with Ada.IO_Exceptions; with Ada.Characters.Latin_1; with Ada.Exceptions; with Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants; with Ada.Strings.Unbounded; with Ada.Text_IO; with Smart_Pointers; with Types.Vector; with Types.Hash_Map; package body Reader is use Types; package ACL renames Ada.Characters.Latin_1; type Lexemes is (Ignored_Tok, Start_List_Tok, Start_Vector_Tok, Start_Hash_Tok, Meta_Tok, Deref_Tok, Quote_Tok, Quasi_Quote_Tok, Splice_Unq_Tok, Unquote_Tok, Int_Tok, Float_Tok, Str_Tok, Sym_Tok); type Token (ID : Lexemes := Ignored_Tok) is record case ID is when Int_Tok => Int_Val : Mal_Integer; when Float_Tok => Float_Val : Mal_Float; when Str_Tok | Sym_Tok => Start_Char, Stop_Char : Natural; when others => null; end case; end record; Lisp_Whitespace : constant Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set (ACL.HT & ACL.LF & ACL.CR & ACL.Space & ACL.Comma); -- [^\s\[\]{}('"`,;)] Terminator_Syms : Ada.Strings.Maps.Character_Set := Ada.Strings.Maps."or" (Lisp_Whitespace, Ada.Strings.Maps.To_Set ("[]{}('""`,;)")); -- The unterminated string error String_Error : exception; function Convert_String (S : String) return String is use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; Res : Unbounded_String; I : Positive; Str_Last : Natural; begin Str_Last := S'Last; I := S'First; while I <= Str_Last loop if S (I) = '\' then if I+1 > Str_Last then Append (Res, S (I)); I := I + 1; elsif S (I+1) = 'n' then Append (Res, Ada.Characters.Latin_1.LF); I := I + 2; elsif S (I+1) = '"' then Append (Res, S (I+1)); I := I + 2; elsif S (I+1) = '\' then Append (Res, S (I+1)); I := I + 2; else Append (Res, S (I)); I := I + 1; end if; else Append (Res, S (I)); I := I + 1; end if; end loop; return To_String (Res); end Convert_String; Str_Len : Natural := 0; Saved_Line : Ada.Strings.Unbounded.Unbounded_String; Char_To_Read : Natural := 1; function Get_Token return Token is Res : Token; I, J : Natural; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; begin <> -- Skip over whitespace... I := Char_To_Read; while I <= Str_Len and then Ada.Strings.Maps.Is_In (Element (Saved_Line, I), Lisp_Whitespace) loop I := I + 1; end loop; -- Filter out lines consisting of only whitespace if I > Str_Len then return (ID => Ignored_Tok); end if; J := I; case Element (Saved_Line, J) is when ''' => Res := (ID => Quote_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+1; when '`' => Res := (ID => Quasi_Quote_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+1; when '~' => -- Tilde if J+1 <= Str_Len and then Element (Saved_Line, J+1) = '@' then Res := (ID => Splice_Unq_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+2; else -- Just a Tilde Res := (ID => Unquote_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+1; end if; when '(' => Res := (ID => Start_List_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+1; when '[' => Res := (ID => Start_Vector_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+1; when '{' => Res := (ID => Start_Hash_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+1; when '^' => Res := (ID => Meta_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+1; when '@' => Res := (ID => Deref_Tok); Char_To_Read := J+1; when ']' | '}' | ')' => Res := (ID => Sym_Tok, Start_Char => J, Stop_Char => J); Char_To_Read := J+1; when '"' => -- a string -- Skip over " J := J + 1; while J <= Str_Len and then (Element (Saved_Line, J) /= '"' or else Element (Saved_Line, J-1) = '\') loop J := J + 1; end loop; -- So we either ran out of string.. if J > Str_Len then raise String_Error; end if; -- or we reached an unescaped " Res := (ID => Str_Tok, Start_Char => I, Stop_Char => J); Char_To_Read := J + 1; when ';' => -- a comment -- Read to the end of the line or until -- the saved_line string is exhausted. -- NB if we reach the end we don't care -- what the last char was. while J < Str_Len and Element (Saved_Line, J) /= ACL.LF loop J := J + 1; end loop; if J = Str_Len then Res := (ID => Ignored_Tok); else Char_To_Read := J + 1; -- was: Res := Get_Token; goto Tail_Call_Opt; end if; when others => -- an atom while J <= Str_Len and then not Ada.Strings.Maps.Is_In (Element (Saved_Line, J), Terminator_Syms) loop J := J + 1; end loop; -- Either we ran out of string or -- the one at J was the start of a new token Char_To_Read := J; J := J - 1; declare Dots : Natural; All_Digits : Boolean; begin -- check if all digits or . Dots := 0; All_Digits := True; for K in I .. J loop if (K = I and K /= J) and then Element (Saved_Line, K) = '-' then null; elsif Element (Saved_Line, K) = '.' then Dots := Dots + 1; elsif not (Element (Saved_Line, K) in '0' .. '9') then All_Digits := False; exit; end if; end loop; if All_Digits then if Dots = 0 then Res := (ID => Int_Tok, Int_Val => Mal_Integer'Value (Slice (Saved_Line, I, J))); elsif Dots = 1 then Res := (ID => Float_Tok, Float_Val => Mal_Float'Value (Slice (Saved_Line, I, J))); else Res := (ID => Sym_Tok, Start_Char => I, Stop_Char => J); end if; else Res := (ID => Sym_Tok, Start_Char => I, Stop_Char => J); end if; end; end case; return Res; end Get_Token; function Read_List (LT : Types.List_Types) return Types.Mal_Handle is MTA : Mal_Handle; begin MTA := Read_Form; declare List_SP : Mal_Handle; List_P : List_Class_Ptr; Close : String (1..1) := (1 => Types.Closing (LT)); begin case LT is when List_List => List_SP := New_List_Mal_Type (List_Type => LT); when Vector_List => List_SP := Vector.New_Vector_Mal_Type; when Hashed_List => List_SP := Hash_Map.New_Hash_Map_Mal_Type; end case; -- Need to append to a variable so... List_P := Deref_List_Class (List_SP); loop if Is_Null (MTA) then return New_Error_Mal_Type (Str => "expected '" & Close & "'"); end if; exit when Deref (MTA).Sym_Type = Sym and then Symbol_Mal_Type (Deref (MTA).all).Get_Sym = Close; Append (List_P.all, MTA); MTA := Read_Form; end loop; return List_SP; end; end Read_List; function Read_Form return Types.Mal_Handle is Tok : Token; MTS : Mal_Handle; use Ada.Strings.Unbounded; begin Tok := Get_Token; case Tok.ID is when Ignored_Tok => return Smart_Pointers.Null_Smart_Pointer; when Int_Tok => return New_Int_Mal_Type (Tok.Int_Val); when Float_Tok => return New_Float_Mal_Type (Tok.Float_Val); when Start_List_Tok => return Read_List (List_List); when Start_Vector_Tok => return Read_List (Vector_List); when Start_Hash_Tok => return Read_List (Hashed_List); when Meta_Tok => declare Meta, Obj : Mal_Handle; begin Meta := Read_Form; Obj := Read_Form; return Make_New_List ((1 => New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("with-meta"), 2 => Obj, 3 => Meta)); end; when Deref_Tok => return Make_New_List ((1 => New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("deref"), 2 => Read_Form)); when Quote_Tok => return Make_New_List ((1 => New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("quote"), 2 => Read_Form)); when Quasi_Quote_Tok => return Make_New_List ((1 => New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("quasiquote"), 2 => Read_Form)); when Splice_Unq_Tok => return Make_New_List ((1 => New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("splice-unquote"), 2 => Read_Form)); when Unquote_Tok => return Make_New_List ((1 => New_Symbol_Mal_Type ("unquote"), 2 => Read_Form)); when Str_Tok => -- +/-1 strips out the double quotes. -- Convert_String converts backquoted charaters to raw format. return New_String_Mal_Type (Convert_String (Slice (Saved_Line, Tok.Start_Char + 1, Tok.Stop_Char - 1))); when Sym_Tok => -- Mal interpreter is required to know about true, false and nil. declare S : String := Slice (Saved_Line, Tok.Start_Char, Tok.Stop_Char); begin if S = "true" then return New_Bool_Mal_Type (True); elsif S = "false" then return New_Bool_Mal_Type (False); elsif S = "nil" then return New_Nil_Mal_Type; else return New_Symbol_Mal_Type (S); end if; end; end case; end Read_Form; procedure Lex_Init (S : String) is begin Str_Len := S'Length; Saved_Line := Ada.Strings.Unbounded.To_Unbounded_String (S); Char_To_Read := 1; end Lex_Init; function Read_Str (S : String) return Types.Mal_Handle is I, Str_Len : Natural := S'Length; begin Lex_Init (S); return Read_Form; exception when String_Error => return New_Error_Mal_Type (Str => "expected '""'"); end Read_Str; end Reader;