set_path, get_env("YORICK_MAL_PATH") + ":" + get_path() require, "reader.i" require, "printer.i" require, "core.i" require, "env.i" func READ(str) { return read_str(str) } func is_pair(ast) { type = structof(ast) return ((type == MalList) || (type == MalVector)) && count(ast) > 0 } func quasiquote(ast) { if (!is_pair(ast)) return MalList(val=&[&MalSymbol(val="quote"), &ast]) lst = *ast.val ast1 = *lst(1) if (structof(ast1) == MalSymbol && ast1.val == "unquote") return *lst(2) if (is_pair(ast1)) { ast11 = *((*ast1.val)(1)) if (structof(ast11) == MalSymbol && ast11.val == "splice-unquote") { return MalList(val=&[&MalSymbol(val="concat"), (*ast1.val)(2), &quasiquote(rest(ast))]) } } return MalList(val=&[&MalSymbol(val="cons"), &quasiquote(ast1), &quasiquote(rest(ast))]) } func is_macro_call(ast, env) { if (structof(ast) != MalList) return 0 if (count(ast) == 0) return 0 a1 = *((*ast.val)(1)) if (structof(a1) != MalSymbol) return 0 var_name = a1.val found_env = env_find(env, var_name) if (is_void(found_env)) return 0 obj = env_get(env, var_name) return is_macro(obj) } func macroexpand(ast, env) { while (is_macro_call(ast, env)) { macro_name = (*ast.val)(1)->val macro_obj = env_get(env, macro_name) macro_args = *rest(ast).val fn_env = env_new(macro_obj.env, binds=*macro_obj.binds, exprs=macro_args) ast = EVAL(*macro_obj.ast, fn_env) } return ast } func eval_ast(ast, env) { type = structof(ast) if (type == MalSymbol) { return env_get(env, ast.val) } else if (type == MalList) { seq = *(ast.val) if (numberof(seq) == 0) return ast res = array(pointer, numberof(seq)) for (i = 1; i <= numberof(seq); ++i) { e = EVAL(*seq(i), env) if (structof(e) == MalError) return e res(i) = &e } return MalList(val=&res) } else if (type == MalVector) { seq = *(ast.val) if (numberof(seq) == 0) return ast res = array(pointer, numberof(seq)) for (i = 1; i <= numberof(seq); ++i) { e = EVAL(*seq(i), env) if (structof(e) == MalError) return e res(i) = &e } return MalVector(val=&res) } else if (type == MalHashmap) { h = *(ast.val) if (numberof(*h.keys) == 0) return ast res = hash_new() for (i = 1; i <= numberof(*h.keys); ++i) { new_key = EVAL(hashmap_key_to_obj((*h.keys)(i)), env) if (structof(new_key) == MalError) return new_key new_val = EVAL(*((*h.vals)(i)), env) if (structof(new_val) == MalError) return new_val hash_set, res, hashmap_obj_to_key(new_key), new_val } return MalHashmap(val=&res) } else return ast } func EVAL(ast, env) { while (1) { if (structof(ast) == MalError) return ast if (structof(ast) != MalList) return eval_ast(ast, env) ast = macroexpand(ast, env) if (structof(ast) != MalList) return eval_ast(ast, env) lst = *ast.val if (numberof(lst) == 0) return ast a1 = lst(1)->val if (a1 == "def!") { new_value = EVAL(*lst(3), env) if (structof(new_value) == MalError) return new_value return env_set(env, lst(2)->val, new_value) } else if (a1 == "let*") { let_env = env_new(&env) args_lst = *(lst(2)->val) for (i = 1; i <= numberof(args_lst); i += 2) { var_name = args_lst(i)->val var_value = EVAL(*args_lst(i + 1), let_env) if (structof(var_value) == MalError) return var_value env_set, let_env, var_name, var_value } ast = *lst(3) env = let_env // TCO } else if (a1 == "quote") { return *lst(2) } else if (a1 == "quasiquote") { ast = quasiquote(*lst(2)) // TCO } else if (a1 == "defmacro!") { new_value = EVAL(*lst(3), env) if (structof(new_value) == MalError) return new_value new_value.macro = 1 return env_set(env, lst(2)->val, new_value) } else if (a1 == "macroexpand") { return macroexpand(*lst(2), env) } else if (a1 == "try*") { ret = EVAL(*lst(2), env) if (structof(ret) == MalError) { exc = *ret.obj if (is_void(exc)) { exc = MalString(val=ret.message) } catch_lst = *(lst(3)->val) catch_env = env_new(&env) env_set, catch_env, catch_lst(2)->val, exc return EVAL(*catch_lst(3), catch_env) } else { return ret } } else if (a1 == "do") { for (i = 2; i < numberof(lst); ++i) { ret = EVAL(*lst(i), env) if (structof(ret) == MalError) return ret } ast = *lst(numberof(lst)) // TCO } else if (a1 == "if") { cond_val = EVAL(*lst(2), env) if (structof(cond_val) == MalError) return cond_val if ((structof(cond_val) == MalNil) || (structof(cond_val) == MalFalse)) { if (numberof(lst) > 3) { ast = *lst(4) } else { return MAL_NIL } } else { ast = *lst(3) } // TCO } else if (a1 == "fn*") { return MalFunction(env=&env, binds=lst(2)->val, ast=lst(3), macro=0) } else { el = eval_ast(ast, env) if (structof(el) == MalError) return el seq = *el.val if (structof(*seq(1)) == MalNativeFunction) { args = (numberof(seq) > 1) ? seq(2:) : [] return call_core_fn(seq(1)->val, args) } else if (structof(*seq(1)) == MalFunction) { fn = *seq(1) exprs = numberof(seq) > 1 ? seq(2:) : [] fn_env = env_new(fn.env, binds=*fn.binds, exprs=exprs) ast = *fn.ast env = fn_env // TCO } else { return MalError(message="Unknown function type") } } } } func PRINT(exp) { if (structof(exp) == MalError) return exp return pr_str(exp, 1) } func RE(str, env) { return EVAL(READ(str), env) } func REP(str, env) { return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), env)) } func get_command_line(void) // Force quiet mode (-q) to prevent Yorick from printing its banner { argv = get_argv() return numberof(argv) > 1 ? grow([argv(1), "-q"], argv(2:)) : [argv(1), "-q"] } func prepare_argv_list(args) { if (numberof(args) <= 1) return MalList(val=&[]) str_lst = array(pointer, numberof(args) - 1) for (i = 2; i <= numberof(args); ++i) { str_lst(i - 1) = &MalString(val=args(i)) } return MalList(val=&str_lst) } repl_env = nil stdin_file = open("/dev/stdin", "r") func main(void) { extern repl_env extern stdin_file repl_env = env_new(pointer(0)) // core.i: defined using Yorick core_symbols = h_keys(core_ns) for (i = 1; i <= numberof(core_symbols); ++i) { env_set, repl_env, core_symbols(i), MalNativeFunction(val=core_symbols(i)) } command_line_args = process_argv() env_set, repl_env, "*ARGV*", prepare_argv_list(command_line_args) // core.mal: defined using the language itself RE, "(def! *host-language* \"yorick\")", repl_env RE, "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))", repl_env RE, "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))", repl_env RE, "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))", repl_env RE, "(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))", repl_env RE, "(def! gensym (fn* [] (symbol (str \"G__\" (swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))", repl_env RE, "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))", repl_env if (numberof(command_line_args) > 0) { RE, "(load-file \"" + command_line_args(1) + "\")", repl_env return 0 } RE, "(println (str \"Mal [\" *host-language* \"]\"))", repl_env while (1) { write, format="%s", "user> " line = rdline(stdin_file, prompt="") if (!line) break if (strlen(line) > 0) { result = REP(line, repl_env) if (structof(result) == MalError) write, format="Error: %s\n", result.message else write, format="%s\n", result } } write, "" } main;