entity step7_quote is end entity step7_quote; library STD; use STD.textio.all; library WORK; use WORK.pkg_readline.all; use WORK.types.all; use WORK.printer.all; use WORK.reader.all; use WORK.env.all; use WORK.core.all; architecture test of step7_quote is shared variable repl_env: env_ptr; procedure mal_READ(str: in string; ast: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is begin read_str(str, ast, err); end procedure mal_READ; procedure starts_with(lst : inout mal_val_ptr; sym : in string; res : out boolean) is begin res := lst.seq_val.all'length = 2 and lst.seq_val.all (lst.seq_val.all'low).val_type = mal_symbol and lst.seq_val.all (lst.seq_val.all'low).string_val.all = sym; end starts_with; -- Forward declaration procedure quasiquote(ast: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr); procedure qq_loop(elt : inout mal_val_ptr; acc : inout mal_val_ptr) is variable sw : boolean := elt.val_type = mal_list; variable seq : mal_seq_ptr := new mal_seq(0 to 2); begin if sw then starts_with(elt, "splice-unquote", sw); end if; if sw then new_symbol("concat", seq(0)); seq(1) := elt.seq_val(1); else new_symbol("cons", seq(0)); quasiquote(elt, seq(1)); end if; seq(2) := acc; new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, acc); end qq_loop; procedure qq_foldr (xs : inout mal_seq_ptr; res : out mal_val_ptr) is variable seq : mal_seq_ptr := new mal_seq(0 to -1); variable acc : mal_val_ptr; begin new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, acc); for i in xs'reverse_range loop qq_loop (xs(i), acc); end loop; res := acc; end procedure qq_foldr; procedure quasiquote(ast: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr) is variable sw : boolean; variable seq : mal_seq_ptr; begin case ast.val_type is when mal_list => starts_with(ast, "unquote", sw); if sw then result := ast.seq_val(1); else qq_foldr(ast.seq_val, result); end if; when mal_vector => seq := new mal_seq(0 to 1); new_symbol("vec", seq(0)); qq_foldr(ast.seq_val, seq(1)); new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result); when mal_symbol | mal_hashmap => seq := new mal_seq(0 to 1); new_symbol("quote", seq(0)); seq(1) := ast; new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, result); when others => result := ast; end case; end procedure quasiquote; -- Forward declaration procedure EVAL(in_ast: inout mal_val_ptr; in_env: inout env_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr); procedure apply_func(fn: inout mal_val_ptr; args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr); procedure fn_eval(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is begin EVAL(args.seq_val(0), repl_env, result, err); end procedure fn_eval; procedure fn_swap(args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable atom: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(0); variable fn: mal_val_ptr := args.seq_val(1); variable call_args_seq: mal_seq_ptr; variable call_args, eval_res, sub_err: mal_val_ptr; begin call_args_seq := new mal_seq(0 to args.seq_val'length - 2); call_args_seq(0) := atom.seq_val(0); call_args_seq(1 to call_args_seq'length - 1) := args.seq_val(2 to args.seq_val'length - 1); new_seq_obj(mal_list, call_args_seq, call_args); apply_func(fn, call_args, eval_res, sub_err); if sub_err /= null then err := sub_err; return; end if; atom.seq_val(0) := eval_res; result := eval_res; end procedure fn_swap; procedure apply_native_func(func_sym: inout mal_val_ptr; args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is begin if func_sym.string_val.all = "eval" then fn_eval(args, result, err); elsif func_sym.string_val.all = "swap!" then fn_swap(args, result, err); else eval_native_func(func_sym, args, result, err); end if; end procedure apply_native_func; procedure apply_func(fn: inout mal_val_ptr; args: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable fn_env: env_ptr; begin case fn.val_type is when mal_nativefn => apply_native_func(fn, args, result, err); when mal_fn => new_env(fn_env, fn.func_val.f_env, fn.func_val.f_args, args); EVAL(fn.func_val.f_body, fn_env, result, err); when others => new_string("not a function", err); return; end case; end procedure apply_func; procedure eval_ast_seq(ast_seq : inout mal_seq_ptr; skip : in natural; env : inout env_ptr; result : inout mal_seq_ptr; err : out mal_val_ptr) is variable eval_err: mal_val_ptr; begin result := new mal_seq(0 to ast_seq'length - 1 - skip); for i in result'range loop EVAL(ast_seq(skip + i), env, result(i), eval_err); if eval_err /= null then err := eval_err; return; end if; end loop; end procedure eval_ast_seq; procedure EVAL(in_ast : inout mal_val_ptr; in_env : inout env_ptr; result : out mal_val_ptr; err : out mal_val_ptr) is variable val, eval_err, a0, call_args, vars, fn, sub_err: mal_val_ptr; variable ast : mal_val_ptr := in_ast; variable env : env_ptr := in_env; variable let_env, fn_env : env_ptr; variable s: line; variable new_seq: mal_seq_ptr; variable i: integer; begin loop new_symbol("DEBUG-EVAL", a0); env_get(env, a0, val); if val /= null and val.val_type /= mal_nil and val.val_type /= mal_false then mal_printstr("EVAL: "); pr_str(ast, true, s); mal_printline(s.all); end if; case ast.val_type is when mal_symbol => env_get(env, ast, val); if val = null then new_string("'" & ast.string_val.all & "' not found", err); return; end if; result := val; return; when mal_list => null; when mal_vector | mal_hashmap => eval_ast_seq(ast.seq_val, 0, env, new_seq, eval_err); if eval_err /= null then err := eval_err; return; end if; new_seq_obj(ast.val_type, new_seq, result); return; when others => result := ast; return; end case; if ast.seq_val'length = 0 then result := ast; return; end if; a0 := ast.seq_val(0); if a0.val_type = mal_symbol then if a0.string_val.all = "def!" then EVAL(ast.seq_val(2), env, val, sub_err); if sub_err /= null then err := sub_err; return; end if; env_set(env, ast.seq_val(1), val); result := val; return; elsif a0.string_val.all = "let*" then vars := ast.seq_val(1); new_env(let_env, env); i := 0; while i < vars.seq_val'length loop EVAL(vars.seq_val(i + 1), let_env, val, sub_err); if sub_err /= null then err := sub_err; return; end if; env_set(let_env, vars.seq_val(i), val); i := i + 2; end loop; env := let_env; ast := ast.seq_val(2); next; -- TCO elsif a0.string_val.all = "quote" then result := ast.seq_val(1); return; elsif a0.string_val.all = "quasiquote" then quasiquote(ast.seq_val(1), ast); next; -- TCO elsif a0.string_val.all = "do" then for i in 1 to ast.seq_val'high - 1 loop EVAL(ast.seq_val(i), env, result, sub_err); if sub_err /= null then err := sub_err; return; end if; end loop; ast := ast.seq_val(ast.seq_val'high); next; -- TCO elsif a0.string_val.all = "if" then EVAL(ast.seq_val(1), env, val, sub_err); if sub_err /= null then err := sub_err; return; end if; if val.val_type = mal_nil or val.val_type = mal_false then if ast.seq_val'length > 3 then ast := ast.seq_val(3); else new_nil(result); return; end if; else ast := ast.seq_val(2); end if; next; -- TCO elsif a0.string_val.all = "fn*" then new_fn(ast.seq_val(2), ast.seq_val(1), env, result); return; end if; end if; EVAL (a0, env, fn, sub_err); if sub_err /= null then err := sub_err; return; end if; -- Evaluate arguments eval_ast_seq(ast.seq_val, 1, env, new_seq, sub_err); if sub_err /= null then err := sub_err; return; end if; new_seq_obj(mal_list, new_seq, call_args); -- Special-case functions for TCO if fn.val_type = mal_fn then new_env(fn_env, fn.func_val.f_env, fn.func_val.f_args, call_args); env := fn_env; ast := fn.func_val.f_body; next; -- TCO end if; apply_func(fn, call_args, result, err); return; end loop; end procedure EVAL; procedure mal_PRINT(exp: inout mal_val_ptr; result: out line) is begin pr_str(exp, true, result); end procedure mal_PRINT; procedure RE(str: in string; env: inout env_ptr; result: out mal_val_ptr; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable ast, read_err: mal_val_ptr; begin mal_READ(str, ast, read_err); if read_err /= null then err := read_err; result := null; return; end if; if ast = null then result := null; return; end if; EVAL(ast, env, result, err); end procedure RE; procedure REP(str: in string; env: inout env_ptr; result: out line; err: out mal_val_ptr) is variable eval_res, eval_err: mal_val_ptr; begin RE(str, env, eval_res, eval_err); if eval_err /= null then err := eval_err; result := null; return; end if; mal_PRINT(eval_res, result); end procedure REP; procedure set_argv(e: inout env_ptr; program_file: inout line) is variable argv_var_name: string(1 to 6) := "*ARGV*"; variable argv_sym, argv_list: mal_val_ptr; file f: text; variable status: file_open_status; variable one_line: line; variable seq: mal_seq_ptr; variable element: mal_val_ptr; begin program_file := null; seq := new mal_seq(0 to -1); file_open(status, f, external_name => "vhdl_argv.tmp", open_kind => read_mode); if status = open_ok then if not endfile(f) then readline(f, program_file); while not endfile(f) loop readline(f, one_line); new_string(one_line.all, element); seq := new mal_seq'(seq.all & element); end loop; end if; file_close(f); end if; new_seq_obj(mal_list, seq, argv_list); new_symbol(argv_var_name, argv_sym); env_set(e, argv_sym, argv_list); end procedure set_argv; procedure repl is variable is_eof: boolean; variable program_file, input_line, result: line; variable eval_sym, eval_fn, dummy_val, err: mal_val_ptr; variable outer: env_ptr; variable eval_func_name: string(1 to 4) := "eval"; begin outer := null; new_env(repl_env, outer); -- core.EXT: defined using VHDL (see core.vhdl) define_core_functions(repl_env); new_symbol(eval_func_name, eval_sym); new_nativefn(eval_func_name, eval_fn); env_set(repl_env, eval_sym, eval_fn); set_argv(repl_env, program_file); -- core.mal: defined using the language itself RE("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))", repl_env, dummy_val, err); RE("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str " & '"' & "(do " & '"' & " (slurp f) " & '"' & "\nnil)" & '"' & ")))))", repl_env, dummy_val, err); if program_file /= null then REP("(load-file " & '"' & program_file.all & '"' & ")", repl_env, result, err); return; end if; loop mal_readline("user> ", is_eof, input_line); exit when is_eof; next when input_line'length = 0; REP(input_line.all, repl_env, result, err); if err /= null then pr_str(err, false, result); result := new string'("Error: " & result.all); end if; if result /= null then mal_printline(result.all); end if; deallocate(result); deallocate(err); end loop; mal_printline(""); end procedure repl; begin repl; end architecture test;