use v6; use lib$?FILE).dirname; use reader; use printer; use types; use env; use core; sub read ($str) { return read_str($str); } sub eval_ast ($ast, $env) { given $ast { when MalSymbol { $env.get($ast.val) || die => $ast.val) } when MalList { MalList([${ eval($_, $env) })]) } when MalVector { MalVector([${ eval($_, $env) })]) } when MalHashMap { MalHashMap(${ $^a => eval($^b, $env) }).Hash) } default { $ast // $NIL } } } sub is_pair ($ast) { return so $ast ~~ MalList|MalVector && $ast.elems; } sub quasiquote ($ast) { if !is_pair($ast) { return MalList([MalSymbol('quote'), $ast]); } elsif $ast[0] ~~ MalSymbol && $ast[0].val eq 'unquote' { return $ast[1]; } elsif is_pair($ast[0]) && $ast[0][0] ~~ MalSymbol && $ast[0][0].val eq 'splice-unquote' { return MalList([MalSymbol('concat'), $ast[0][1], quasiquote(MalList([$ast[1..*]]))]); } else { return MalList([MalSymbol('cons'), quasiquote($ast[0]), quasiquote(MalList([$ast[1..*]]))]); } } sub is_macro_call ($ast, $env) { return so $ast ~~ MalList && $ast[0] ~~ MalSymbol && $env.find($ast[0].val).?get($ast[0].val).?is_macro; } sub macroexpand ($ast is copy, $env is copy) { while is_macro_call($ast, $env) { my $func = $env.get($ast[0].val); $ast = $func.apply($ast[1..*]); } return $ast; } sub eval ($ast is copy, $env is copy) { loop { return eval_ast($ast, $env) if $ast !~~ MalList; $ast = macroexpand($ast, $env); return eval_ast($ast, $env) if $ast !~~ MalList; return $ast if !$ast.elems; my ($a0, $a1, $a2, $a3) = $ast.val; given $a0.val { when 'def!' { return $env.set($a1.val, eval($a2, $env)); } when 'let*' { my $new_env =$env); for |$a1.val -> $key, $value { $new_env.set($key.val, eval($value, $new_env)); } $env = $new_env; $ast = $a2; } when 'do' { eval_ast(MalList([$ast[1..*-2]]), $env); $ast = $ast[*-1]; } when 'if' { if eval($a1, $env) ~~ MalNil|MalFalse { return $NIL if $a3 ~~ $NIL; $ast = $a3; } else { $ast = $a2; } } when 'fn*' { my @binds = $a1 ?? $*.val) !! (); my &fn = -> *@args { eval($a2,$env, @binds, @args)); }; return MalFunction($a2, $env, @binds, &fn); } when 'quote' { return $a1 } when 'quasiquote' { $ast = quasiquote($a1) } when 'defmacro!' { my $func = eval($a2, $env); $func.is_macro = True; return $env.set($a1.val, $func); } when 'macroexpand' { return macroexpand($a1, $env) } when 'try*' { return eval($a1, $env); CATCH { my $ex = $_ ~~ X::MalThrow ?? .value !! MalString(.Str); my $new_env = $env; $env.set($a2[1].val, $ex); return eval($a2[2], $new_env); } } default { my ($func, @args) = eval_ast($ast, $env).val; return $func.apply(|@args) if $func !~~ MalFunction; $ast = $func.ast; $env =$func.env, $func.params, @args); } } } } sub print ($exp) { return pr_str($exp, True); } my $repl_env =; sub rep ($str) { return print(eval(read($str), $repl_env)); } sub MAIN ($source_file?, *@args) { $repl_env.set(.key, .value) for %core::ns; $repl_env.set('eval', MalCode({ eval($^a, $repl_env) })); $repl_env.set('*ARGV*', MalList([{ MalString($_) })])); $repl_env.set('*host-language*', MalString('perl6')); rep(q{(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))}); rep(q{(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) ")")))))}); rep(q{(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw "odd number of forms to cond")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))}); rep(q{(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))}); rep(q{(def! gensym (fn* [] (symbol (str "G__" (swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))}); rep(q{(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))}); if ($source_file.defined) { rep("(load-file \"$source_file\")"); exit; } rep(q{(println (str "Mal [" *host-language* "]"))}); while (my $line = prompt 'user> ').defined { say rep($line); CATCH { when X::MalException { .Str.say } } } }