# # mal (Make a Lisp) Core functions # ifndef __mal_core_included __mal_core_included := true _TOP_DIR := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST))) include $(_TOP_DIR)util.mk include $(_TOP_DIR)types.mk include $(_TOP_DIR)readline.mk include $(_TOP_DIR)reader.mk include $(_TOP_DIR)printer.mk # Errors/Exceptions throw = $(eval __ERROR := $(1)) # General functions # Return the type of the object (or "make" if it's not a object obj_type = $(call _string,$(call _obj_type,$(1))) equal? = $(if $(call _equal?,$(word 1,$(1)),$(word 2,$(1))),$(__true),$(__false)) # Scalar functions nil? = $(if $(call _nil?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) true? = $(if $(call _true?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) false? = $(if $(call _false?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) # Symbol functions symbol = $(call _symbol,$(call str_decode,$($(1)_value))) symbol? = $(if $(call _symbol?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) # Keyword functions keyword = $(call _keyword,$(call str_decode,$($(1)_value))) keyword? = $(if $(call _keyword?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) # Number functions number? = $(if $(call _number?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) number_lt = $(if $(call int_lt_encoded,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),$($(word 2,$(1))_value)),$(__true),$(__false)) number_lte = $(if $(call int_lte_encoded,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),$($(word 2,$(1))_value)),$(__true),$(__false)) number_gt = $(if $(call int_gt_encoded,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),$($(word 2,$(1))_value)),$(__true),$(__false)) number_gte = $(if $(call int_gte_encoded,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),$($(word 2,$(1))_value)),$(__true),$(__false)) number_plus = $(call _pnumber,$(call int_add_encoded,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),$($(word 2,$(1))_value))) number_subtract = $(call _pnumber,$(call int_sub_encoded,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),$($(word 2,$(1))_value))) number_multiply = $(call _pnumber,$(call int_mult_encoded,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),$($(word 2,$(1))_value))) number_divide = $(call _pnumber,$(call int_div_encoded,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),$($(word 2,$(1))_value))) time_ms = $(call _number,$(shell echo $$(date +%s%3N))) # String functions string? = $(if $(call _string?,$(1)),$(if $(call _keyword?,$(1)),$(__false),$(__true)),$(__false)) pr_str = $(call _string,$(call _pr_str_mult,$(1),yes, )) str = $(call _string,$(call _pr_str_mult,$(1),,)) prn = $(info $(call _pr_str_mult,$(1),yes, )) println = $(info $(subst \n,$(NEWLINE),$(call _pr_str_mult,$(1),, ))) readline= $(foreach res,$(call _string,$(call READLINE,"$(call str_decode,$($(1)_value))")),$(if $(READLINE_EOF),$(eval READLINE_EOF :=)$(__nil),$(res))) read_str= $(call READ_STR,$(1)) slurp = $(call _string,$(call _read_file,$(call str_decode,$($(1)_value)))) subs = $(strip \ $(foreach start,$(call int_add,1,$(call int_decode,$($(word 2,$(1))_value))),\ $(foreach end,$(if $(3),$(call int_decode,$($(3)_value)),$(words $($(word 1,$(1))_value))),\ $(call _string,$(wordlist $(start),$(end),$($(word 1,$(1))_value)))))) # Function functions function? = $(if $(call _function?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) # List functions list? = $(if $(call _list?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) # Vector functions vector? = $(if $(call _vector?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) # Hash map (associative array) functions hash_map? = $(if $(call _hash_map?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) # set a key/value in a copy of the hash map assoc = $(word 1,\ $(foreach hm,$(call _clone_obj,$(word 1,$(1))),\ $(hm) \ $(call _assoc_seq!,$(hm),$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))))) # unset keys in a copy of the hash map # TODO: this could be made more efficient by copying only the # keys that not being removed. dissoc = $(word 1,\ $(foreach hm,$(call _clone_obj,$(word 1,$(1))),\ $(hm) \ $(call _dissoc_seq!,$(hm),$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))))) keys = $(foreach new_list,$(call _list),$(new_list)$(eval $(new_list)_value := $(foreach v,$(call __get_obj_values,$(1)),$(foreach vval,$(word 4,$(subst _, ,$(v))),$(if $(filter $(__keyword)%,$(vval)),$(call _keyword,$(patsubst $(__keyword)%,%,$(vval))),$(call _string,$(vval))))))) vals = $(foreach new_list,$(call _list),$(new_list)$(eval $(new_list)_value := $(foreach v,$(call __get_obj_values,$(1)),$($(v))))) # Hash map and vector functions # retrieve the value of a string key object from the hash map, or # retrive a vector by number object index get = $(strip \ $(if $(call _nil?,$(word 1,$(1))),\ $(__nil),\ $(if $(call _hash_map?,$(word 1,$(1))),\ $(call _get,$(word 1,$(1)),$(call str_decode,$($(word 2,$(1))_value))),\ $(call _get,$(word 1,$(1)),$(call int_decode,$($(word 2,$(1))_value)))))) contains? = $(if $(call _contains?,$(word 1,$(1)),$(call str_decode,$($(word 2,$(1))_value))),$(__true),$(__false)) # sequence operations sequential? = $(if $(call _sequential?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) cons = $(word 1,$(foreach new_list,$(call _list),$(new_list) $(eval $(new_list)_value := $(strip $(word 1,$(1)) $(call __get_obj_values,$(word 2,$(1))))))) concat = $(word 1,$(foreach new_list,$(call _list),$(new_list) $(eval $(new_list)_value := $(strip $(foreach lst,$1,$(call __get_obj_values,$(lst))))))) nth = $(strip \ $(if $(call int_lt,$($(word 2,$(1))_value),$(call int_encode,$(call _count,$(word 1,$(1))))),\ $(word $(call int_add,1,$(call int_decode,$($(word 2,$(1))_value))),$($(word 1,$(1))_value)),\ $(call _error,nth: index out of range))) sfirst = $(word 1,$($(1)_value)) slast = $(word $(words $($(1)_value)),$($(1)_value)) empty? = $(if $(call _EQ,0,$(if $(call _hash_map?,$(1)),$($(1)_size),$(words $($(1)_value)))),$(__true),$(__false)) count = $(call _number,$(call _count,$(1))) # Creates a new vector/list of the everything after but the first # element srest = $(word 1,$(foreach new_list,$(call _list),\ $(new_list) \ $(eval $(new_list)_value := $(wordlist 2,$(words $($(1)_value)),$($(1)_value))))) # Takes a space separated arguments and invokes the first argument # (function object) using the remaining arguments. sapply = $(call $(word 1,$(1))_value,$(strip \ $(wordlist 2,$(call int_sub,$(words $(1)),1),$(1)) \ $($(word $(words $(1)),$(1))_value))) # Map a function object over a list object smap = $(strip\ $(foreach func,$(word 1,$(1)),\ $(foreach lst,$(word 2,$(1)),\ $(foreach type,list,\ $(foreach new_hcode,$(call __new_obj_hash_code),\ $(foreach sz,$(words $(call __get_obj_values,$(lst))),\ $(eval $(__obj_magic)_$(type)_$(new_hcode)_value := $(strip \ $(foreach val,$(call __get_obj_values,$(lst)),\ $(call $(func)_value,$(val))))))\ $(__obj_magic)_$(type)_$(new_hcode)))))) conj = $(word 1,$(foreach new_list,$(call __new_obj_like,$(word 1,$(1))),\ $(new_list) \ $(eval $(new_list)_value := $(strip $($(word 1,$(1))_value))) \ $(if $(call _list?,$(new_list)),\ $(foreach elem,$(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1)),\ $(eval $(new_list)_value := $(strip $(elem) $($(new_list)_value)))),\ $(eval $(new_list)_value := $(strip $($(new_list)_value) $(wordlist 2,$(words $(1)),$(1))))))) seq = $(strip\ $(if $(call _list?,$(1)),\ $(if $(call _EQ,0,$(call _count,$(1))),$(__nil),$(1)),\ $(if $(call _vector?,$(1)),\ $(if $(call _EQ,0,$(call _count,$(1))),\ $(__nil),\ $(word 1,$(foreach new_list,$(call _list),\ $(new_list) \ $(eval $(new_list)_value := $(strip $($(word 1,$(1))_value)))))),\ $(if $(call _EQ,string,$(call _obj_type,$(1))),\ $(if $(call _EQ,0,$(call _count,$(1))),\ $(__nil),\ $(word 1,$(foreach new_list,$(call _list),\ $(new_list) \ $(eval $(new_list)_value := $(strip \ $(foreach c,$($(word 1,$(1))_value),\ $(call _string,$(c)))))))),\ $(if $(call _nil?,$(1)),\ $(__nil),\ $(call _error,seq: called on non-sequence)))))) # Metadata functions with_meta = $(strip \ $(foreach new_obj,$(call _clone_obj,$(word 1,$(1))),\ $(eval $(new_obj)_meta := $(strip $(word 2,$(1))))\ $(new_obj))) meta = $(strip $($(1)_meta)) # Atom functions atom = $(strip \ $(foreach hcode,$(call __new_obj_hash_code),\ $(foreach new_atom,$(__obj_magic)_atom_$(hcode),\ $(new_atom)\ $(eval $(new_atom)_value := $(1))))) atom? = $(if $(call _atom?,$(1)),$(__true),$(__false)) deref = $($(1)_value) reset! = $(eval $(word 1,$(1))_value := $(word 2,$(1)))$(word 2,$(1)) swap! = $(foreach resp,$(call $(word 2,$(1))_value,$($(word 1,$(1))_value) $(wordlist 3,$(words $(1)),$(1))),\ $(eval $(word 1,$(1))_value := $(resp))\ $(resp)) # Namespace of core functions core_ns = type obj_type \ = equal? \ throw throw \ nil? nil? \ true? true? \ false? false? \ string? string? \ symbol symbol \ symbol? symbol? \ keyword keyword \ keyword? keyword? \ function? function? \ \ pr-str pr_str \ str str \ prn prn \ println println \ readline readline \ read-string read_str \ slurp slurp \ subs subs \ number? number? \ < number_lt \ <= number_lte \ > number_gt \ >= number_gte \ + number_plus \ - number_subtract \ * number_multiply \ / number_divide \ time-ms time_ms \ \ list _list \ list? list? \ vector _vector \ vector? vector? \ hash-map _hash_map \ map? hash_map? \ assoc assoc \ dissoc dissoc \ get get \ contains? contains? \ keys keys \ vals vals \ \ sequential? sequential? \ cons cons \ concat concat \ nth nth \ first sfirst \ rest srest \ last slast \ empty? empty? \ count count \ apply sapply \ map smap \ \ conj conj \ seq seq \ \ with-meta with_meta \ meta meta \ atom atom \ atom? atom? \ deref deref \ reset! reset! \ swap! swap! endif