Imports System Imports System.IO Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports Mal Imports MalVal = Mal.types.MalVal Imports MalInt = Mal.types.MalInt Imports MalString = Mal.types.MalString Imports MalSymbol = Mal.types.MalSymbol Imports MalList = Mal.types.MalList Imports MalVector = Mal.types.MalVector Imports MalHashMap = Mal.types.MalHashMap Imports MalFunc = Mal.types.MalFunc Imports MalEnv = Mal.env.Env Namespace Mal Class stepA_mal ' read Shared Function READ(str As String) As MalVal Return reader.read_str(str) End Function ' eval Shared Function is_pair(x As MalVal) As Boolean return TypeOf x Is MalList AndAlso _ DirectCast(x,MalList).size() > 0 End Function Shared Function quasiquote(ast As MalVal) As MalVal If not is_pair(ast) Then return New MalList(New MalSymbol("quote"), ast) Else Dim a0 As MalVal = DirectCast(ast,MalList)(0) If TypeOf a0 Is MalSymbol AndAlso _ DirectCast(a0,MalSymbol).getName() = "unquote" Then return DirectCast(ast,MalList)(1) Else If is_pair(a0) Then Dim a00 As MalVal = DirectCast(a0,MalList)(0) If TypeOf a00 is MalSymbol AndAlso _ DirectCast(a00,MalSymbol).getName() = "splice-unquote" Then return New MalList(New MalSymbol("concat"), DirectCast(a0,MalList)(1), quasiquote(DirectCast(ast,MalList).rest())) End If End If return New MalList(New MalSymbol("cons"), quasiquote(a0), quasiquote(DirectCast(ast,MalList).rest())) End If End Function Shared Function is_macro_call(ast As MalVal, env As MalEnv) As Boolean If TypeOf ast Is MalList Then Dim a0 As MalVal = DirectCast(ast,MalList)(0) If TypeOf a0 Is MalSymbol AndAlso _ env.find(DirectCast(a0,MalSymbol)) IsNot Nothing Then Dim mac As MalVal = env.do_get(DirectCast(a0,MalSymbol)) If TypeOf mac Is MalFunc AndAlso _ DirectCast(mac,MalFunc).isMacro() Then return True End If End If End If return False End Function Shared Function macroexpand(ast As MalVal, env As MalEnv) As MalVal While is_macro_call(ast, env) Dim a0 As MalSymbol = DirectCast(DirectCast(ast,MalList)(0),MalSymbol) Dim mac As MalFunc = DirectCast(env.do_get(a0),MalFunc) ast = mac.apply(DirectCast(ast,MalList).rest()) End While return ast End Function Shared Function eval_ast(ast As MalVal, env As MalEnv) As MalVal If TypeOf ast Is MalSymbol Then return env.do_get(DirectCast(ast, MalSymbol)) Else If TypeOf ast Is MalList Then Dim old_lst As MalList = DirectCast(ast, MalList) Dim new_lst As MalList If ast.list_Q() Then new_lst = New MalList Else new_lst = DirectCast(New MalVector, MalList) End If Dim mv As MalVal For Each mv in old_lst.getValue() new_lst.conj_BANG(EVAL(mv, env)) Next return new_lst Else If TypeOf ast Is MalHashMap Then Dim new_dict As New Dictionary(Of String, MalVal) Dim entry As KeyValuePair(Of String, MalVal) For Each entry in DirectCast(ast,MalHashMap).getValue() new_dict.Add(entry.Key, EVAL(DirectCast(entry.Value,MalVal), env)) Next return New MalHashMap(new_dict) Else return ast End If return ast End Function ' TODO: move to types.vb when it is ported Class FClosure Public ast As MalVal Public params As MalList Public env As MalEnv Function fn(args as MalList) As MalVal return EVAL(ast, new MalEnv(env, params, args)) End Function End Class Shared Function EVAL(orig_ast As MalVal, env As MalEnv) As MalVal Do 'Console.WriteLine("EVAL: {0}", printer._pr_str(orig_ast, true)) If not orig_ast.list_Q() Then return eval_ast(orig_ast, env) End If ' apply list Dim expanded As MalVal = macroexpand(orig_ast, env) if not expanded.list_Q() Then return eval_ast(expanded, env) End If Dim ast As MalList = DirectCast(expanded, MalList) If ast.size() = 0 Then return ast End If Dim a0 As MalVal = ast(0) Dim a0sym As String If TypeOf a0 is MalSymbol Then a0sym = DirectCast(a0,MalSymbol).getName() Else a0sym = "__<*fn*>__" End If Select a0sym Case "def!" Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1) Dim a2 As MalVal = ast(2) Dim res As MalVal = EVAL(a2, env) env.do_set(DirectCast(a1,MalSymbol), res) return res Case "let*" Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1) Dim a2 As MalVal = ast(2) Dim key As MalSymbol Dim val as MalVal Dim let_env As new MalEnv(env) For i As Integer = 0 To (DirectCast(a1,MalList)).size()-1 Step 2 key = DirectCast(DirectCast(a1,MalList)(i),MalSymbol) val = DirectCast(a1,MalList)(i+1) let_env.do_set(key, EVAL(val, let_env)) Next orig_ast = a2 env = let_env Case "quote" return ast(1) Case "quasiquote" orig_ast = quasiquote(ast(1)) Case "defmacro!" Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1) Dim a2 As MalVal = ast(2) Dim res As MalVal = EVAL(a2, env) DirectCast(res,MalFunc).setMacro() env.do_set(DirectCast(a1,MalSymbol), res) return res Case "macroexpand" Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1) return macroexpand(a1, env) Case "try*" Try return EVAL(ast(1), env) Catch e As Exception If ast.size() > 2 Then Dim exc As MalVal Dim a2 As MalVal = ast(2) Dim a20 As MalVal = DirectCast(a2,MalList)(0) If DirectCast(a20,MalSymbol).getName() = "catch*" Then If TypeOf e Is Mal.types.MalException Then exc = DirectCast(e,Mal.types.MalException).getValue() Else exc = New MalString(e.StackTrace) End If return EVAL( DirectCast(a2,MalList)(2), New MalEnv(env, DirectCast(a2,MalList).slice(1,2), New MalList(exc))) End If Throw e End If End Try Case "do" eval_ast(ast.slice(1, ast.size()-1), env) orig_ast = ast(ast.size()-1) Case "if" Dim a1 As MalVal = ast(1) Dim cond As MalVal = EVAL(a1, env) If cond Is Mal.types.Nil or cond Is Mal.types.MalFalse Then ' eval false slot form If ast.size() > 3 Then orig_ast = ast(3) Else return Mal.types.Nil End If Else ' eval true slot form orig_ast = ast(2) End If Case "fn*" Dim fc As New FClosure() fc.ast = ast(2) fc.params = DirectCast(ast(1),MalLIst) fc.env = env Dim f As Func(Of MalList, MalVal) = AddressOf fc.fn Dim mf As new MalFunc(ast(2), env, DirectCast(ast(1),MalList), f) return DirectCast(mf,MalVal) Case Else Dim el As MalList = DirectCast(eval_ast(ast, env), MalList) Dim f As MalFunc = DirectCast(el(0), MalFunc) Dim fnast As MalVal = f.getAst() If not fnast Is Nothing orig_ast = fnast env = f.genEnv( Else Return f.apply( End If End Select Loop While True End Function ' print Shared Function PRINT(exp As MalVal) As String return printer._pr_str(exp, TRUE) End Function ' repl Shared repl_env As MalEnv Shared Function REP(str As String) As String Return PRINT(EVAL(READ(str), repl_env)) End Function Shared Function do_eval(args As MalList) As MalVal Return EVAL(args(0), repl_env) End Function Shared Function Main As Integer Dim args As String() = Environment.GetCommandLineArgs() repl_env = New MalEnv(Nothing) ' core.vb: defined using VB.NET For Each entry As KeyValuePair(Of String,MalVal) In core.ns() repl_env.do_set(new MalSymbol(entry.Key), entry.Value) Next repl_env.do_set(new MalSymbol("eval"), new MalFunc(AddressOf do_eval)) Dim fileIdx As Integer = 1 If args.Length > 1 AndAlso args(1) = "--raw" Then Mal.readline.SetMode(Mal.readline.Modes.Raw) fileIdx = 2 End If Dim argv As New MalList() For i As Integer = fileIdx+1 To args.Length-1 argv.conj_BANG(new MalString(args(i))) Next repl_env.do_set(new MalSymbol("*ARGV*"), argv) ' core.mal: defined using the language itself REP("(def! *host-language* ""VB.NET"")") REP("(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))") REP("(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str ""(do "" (slurp f) "")"")))))") REP("(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw ""odd number of forms to cond"")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))") REP("(def! *gensym-counter* (atom 0))") REP("(def! gensym (fn* [] (symbol (str ""G__"" (swap! *gensym-counter* (fn* [x] (+ 1 x)))))))") REP("(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) (let* (condvar (gensym)) `(let* (~condvar ~(first xs)) (if ~condvar ~condvar (or ~@(rest xs)))))))))") If args.Length > fileIdx Then REP("(load-file """ & args(fileIdx) & """)") return 0 End If ' repl loop Dim line As String REP("(println (str ""Mal ["" *host-language* ""]""))") Do Try line = Mal.readline.Readline("user> ") If line is Nothing Then Exit Do End If If line = "" Then Continue Do End If Catch e As IOException Console.WriteLine("IOException: " & e.Message) End Try Try Console.WriteLine(REP(line)) Catch e As Mal.types.MalException Console.WriteLine("Error: " & _ printer._pr_str(e.getValue(), False)) Continue Do Catch e As Exception Console.WriteLine("Error: " & e.Message) Console.WriteLine(e.StackTrace) Continue Do End Try Loop While True End function End Class End Namespace