn*": let a1 = ast.list[1] a2 = ast.list[2] var env2 = env let fn = proc(a: varargs[MalType]): MalType = var newEnv = initEnv(env2, a1, list(a)) a2.eval(newEnv) return malfun(fn, a2, a1, env) else: defaultApply() else: defaultApply() proc print(exp: MalType): string = exp.pr_str var repl_env = initEnv() for k, v in ns.items: repl_env.set(k, v) # core.nim: defined using nim proc rep(str: string): string = # core.mal: defined using mal itself discard rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))" while true: try: let line = readLineFromStdin("user> ") echo line.rep except: echo getCurrentExceptionMsg() echo getCurrentException().getStackTrace()