import types.{MalList, _list, _list_Q, MalVector, MalHashMap, Func, MalFunction} import env.Env object step4_if_fn_do { // read def READ(str: String): Any = { reader.read_str(str) } // eval def eval_ast(ast: Any, env: Env): Any = { ast match { case s : Symbol => env.get(s) case v: MalVector =>, env)) case l: MalList =>, env)) case m: MalHashMap => {{case (k,v) => (k, EVAL(v, env))} } case _ => ast } } def EVAL(ast: Any, env: Env): Any = { //println("EVAL: " + printer._pr_str(ast,true)) if (!_list_Q(ast)) return eval_ast(ast, env) // apply list ast.asInstanceOf[MalList].value match { case Nil => { return ast } case Symbol("def!") :: a1 :: a2 :: Nil => { return env.set(a1.asInstanceOf[Symbol], EVAL(a2, env)) } case Symbol("let*") :: a1 :: a2 :: Nil => { val let_env = new Env(env) for (g <- a1.asInstanceOf[MalList].value.grouped(2)) { let_env.set(g(0).asInstanceOf[Symbol],EVAL(g(1),let_env)) } return EVAL(a2, let_env) } case Symbol("do") :: rest => { val el = eval_ast(_list(rest:_*), env) return el.asInstanceOf[MalList].value.last } case Symbol("if") :: a1 :: a2 :: rest => { val cond = EVAL(a1, env) if (cond == null || cond == false) { if (rest.length == 0) return null return EVAL(rest(0), env) } else { return EVAL(a2, env) } } case Symbol("fn*") :: a1 :: a2 :: Nil => { return new Func((args: List[Any]) => { EVAL(a2, new Env(env, types._toIter(a1), args.iterator)) }) } case _ => { // function call eval_ast(ast, env).asInstanceOf[MalList].value match { case f :: el => { var fn: Func = null try { fn = f.asInstanceOf[Func] } catch { case _: Throwable => throw new Exception("attempt to call non-function") } return fn(el) } case _ => throw new Exception("invalid apply") } } } } // print def PRINT(exp: Any): String = { printer._pr_str(exp, true) } // repl def main(args: Array[String]) = { val repl_env: Env = new Env() val REP = (str: String) => PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env)) // core.scala: defined using scala{case (k: String,v: Any) => { repl_env.set(Symbol(k), new Func(v)) }} // core.mal: defined using the language itself REP("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))") var line:String = null while ({line = readLine("user> "); line != null}) { try { println(REP(line)) } catch { case e : Throwable => { println("Error: " + e.getMessage) println(" " + e.getStackTrace.mkString("\n ")) } } } } } // vim: ts=2:sw=2