import sys, traceback import mal_readline import mal_types as types from mal_types import (MalSym, MalInt, MalStr, nil, true, false, _symbol, _keywordu, MalList, _list, MalVector, MalHashMap, MalFunc) import reader, printer from env import Env import core # read def READ(str): return reader.read_str(str) # eval def eval_ast(ast, env): if types._symbol_Q(ast): assert isinstance(ast, MalSym) return env.get(ast) elif types._list_Q(ast): res = [] for a in ast.values: res.append(EVAL(a, env)) return MalList(res) elif types._vector_Q(ast): res = [] for a in ast.values: res.append(EVAL(a, env)) return MalVector(res) elif types._hash_map_Q(ast): new_dct = {} for k in ast.dct.keys(): new_dct[k] = EVAL(ast.dct[k], env) return MalHashMap(new_dct) else: return ast # primitive value, return unchanged def EVAL(ast, env): #print("EVAL %s" % printer._pr_str(ast)) if not types._list_Q(ast): return eval_ast(ast, env) # apply list if len(ast) == 0: return ast a0 = ast[0] if isinstance(a0, MalSym): a0sym = a0.value else: a0sym = u"__<*fn*>__" if u"def!" == a0sym: a1, a2 = ast[1], ast[2] res = EVAL(a2, env) return env.set(a1, res) elif u"let*" == a0sym: a1, a2 = ast[1], ast[2] let_env = Env(env) for i in range(0, len(a1), 2): let_env.set(a1[i], EVAL(a1[i+1], let_env)) return EVAL(a2, let_env) elif u"do" == a0sym: el = eval_ast(, env) return el.values[-1] elif u"if" == a0sym: a1, a2 = ast[1], ast[2] cond = EVAL(a1, env) if cond is nil or cond is false: if len(ast) > 3: return EVAL(ast[3], env) else: return nil else: return EVAL(a2, env) elif u"fn*" == a0sym: a1, a2 = ast[1], ast[2] return MalFunc(None, a2, env, a1, EVAL) else: el = eval_ast(ast, env) f = el.values[0] if isinstance(f, MalFunc): return f.apply( else: raise Exception("%s is not callable" % f) # print def PRINT(exp): return printer._pr_str(exp) # repl def entry_point(argv): repl_env = Env() def REP(str, env): return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), env)) # defined using python for k, v in core.ns.items(): repl_env.set(_symbol(unicode(k)), MalFunc(v)) # core.mal: defined using the language itself REP("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))", repl_env) while True: try: line = mal_readline.readline("user> ") if line == "": continue print(REP(line, repl_env)) except EOFError as e: break except reader.Blank: continue except types.MalException as e: print(u"Error: %s" % printer._pr_str(e.object, False)) except Exception as e: print("Error: %s" % e) #print("".join(traceback.format_exception(*sys.exc_info()))) return 0 # _____ Define and setup target ___ def target(*args): return entry_point # Just run entry_point if not RPython compilation import sys if not sys.argv[0].endswith('rpython'): entry_point(sys.argv)