#!/usr/bin/env racket #lang racket (require "readline.rkt" "types.rkt" "reader.rkt" "printer.rkt" "env.rkt" "core.rkt") ;; read (define (READ str) (read_str str)) ;; eval (define (is-pair x) (and (_sequential? x) (> (_count x) 0))) (define (quasiquote ast) (cond [(not (is-pair ast)) (list 'quote ast)] [(equal? 'unquote (_nth ast 0)) (_nth ast 1)] [(and (is-pair (_nth ast 0)) (equal? 'splice-unquote (_nth (_nth ast 0) 0))) (list 'concat (_nth (_nth ast 0) 1) (quasiquote (_rest ast)))] [else (list 'cons (quasiquote (_nth ast 0)) (quasiquote (_rest ast)))])) (define (macro? ast env) (and (list? ast) (symbol? (first ast)) (not (equal? null (send env find (first ast)))) (let ([fn (send env get (first ast))]) (and (malfunc? fn) (malfunc-macro? fn))))) (define (macroexpand ast env) (if (macro? ast env) (let ([mac (malfunc-fn (send env get (first ast)))]) (macroexpand (apply mac (rest ast)) env)) ast)) (define (eval-ast ast env) (cond [(symbol? ast) (send env get ast)] [(_sequential? ast) (_map (lambda (x) (EVAL x env)) ast)] [(hash? ast) (make-hash (dict-map ast (lambda (k v) (cons k (EVAL v env)))))] [else ast])) (define (EVAL ast env) ;(printf "~a~n" (pr_str ast true)) (if (not (list? ast)) (eval-ast ast env) (let ([ast (macroexpand ast env)]) (if (not (list? ast)) ast (let ([a0 (_nth ast 0)]) (cond [(eq? 'def! a0) (send env set (_nth ast 1) (EVAL (_nth ast 2) env))] [(eq? 'let* a0) (let ([let-env (new Env% [outer env] [binds null] [exprs null])]) (_map (lambda (b_e) (send let-env set (_first b_e) (EVAL (_nth b_e 1) let-env))) (_partition 2 (_to_list (_nth ast 1)))) (EVAL (_nth ast 2) let-env))] [(eq? 'quote a0) (_nth ast 1)] [(eq? 'quasiquote a0) (EVAL (quasiquote (_nth ast 1)) env)] [(eq? 'defmacro! a0) (let* ([func (EVAL (_nth ast 2) env)] [mac (struct-copy malfunc func [macro? #t])]) (send env set (_nth ast 1) mac))] [(eq? 'macroexpand a0) (macroexpand (_nth ast 1) env)] [(eq? 'try* a0) (if (eq? 'catch* (_nth (_nth ast 2) 0)) (let ([efn (lambda (exc) (EVAL (_nth (_nth ast 2) 2) (new Env% [outer env] [binds (list (_nth (_nth ast 2) 1))] [exprs (list exc)])))]) (with-handlers ([mal-exn? (lambda (exc) (efn (mal-exn-val exc)))] [string? (lambda (exc) (efn exc))] [exn:fail? (lambda (exc) (efn (format "~a" exc)))]) (EVAL (_nth ast 1) env))) (EVAL (_nth ast 1)))] [(eq? 'do a0) (eval-ast (drop (drop-right ast 1) 1) env) (EVAL (last ast) env)] [(eq? 'if a0) (let ([cnd (EVAL (_nth ast 1) env)]) (if (or (eq? cnd nil) (eq? cnd #f)) (if (> (length ast) 3) (EVAL (_nth ast 3) env) nil) (EVAL (_nth ast 2) env)))] [(eq? 'fn* a0) (malfunc (lambda args (EVAL (_nth ast 2) (new Env% [outer env] [binds (_nth ast 1)] [exprs args]))) (_nth ast 2) env (_nth ast 1) #f nil)] [else (let* ([el (eval-ast ast env)] [f (first el)] [args (rest el)]) (if (malfunc? f) (EVAL (malfunc-ast f) (new Env% [outer (malfunc-env f)] [binds (malfunc-params f)] [exprs args])) (apply f args)))])))))) ;; print (define (PRINT exp) (pr_str exp true)) ;; repl (define repl-env (new Env% [outer null] [binds null] [exprs null])) (define (rep str) (PRINT (EVAL (READ str) repl-env))) (for () ;; ignore return values ;; core.rkt: defined using Racket (hash-for-each core_ns (lambda (k v) (send repl-env set k v))) (send repl-env set 'eval (lambda [ast] (EVAL ast repl-env))) (send repl-env set '*ARGV* (list)) ;; core.mal: defined using the language itself (rep "(def! not (fn* (a) (if a false true)))") (rep "(def! load-file (fn* (f) (eval (read-string (str \"(do \" (slurp f) \")\")))))") (rep "(defmacro! cond (fn* (& xs) (if (> (count xs) 0) (list 'if (first xs) (if (> (count xs) 1) (nth xs 1) (throw \"odd number of forms to cond\")) (cons 'cond (rest (rest xs)))))))") (rep "(defmacro! or (fn* (& xs) (if (empty? xs) nil (if (= 1 (count xs)) (first xs) `(let* (or_FIXME ~(first xs)) (if or_FIXME or_FIXME (or ~@(rest xs))))))))") ) (define (repl-loop) (let ([line (readline "user> ")]) (when (not (eq? nil line)) (with-handlers ([string? (lambda (exc) (printf "Error: ~a~n" exc))] [mal-exn? (lambda (exc) (printf "Error: ~a~n" (pr_str (mal-exn-val exc) true)))] [blank-exn? (lambda (exc) null)]) (printf "~a~n" (rep line))) (repl-loop)))) (let ([args (current-command-line-arguments)]) (if (> (vector-length args) 0) (for () (rep (string-append "(load-file \"" (vector-ref args 0) "\")"))) (repl-loop)))