program Mal; {$H+} // Use AnsiString Uses sysutils, fgl, math, mal_readline, mal_types, mal_func, reader, printer, mal_env, core; var Repl_Env : TEnv; Line : string; I : longint; Key : string; CmdArgs : TMalArray; // read function READ(const Str: string) : TMal; begin READ := read_str(Str); end; // eval function EVAL(Ast: TMal; Env: TEnv) : TMal; var Lst : TMalList; Arr : TMalArray; Arr1 : TMalArray; A0Sym : string; LetEnv : TEnv; Cond : TMal; I : longint; Fn : TMalFunc; Args : TMalArray; OldDict, NewDict : TMalDict; begin while true do begin Cond := Env.Get('DEBUG-EVAL'); if (Cond <> nil) and not (Cond is TMalNil) and not (Cond is TMalFalse) then WriteLn('EVAL: ' + pr_str(Ast, True)); if Ast is TMalSymbol then begin A0Sym := (Ast as TMalSymbol).Val; Cond := Env.Get(A0Sym); if Cond = nil then raise Exception.Create('''' + A0Sym+ ''' not found'); Exit(Cond); end else if Ast is TMalVector then begin Arr := (Ast as TMalVector).Val; SetLength(Arr1, Length(Arr)); for I := 0 to Length(Arr)-1 do Arr1[I]:= EVAL(Arr[I], Env); Exit(TMalVector.Create(Arr1)); end else if Ast is TMalHashMap then begin OldDict := (Ast as TMalHashMap).Val; NewDict := TMalDict.Create; for I := 0 to OldDict.Count-1 do NewDict[OldDict.Keys[I]]:= EVAL(OldDict[OldDict.Keys[I]], Env); Exit(TMalHashMap.Create(NewDict)); end else if not (Ast is TMalList) then Exit(Ast); // Apply list Lst := (Ast as TMalList); Arr := Lst.Val; if Length(Arr) = 0 then Exit(Ast); if Arr[0] is TMalSymbol then A0Sym := (Arr[0] as TMalSymbol).Val else A0Sym := '__<*fn*>__'; case A0Sym of 'def!': Exit(Env.Add((Arr[1] as TMalSymbol), EVAL(Arr[2], ENV))); 'let*': begin LetEnv := TEnv.Create(Env); Arr1 := (Arr[1] as TMalList).Val; I := 0; while I < Length(Arr1) do begin LetEnv.Add((Arr1[I] as TMalSymbol), EVAL(Arr1[I+1], LetEnv)); Inc(I,2); end; Env := LetEnv; Ast := Arr[2]; // TCO end; 'do': begin for I := 1 to Length(Arr) - 2 do Cond := EVAL(Arr[I], Env); Ast := Arr[Length(Arr)-1]; // TCO end; 'if': begin Cond := EVAL(Arr[1], Env); if (Cond is TMalNil) or (Cond is TMalFalse) then if Length(Arr) > 3 then Ast := Arr[3] // TCO else Exit(TMalNil.Create) else Ast := Arr[2]; // TCO end; 'fn*': begin Exit(TMalFunc.Create(Arr[2], Env, (Arr[1] as TMalList))); end; else begin Cond := EVAL(Arr[0], Env); Args := copy(Arr, 1, Length(Arr) - 1); if Cond is TMalFunc then begin Fn := Cond as TMalFunc; for I := 0 to Length(Args) - 1 do Args[I]:= EVAL(Args[I], Env); if Fn.Ast = nil then Exit(Fn.Val(Args)) else begin Env := TEnv.Create(Fn.Env, Fn.Params, Args); Ast := Fn.Ast; // TCO end end else raise Exception.Create('invalid apply'); end; end; end; end; // print function PRINT(Exp: TMal) : string; begin PRINT := pr_str(Exp, True); end; // repl function REP(Str: string) : string; begin REP := PRINT(EVAL(READ(Str), Repl_Env)); end; function do_eval(Args : TMalArray) : TMal; begin do_eval := EVAL(Args[0], Repl_Env); end; begin Repl_Env := TEnv.Create; core.EVAL := @EVAL; // core.pas: defined using Pascal for I := 0 to core.NS.Count-1 do begin Key := core.NS.Keys[I]; Repl_Env.Add(TMalSymbol.Create(Key), TMalFunc.Create(core.NS[Key])); end; Repl_Env.Add(TMalSymbol.Create('eval'), TMalFunc.Create(@do_eval)); SetLength(CmdArgs, Max(0, ParamCount-1)); for I := 2 to ParamCount do CmdArgs[I-2] := TMalString.Create(ParamStr(I)); Repl_Env.Add(TMalSymbol.Create('*ARGV*'), TMalList.Create(CmdArgs)); // core.mal: defined using language itself REP('(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))'); REP('(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str "(do " (slurp f) "\nnil)")))))'); if ParamCount >= 1 then begin REP('(load-file "' + ParamStr(1) + '")'); ExitCode := 0; Exit; end; while True do begin try Line := _readline('user> '); if Line = '' then continue; WriteLn(REP(Line)) except On E : MalEOF do Halt(0); On E : Exception do begin WriteLn('Error: ' + E.message); WriteLn('Backtrace:'); WriteLn(GetBacktrace(E)); end; end; end; end.