readline = require "./" types = require "./" reader = require "./" printer = require "./" Env = require("./").Env core = require("./") # read READ = (str) -> reader.read_str str # eval eval_ast = (ast, env) -> if types._symbol_Q(ast) then env.get ast else if types._list_Q(ast) then -> EVAL(a, env)) else if types._vector_Q(ast) types._vector( -> EVAL(a, env))...) else if types._hash_map_Q(ast) new_hm = {} new_hm[k] = EVAL(ast[k],env) for k,v of ast new_hm else ast EVAL = (ast, env) -> loop #console.log "EVAL:", printer._pr_str ast if !types._list_Q ast then return eval_ast ast, env # apply list [a0, a1, a2, a3] = ast switch when "def!" return env.set(a1, EVAL(a2, env)) when "let*" let_env = new Env(env) for k,i in a1 when i %% 2 == 0 let_env.set(a1[i], EVAL(a1[i+1], let_env)) ast = a2 env = let_env when "do" eval_ast(ast[1..-2], env) ast = ast[ast.length-1] when "if" cond = EVAL(a1, env) if cond == null or cond == false if a3? then ast = a3 else return null else ast = a2 when "fn*" return types._function(EVAL, a2, env, a1) else [f, args...] = eval_ast ast, env if types._function_Q(f) ast = f.__ast__ env = f.__gen_env__(args) else return f(args...) # print PRINT = (exp) -> printer._pr_str exp, true # repl repl_env = new Env() rep = (str) -> PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env)) # defined using CoffeeScript repl_env.set types._symbol(k), v for k,v of core.ns repl_env.set types._symbol('eval'), (ast) -> EVAL(ast, repl_env) repl_env.set types._symbol('*ARGV*'), [] # core.mal: defined using the language itself rep("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))"); rep("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))"); if process? && process.argv.length > 2 repl_env.set types._symbol('*ARGV*'), process.argv[3..] rep('(load-file "' + process.argv[2] + '")') process.exit 0 # repl loop while (line = readline.readline("user> ")) != null continue if line == "" try console.log rep line catch exc continue if exc instanceof reader.BlankException if exc.stack then console.log exc.stack else console.log exc # vim: ts=2:sw=2