import std.array; import std.regex; import std.stdio; import types; MalSymbol sym_quote; MalSymbol sym_quasiquote; MalSymbol sym_unquote; MalSymbol sym_splice_unquote; MalSymbol sym_deref; MalSymbol sym_with_meta; static this() { sym_quote = new MalSymbol("quote"); sym_quasiquote = new MalSymbol("quasiquote"); sym_unquote = new MalSymbol("unquote"); sym_splice_unquote = new MalSymbol("splice-unquote"); sym_deref = new MalSymbol("deref"); sym_with_meta = new MalSymbol("with-meta"); } class Reader { int pos = 0; const string[] tokens; this(string[] the_tokens) { tokens = the_tokens.dup; } string peek() { if (pos >= tokens.length) return null; return tokens[pos]; } string next() { auto token = peek(); pos++; return token; } } auto tokenize_ctr = ctRegex!(r"[\s,]*(~@|[\[\]{}()'`~^@]|" `"` `(?:\\.|[^\\"])*"|;.*|[^\s\[\]{}('"` r"`,;)]*)"); string[] tokenize(string str) { string[] tokens; foreach(c; matchAll(str, tokenize_ctr)) { auto token = c[1]; if (token.length == 0) continue; if (token[0] == ';') continue; tokens ~= token; } return tokens; } MalString parse_string(string token) { // TODO: this could be done with replaceAll // string unescaped = token[1..$-1] // Remove surrounding quotes .replace("\\\\", "\u029e") .replace("\\n", "\n") .replace("\\\"", "\"") .replace("\u029e", "\\"); return new MalString(unescaped); } auto integer_ctr = ctRegex!(r"^-?[0-9]+$"); MalType read_atom(Reader reader) { auto token =; switch (token) { case "nil": return mal_nil; case "false": return mal_false; case "true": return mal_true; default: switch (token[0]) { case ':': return new MalString("\u029e" ~ token[1..$]); case '"': return parse_string(token); default: auto captures = matchFirst(token, integer_ctr); if (!captures.empty()) { return new MalInteger(token); } return new MalSymbol(token); } } } MalType[] read_items(Reader reader, string start, string end) { auto open_paren =; if (open_paren != start) throw new Exception("expected '" ~ start ~ "'"); string token; MalType[] res; while ((token = reader.peek()) != end) { if (token is null) { throw new Exception("expected '" ~ end ~ "'"); } res ~= read_form(reader); }; // consume the ')' return res; } MalList read_list(Reader reader) { return new MalList(read_items(reader, "(", ")")); } MalVector read_vector(Reader reader) { return new MalVector(read_items(reader, "[", "]")); } MalHashmap read_hashmap(Reader reader) { return new MalHashmap(read_items(reader, "{", "}")); } MalList read_quote_shortcut(Reader reader, MalSymbol sym) {; // consume the special quote char return new MalList([sym, read_form(reader)]); } MalType read_form(Reader reader) { auto token = reader.peek(); if (token is null) return new MalNil(); switch(token) { case "'": return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_quote); case "`": return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_quasiquote); case "~": return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_unquote); case "~@": return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_splice_unquote); case "@": return read_quote_shortcut(reader, sym_deref); case "^":; // consume the caret char auto meta = read_form(reader); return new MalList([sym_with_meta, read_form(reader), meta]); case "(": return read_list(reader); case ")": throw new Exception("unexpected ')'"); case "[": return read_vector(reader); case "]": throw new Exception("unexpected ']'"); case "{": return read_hashmap(reader); case "}": throw new Exception("unexpected '}'"); default: return read_atom(reader); } } MalType read_str(string str) { auto tokens = tokenize(str); auto reader = new Reader(tokens); return read_form(reader); }