;; Copyright (C) 2015 ;; "Mu Lei" known as "NalaGinrut" ;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . (import (readline) (reader) (printer) (ice-9 match) (srfi srfi-43) (srfi srfi-1) (ice-9 receive) (env) (core) (types)) (define *toplevel* (receive (b e) (unzip2 core.ns) (make-Env #:binds b #:exprs (map make-func e)))) (define (READ) (read_str (_readline "user> "))) (define (eval_ast ast env) (define (_eval x) (EVAL x env)) (match ast ((? _nil? obj) obj) ((? symbol? sym) (env-has sym env)) ((? list? lst) (map _eval lst)) ((? vector? vec) (vector-map (lambda (i x) (_eval x)) vec)) ((? hash-table? ht) (hash-for-each (lambda (k v) (hash-set! ht k (_eval v))) ht) ht) (else ast))) (define (eval_func ast env) (define (_eval o) (EVAL o env)) (define (func? x) (and=> ((env 'get) x) is-func?)) (cond ((func? (car ast)) => (lambda (c) (callable-apply c (map _eval (cdr ast))))) (else (throw 'mal-error (format #f "'~a' not found" (car ast)))))) (define (eval_seq ast env) (cond ((null? ast) nil) ((null? (cdr ast)) (EVAL (car ast) env)) (else (EVAL (car ast) env) (eval_seq (cdr ast) env)))) (define (EVAL ast env) (define (->list kvs) ((if (vector? kvs) vector->list identity) kvs)) (define (%unzip2 kvs) (let lp((next kvs) (k '()) (v '())) (cond ;; NOTE: reverse is very important here! ((null? next) (values (reverse k) (reverse v))) ((null? (cdr next)) (throw 'mal-error "let*: Invalid binding form" kvs)) (else (lp (cddr next) (cons (car next) k) (cons (cadr next) v)))))) ;; NOTE: I wish I can use (while #t ...) for that, but this is not Lispy, which means ;; it'll bring some trouble in control flow. We have to use continuations to return ;; and use non-standard `break' feature. In a word, not elegant at all. ;; The named let loop is natural for Scheme, but it looks a bit cheating. But NO! ;; Such kind of loop is actually `while loop' in Scheme, I don't take advantage of ;; TCO in Scheme to implement TCO, but it's the same principle with normal loop. ;; If you're Lispy enough, there's no recursive at all while you saw named let loop. (let tco-loop((ast ast) (env env)) (match ast (() ast) (('def! k v) ((env 'set) k (EVAL v env))) (('let* kvs body) (let* ((new-env (make-Env #:outer env)) (setter (lambda (k v) ((new-env 'set) k (EVAL v new-env))))) (receive (keys vals) (%unzip2 (->list kvs)) (for-each setter keys vals)) (tco-loop body new-env))) (('do rest ...) (cond ((null? rest) (throw 'mal-error "do: Invalid form!" rest)) ((= 1 (length rest)) (tco-loop (car rest) env)) (else (let ((mexpr (take rest (1- (length rest)))) (tail-call (car (take-right rest 1)))) (eval_seq mexpr env) (tco-loop tail-call env))))) (('if cnd thn els ...) (cond ((and (not (null? els)) (not (null? (cdr els)))) ;; Invalid `if' form (throw 'mal-error "if: failed to match any pattern in form " ast)) ((cond-true? (EVAL cnd env)) (tco-loop thn env)) (else (if (null? els) nil (tco-loop (car els) env))))) (('fn* params body ...) ; function definition (make-func (lambda args (let ((nenv (make-Env #:outer env #:binds (->list params) #:exprs args))) (cond ((null? body) (throw 'mal-error "fn*: bad lambda in form " ast)) ((= 1 (length body)) (tco-loop (car body) nenv)) (else (let ((mexpr (take body (1- (length body)))) (tail-call (car (take-right body 1)))) (eval_seq mexpr nenv) (tco-loop tail-call nenv)))))))) ((? list?) (eval_func ast env)) ; function calling (else (eval_ast ast env))))) (define (EVAL-string str) (EVAL (read_str str) *toplevel*)) (define (PRINT exp) (and (not (eof-object? exp)) (format #t "~a~%" (pr_str exp #t)))) (define (LOOP continue?) (and continue? (REPL))) (define (REPL) (LOOP (catch 'mal-error (lambda () (PRINT (EVAL (READ) *toplevel*))) (lambda (k . e) (if (string=? (car e) "blank line") (display "") (format #t "Error: ~a~%" (car e))))))) ;; initialization ((*toplevel* 'set) 'eval (make-func (lambda (ast) (EVAL ast *toplevel*)))) ((*toplevel* 'set) '*ARGV* '()) (EVAL-string "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))") (let ((args (cdr (command-line)))) (cond ((> (length args) 0) ((*toplevel* 'set) '*ARGV* (cdr args)) (EVAL-string (string-append "(load-file \"" (car args) "\")"))) (else (REPL))))