module Tokenizer open System open Types type Token = | EOF | OpenBracket | CloseBracket | OpenBrace | CloseBrace | OpenParen | CloseParen | SingleQuote | Backtick | Tilde | SpliceUnquote | Caret | At | String of string | Token of string | Keyword of string | Number of string let tokenize (str : string) = let len = str.Length let inline isWhiteSpace ch = ch = ',' || Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) let inline isNotNewline ch = ch <> '\r' && ch <> '\n' let inline isDigit ch = Char.IsDigit(ch) let inline isTokenChar ch = match ch with | '[' | ']' | '{' | '}' | '(' | ')' | '\'' | '"' | '`' | ',' | ';' -> false | ch when Char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) -> false | _ -> true let rec skipWhile pred p = if p >= len then p elif pred (str.[p]) then p + 1 |> skipWhile pred else p let rec accumulateWhile pred (f : string -> Token) start p = if p >= len then str.Substring(start, p - start) |> f, p elif pred (str.[p]) then p + 1 |> accumulateWhile pred f start else str.Substring(start, p - start) |> f, p let accumulateString p = let b = System.Text.StringBuilder() let rec accChar (ch : char) n = b.Append(ch) |> ignore accChars n and accChars p = let n = p + 1 if p >= len then raise <| Error.expectedXButEOF "'\"'" match str.[p] with | '\\' -> accEscaped n | '"' -> n | ch -> accChar ch n and accEscaped p = let n = p + 1 if p >= len then raise <| Error.expectedXButEOF "char" match str.[p] with | 't' -> accChar '\t' n | 'b' -> accChar '\b' n | 'n' -> accChar '\n' n | 'r' -> accChar '\r' n | 'f' -> accChar '\f' n | '\'' -> accChar '\'' n | '"' -> accChar '"' n | '\\' -> accChar '\\' n | _ -> raise <| Error.expectedXButEOF "valid escape char" let n = accChars p String(b.ToString()), n let accumulateKeyword p = let n = p + 1 if p >= len then raise <| Error.expectedXButEOF "keyword" elif isTokenChar str.[p] then accumulateWhile isTokenChar Keyword p n else raise <| Error.expectedX "keyword char" let accumulateSpliceUnquote p = if p >= len then Tilde, p elif str.[p] = '@' then SpliceUnquote, (p + 1) else Tilde, p let rec getToken p = if p >= len then EOF, p else let n = p + 1 match str.[p] with | ch when isWhiteSpace ch -> getToken n | ';' -> skipWhile isNotNewline n |> getToken | '[' -> OpenBracket, n | ']' -> CloseBracket, n | '{' -> OpenBrace, n | '}' -> CloseBrace, n | '(' -> OpenParen, n | ')' -> CloseParen, n | '\'' -> SingleQuote, n | '`' -> Backtick, n | '~' -> accumulateSpliceUnquote n | '^' -> Caret, n | '@' -> At, n | '"' -> accumulateString n | ':' -> accumulateKeyword n | '-' when isDigit str.[n] -> accumulateWhile isDigit Number p n | ch when isDigit ch -> accumulateWhile isDigit Number p n | ch when isTokenChar ch -> accumulateWhile isTokenChar Token p n | _ -> raise <| Error.unexpectedChar () let rec accumulate acc p = match getToken p with | EOF, p -> List.rev acc | tok, p -> accumulate (tok::acc) p accumulate [] 0