require reader.fs require printer.fs require core.fs core MalEnv. constant repl-env 99999999 constant TCO-eval : read read-str ; : eval ( env obj ) begin \ ." eval-> " dup pr-str safe-type cr mal-eval dup TCO-eval = while drop repeat ; : print \ ." Type: " dup mal-type @ type-name safe-type cr pr-str ; MalDefault extend mal-eval nip ;; drop \ By default, evalutate to yourself MalKeyword extend eval-invoke { env list kw -- val } 0 kw env list MalList/start @ cell+ @ eval get ?dup 0= if \ compute not-found value list MalList/count @ 1 > if env list MalList/start @ 2 cells + @ TCO-eval else mal-nil endif endif ;; extend invoke { argv argc kw -- val } 0 kw argv @ get ?dup 0= if argc 1 > if argv cell+ @ else mal-nil endif endif ;; drop \ eval all but the first item of list : eval-rest { env list -- argv argc } list MalList/start @ cell+ { expr-start } list MalList/count @ 1- { argc } argc cells allocate throw { target } argc 0 ?do env expr-start i cells + @ eval target i cells + ! loop target argc ; MalNativeFn extend eval-invoke { env list this -- list } env list eval-rest ( argv argc ) this invoke ;; extend invoke ( argv argc this -- val ) MalNativeFn/xt @ execute ;; drop SpecialOp extend eval-invoke ( env list this -- list ) SpecialOp/xt @ execute ;; drop : install-special ( symbol xt ) SpecialOp. repl-env env/set ; : defspecial parse-allot-name MalSymbol. ['] install-special :noname ; : is-pair? ( obj -- bool ) empty? mal-false = ; defspecial quote ( env list -- form ) nip MalList/start @ cell+ @ ;; s" concat" MalSymbol. constant concat-sym s" cons" MalSymbol. constant cons-sym defer quasiquote : quasiquote0 { ast -- form } ast is-pair? 0= if here quote-sym , ast , here>MalList else ast to-list MalList/start @ { ast-start } ast-start @ { ast[0] } ast[0] unquote-sym m= if ast-start cell+ @ else ast[0] is-pair? if ast[0] to-list MalList/start @ { ast[0]-start } ast[0]-start @ splice-unquote-sym m= if here concat-sym , ast[0]-start cell+ @ , ast to-list MalList/rest quasiquote , here>MalList false else true endif else true endif if here cons-sym , ast[0] quasiquote , ast to-list MalList/rest quasiquote , here>MalList endif endif endif ; ' quasiquote0 is quasiquote defspecial quasiquote ( env list ) MalList/start @ cell+ @ ( ast ) quasiquote TCO-eval ;; defspecial def! { env list -- val } list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 } arg0 @ ( key ) env arg0 cell+ @ eval dup { val } ( key val ) env env/set val ;; defspecial defmacro! { env list -- val } list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 } arg0 @ ( key ) env arg0 cell+ @ eval { val } true val MalUserFn/is-macro? ! val env env/set val ;; defspecial let* { old-env list -- val } old-env MalEnv. { env } list MalList/start @ cell+ dup { arg0 } @ to-list dup MalList/start @ { bindings-start } ( list ) MalList/count @ 0 +do bindings-start i cells + dup @ swap cell+ @ ( sym expr ) env swap eval env env/set 2 +loop env arg0 cell+ @ TCO-eval \ TODO: dec refcount of env ;; defspecial do { env list -- val } list MalList/start @ { start } list MalList/count @ dup 1- { last } 1 ?do env start i cells + @ i last = if TCO-eval else eval drop endif loop ;; defspecial if { env list -- val } list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 } env arg0 @ eval ( test-val ) dup mal-false = if drop -1 else mal-nil = endif if \ branch to false list MalList/count @ 3 > if env arg0 cell+ cell+ @ TCO-eval else mal-nil endif else \ branch to true env arg0 cell+ @ TCO-eval endif ;; s" &" MalSymbol. constant &-sym : new-user-fn-env { argv argc mal-fn -- env } mal-fn MalUserFn/formal-args @ { f-args-list } mal-fn MalUserFn/env @ MalEnv. { env } f-args-list MalList/start @ { f-args } f-args-list MalList/count @ ?dup 0= if else \ pass empty list for last arg, unless overridden below 1- cells f-args + @ MalList new env env/set endif argc 0 ?do f-args i cells + @ dup &-sym m= if drop argc i - { c } c cells allocate throw { start } argv i cells + start c cells cmove f-args i 1+ cells + @ ( more-args-symbol ) start c MalList. env env/set leave endif argv i cells + @ env env/set loop env ; MalUserFn extend eval-invoke { call-env list mal-fn -- list } mal-fn MalUserFn/is-macro? @ if list MalList/start @ cell+ \ argv list MalList/count @ 1- \ argc mal-fn new-user-fn-env { env } env mal-fn MalUserFn/body @ eval call-env swap TCO-eval else call-env list eval-rest mal-fn invoke endif ;; extend invoke ( argv argc mal-fn ) dup { mal-fn } new-user-fn-env { env } env mal-fn MalUserFn/body @ TCO-eval ;; drop defspecial fn* { env list -- val } list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 } MalUserFn new false over MalUserFn/is-macro? ! env over MalUserFn/env ! arg0 @ to-list over MalUserFn/formal-args ! arg0 cell+ @ over MalUserFn/body ! ;; defspecial macroexpand ( env list[_,form] -- form ) MalList/start @ cell+ @ swap over ( form env form ) MalList/start @ @ ( form env macro-name-expr ) eval { macro-fn } ( form ) dup MalList/start @ cell+ swap MalList/count @ 1- macro-fn ( argv argc fn ) new-user-fn-env ( env ) macro-fn MalUserFn/body @ TCO-eval ;; 5555555555 constant pre-try defspecial try* { env list -- val } list MalList/start @ cell+ { arg0 } pre-try env arg0 @ ['] eval catch ?dup 0= if nip else { errno } begin pre-try = until errno 1 <> if s" forth-errno" MalKeyword. errno MalInt. MalMap/Empty assoc to exception-object endif arg0 cell+ @ ( list[catch*,sym,form] ) MalList/start @ cell+ { catch0 } env MalEnv. { catch-env } catch0 @ exception-object catch-env env/set catch-env catch0 cell+ @ TCO-eval endif ;; MalSymbol extend mal-eval { env sym -- val } sym env env/get-addr dup 0= if drop 0 0 s" ' not found" sym pr-str s" '" ...throw-str else @ endif ;; drop : eval-ast { env list -- list } here list MalList/start @ { expr-start } list MalList/count @ 0 ?do env expr-start i cells + @ eval , loop here>MalList ; MalList extend mal-eval { env list -- val } env list MalList/start @ @ eval env list rot eval-invoke ;; drop MalVector extend mal-eval ( env vector -- vector ) MalVector/list @ eval-ast MalVector new swap over MalVector/list ! ;; drop MalMap extend mal-eval ( env map -- map ) MalMap/list @ eval-ast MalMap new swap over MalMap/list ! ;; drop defcore eval ( argv argc ) drop @ repl-env swap eval ;; : rep ( str-addr str-len -- str-addr str-len ) read repl-env swap eval print ; : mk-args-list ( -- ) here begin next-arg 2dup 0 0 d<> while MalString. , repeat 2drop here>MalList ; create buff 128 allot 77777777777 constant stack-leak-detect : nop ; defcore swap! { argv argc -- val } \ argv is (atom fn args...) argv @ { atom } argv cell+ @ { fn } argc 1- { call-argc } call-argc cells allocate throw { call-argv } atom Atom/val call-argv 1 cells cmove argv cell+ cell+ call-argv cell+ call-argc 1- cells cmove call-argv call-argc fn invoke dup TCO-eval = if drop eval endif { new-val } new-val atom Atom/val ! new-val ;; defcore map ( argv argc -- list ) drop dup @ swap cell+ @ to-list { fn list } here list MalList/start @ list MalList/count @ cells over + swap +do i 1 fn invoke dup TCO-eval = if drop eval endif , cell +loop here>MalList ;; defcore readline ( argv argc -- mal-string ) drop @ unpack-str type stdout flush-file drop buff 128 stdin read-line throw if buff swap MalString. else drop mal-nil endif ;; s\" (def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))" rep 2drop s\" (defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))" rep 2drop s\" (defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))" rep 2drop : repl ( -- ) begin ." user> " stack-leak-detect buff 128 stdin read-line throw while ( num-bytes-read ) buff swap ( str-addr str-len ) ['] rep \ execute ['] nop \ uncomment to see stack traces catch ?dup 0= if safe-type cr stack-leak-detect <> if ." --stack leak--" cr endif else { errno } begin stack-leak-detect = until errno 1 <> if s" forth-errno" MalKeyword. errno MalInt. MalMap/Empty assoc to exception-object endif ." Uncaught exception: " exception-object pr-str safe-type cr endif repeat ; : main ( -- ) mk-args-list { args-list } args-list MalList/count @ 0= if s" *ARGV*" MalSymbol. MalList/Empty repl-env env/set repl else args-list MalList/start @ @ { filename } s" *ARGV*" MalSymbol. args-list MalList/rest repl-env env/set repl-env here s" load-file" MalSymbol. , filename , here>MalList eval print endif ; main cr bye