module rec Types : sig type 'a with_meta = { value : 'a; meta : t } and t = | List of t list with_meta | Vector of t list with_meta | Map of t MalMap.t with_meta | Int of int | Symbol of string with_meta | Keyword of string | Nil | Bool of bool | String of string | Fn of (t list -> t) with_meta | Atom of t ref end = Types and MalValue : sig type t = Types.t val compare : t -> t -> int end = struct type t = Types.t let compare = end and MalMap : Map.S with type key = MalValue.t = Map.Make(MalValue) exception MalExn of Types.t let to_bool x = match x with | Types.Nil | Types.Bool false -> false | _ -> true type mal_type = MalValue.t let list x = Types.List { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let map x = Types.Map { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let vector x = Types.Vector { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let symbol x = Types.Symbol { Types.value = x; meta = Types.Nil } let fn f = Types.Fn { Types.value = f; meta = Types.Nil } let rec list_into_map target source = match source with | k :: v :: more -> list_into_map (MalMap.add k v target) more | [] -> map target | _ :: [] -> raise (Invalid_argument "Literal maps must contain an even number of forms")